MC Barao, 28, hopes to be a successful fitness model. Her goal is to be in bodybuilding magazines, etc., and while my guess is that most bodybuilding magazines are bias against the Asian body type, my hope is that she is successful.
Age: 28
Height: 5’4
Weight: 110 (all muscle)
Shoe Size: 6.5
Ethnicity: Filipina
Location: Houston, TX

YouTube Interview and Photoshoot
Some Additional Photos
Future Homepage
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YAY First!
BABE, i like em toned!
Travis, kudos! This has to be your best posting. She’s gorgeous. I love the toned body.
Her face isn’t the best, she cute enough I guess. The body is bangin’ though. Nice!!!
Travis, now you’re speaking my language. Actually, you’ve always spoken my language, but still.
This girl is so hot. Love the toned body! What I would give to have her as my workout partner or to even see her at the gym. Us gym rats have to stick together.
wow…ridiculously hot
wow yeah, she’s really pretty. She’s also very fit without looking too masculine. Points for that. 🙂
Yeah, I was really impressed with MC when I caught her profile at ModelMayhem a couple of weeks ago. I wonder what her diet is like.
So, is Jappalino going to be next, Travis?
I saw Jappalino today when I was making this post. I don’t think so right now, unless you would like her featured. I have a really big list already that I’m trying to go through, and I’m only adding people that have a great deal of photos I like. Jappalino is cute, but she doesn’t have any photos I really want to feature.
Also, you want to know her diet?
Wow what a perfect body!! Perfect amount of muscle =)
very very nice and toned.
Wow, in my mind she’s simply gorgeous……
Her body’s amazing and gotta say that I really really like her face
Very nice body… Nearly perfect from my point of view.
O.M.G travis..i like i like..now this is what im talking about. DAMNN…
to bad i hate fitness
Another great looking woman… fit is so so sexy.
I do like ’em trim and fit, but I’m surprised nobody else finds here a bit masculine, particularly her face.
Her boobs looks fake and she looks like she’s mix.
Yet another case where the model varies considerably from pic to pic. In the first two her facial features seem quite feminine. In the last, her face reminds me eerily of Daniel Craig (007 in “Quantum of Solace”) – like a younger sister.
MC is the real deal. Fantastic. I’m off to the gym. This girl obviously has some great genes, but this takes a lot of work.
OMG! This one is MUCH closer to a perfect 10 than the 10 Will Sparrow posted! I can’t find any flaws with her at all! Asian and a bodybuilder; hot, just doesn’t describe accurately how hot she is!
I don’t think she is masculine at all, unless by masculine you mean devoid of the body fat that is common to most women to give them soft curves. Just because her body and face is devoid (missing isn’t right because she is not less of a woman because it isn’t there) of that fat and softness doesn’t make her guy-like to me.
She does not appear Hulk-ish or dosed up on steroids. She looks like a woman who devotes a lot of time and effort to taking care of herself and keeping in top shape.
i say 10! :))
awesome… great picts, 10!
So me and urgal are really the only people who think her face looks very masculine in some pics?
I don’t have any complaints about her body itself (I do like ’em trim and fit, and she’s not too bulky like a lot of body builder types), but in combination with her face, I think it gives a quite masculine overall impression.
Yeah, I don’t really see it. But to each his own.
“So me and urgal are really the only people…”
I am with you on that front. Yes, some of those shots make her face seem quite masculine–and unappealing. All this perfect 10 stuff is rather baffling.
In addition, I wager that the removal of her top would not be a pleasant experience for me.
I do like her abs, legs, and butt.
yes nice body
very pretty woman
must be smiling a little bit more and his face will be better
Now this is a Perfect 10. The previous one not quite so.
I think she looks fantastic. im sure when she isnt cut for posing, the softer look over that toned body would appeal to more people. Pic 7 and 8 look softer and more sensual. Very sexy.
I like every bit of this girl. Great legs.
Not a perfect 10, but close to a high 8.
I just had to visit this thread again to stare in awe. In case no one noticed, I adore asian workout-obsessed females and this one fits the bill perfectly.
I’m at my gym almost every day and I can guarantee there are no girls who work out there like MC. Man, that would be some serious inspiration if there were.
She looka like a man to me. For me the problem is that she is too muscular. I like em fit, but not too fit. She has the perfect body, but combined with her face gives her a masculine look that I don’t find sexy and overall I don’t find her all that attractive.
I do want to run my hands across her stomach though.
She’s pretty and her abs turn me on. Actually her whole body. Good to appreciate.
Unlike other models, though, you cannot blame her for being overly muscular because that is the type of model she wants to be – a fitness model for fitness magazines. As such, she better be buff otherwise she is not going to succeed in that world. Certainly a different set of criteria than other types of models.
Can’t be a 10 w/o a little nudity*) I like everything about her, and I agree that pics 7 and 8 are the most sensual. Very nicely shaped butt.
I know what she is trying to be. I can’t blame her for what she is trying to be, but since she has been featured on here, then I am just giving my opinion on her which is that she’s just not my cup of tea.
I can’t really judge her by a different set of criteria since there aren’t that many Asian fitness models to compare her to to make a fair comparison. The only knock on her is that her face could be cuter so that she wouldn’t look so mannish, but she has the perfect body to succeed in the fitness world unless the fitness world hates on Asian women.
From another post above. Well you know she’s hot when other women on here are posting negative comments and hating on her. 🙂
“Her boobs looks fake and she looks like she’s mix”
MC is awesome and one of the best post on here ever imho!
Steve, Her boobs are fake and she does look mix is a negative comment than you must be the smartest man on here-not!
So does that make her hot? I mean to me she’s hot, but I’m no woman. 😉
Thanks for clearing that up, Arf.
I’m glad to know that too. 🙂
Doc: I’d have to agree. My first impression was that she looked a bit too masculine for my taste – facially anyway.
I’m not complaining about the exceptionally toned body though – it’s not usually my thing, but I think it’s quite impressive.
She’s got a good bod, but Sunghi still is queen when it comes to fitness model type Asian girls.
There is a God and she gives blessings to some – many…
A hard woman is good 2 find, I’d wrastle her, & I probably wouldnt even have 2 let her win, shes built!, reminds me of Sunghi, only not quiet as much meat on the bones!
Full of muscles. Hard woman.