Mai from Cafe Lu


Cafe Lu, it’s a Vietnamese coffee house, it’s in OC California, it’s like hooters but with bikinis and Asian girls. Sound good to you? Sounds good to me!

Mai is IMO their hottest waitress (apart from maybe Amy Fay but Candyman already featured her). From top to bottom Mai has got it all in spades, what’s there not to like about this one? Asian beauty at it’s best.

Cafe Lu should be paying me for this post, or at least some free coffee or something (totally worth the trip from mainland China). I’m sure some of our readers have been down there or at least will once they’ve read this post, let us know what you think in the comments. Also any links to Mai’s non Cafe Lu pics would be greatly appreciated, please and thank you.











Oh Mai, what a girl this one is!
Did you get it? ‘Mai’ sound like ‘my’.
I bet she’s never heard that joke before…
tumbleweed rolls by, Shuai ge hangs head in shame

Mai Stats

Age: ???
Height: ???
Ethnicity: Vietnamese / Chinese ???
From: ???

Mai @ Cafe Lu’s Website
Cafe Lu @ Tumblr
Cafe Lu @ Google Image Search
Cafe Lu @ Facebook

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0 thoughts on “Mai from Cafe Lu”

  1. She’s just like my favourite kind of coffee: hot and sweet!
    They say the job of the waitress is at the bottom. Well I’d love to be at that waitress’s bottom…and her co-workers’ rears aren’t too shabby either.
    Oh and Doc, still trying to figure out from your lesson, just how to say ‘My’. Between vowels ‘a’ and ‘e’ you say? Norman Gunston (google him dipper lol) would probably say ‘Moi’ but that’s wrong!

  2. pretty sure her real name is katrina pecheco, she also works at another bikini bar/lounge called the lounge, she is filipina, real nice girl

  3. I googled Katrina Pecheco, and came up up with Katrina Pacheco, who is very pretty but I am sure is not the same lady.

  4. @longtack: the sound is not exactly the same as anything in English. It’s closest to “Mee”, but leaning toward “May”. Vietnamese has a lot of alien vowel sounds for English speakers (with various inflections), which we have trouble distinguishing. But on the flip side, we have a lot more consonant sounds that Vietnamese often have trouble distinguishing or saying e.g. they almost always say “x” as “k” e.g. “sik” instead of 6.

  5. @aeser: if she really is Filipina then she looks amazingly Viet-like – it’s possible I guess, but highly unlikely. Can anybody give me any links?

  6. Dr Lee, I dips me lid to you; you are certainly one heck of a cunning linguist 😉

    btw, (and I posted a link to her appearance at Cafe Lu on her AS page) that appears to be Jennie Reid – the only one topless – in the 2nd last pic above.

  7. If this place was remotely in my vicinity I would drop by daily for coffee, even if it was terrible. She has a great figure. I would like to see more of the girl on the right in the 2nd last pic.

  8. Luke72, as well as the forum txdrhntr mentioned, you ought to be able to find her at the Cafe Lu website (see the link above for Mai). Under the Waitress tab. The one second from left in that pic isn’t bad either.

  9. Please for the love of god, someone pop down there, find out what this girls full name is so we can find her other work. I bet it’s amazing.

    It’s impossible to search for anything with just the word ‘mai’.

  10. Holy crap, I don’t care what anyone says. Vietnamese and Filipina girls are the hottest on the planet. Any planet. Any where.

    How have I not known about this place? Going there this weekend for sure.

  11. Uh, hate to be the bearer of bad news. But these ‘cafes’ came under scrutiny during 2011 – notice the last post is April of last year. Not just because of the women in skimpy suits serving coffee – other illegal activity – gambling, drug sales, gang activity – were taking place in/around the facilities. I believe they were going to be shut down. Also, heard the women were not very friendly – unless you already knew them. I will try to find out – might take one for the team if any of them survived.

  12. Oh yeah, and Shuai Ge, assuming the place is still operating, maybe they could ask her birth year too. Well, according to the website, that’s what you can do … apparently.
    lol, hope slackerking reads WestCoast’s post before he goes.

  13. Mai is sexy, but it looks like most of the girls who work there are. I’d stop by if I were anywhere close.

  14. I’ve been there, and to a couple other viet cafes. I have to say Mai doesn’t impress me as much as some, much younger, that I have seen in my own eyes. too bad for the tats…
    For those who won’t have the chance to sample the coffee, no worry. The girls aren’t that friendly, you have a better chance to talk to a girl in a strip club. It’s eye candy for the time spent slurping on these very tasty sugared coffees, then you leave for more action somewhere else.

  15. Actually Shuai, I’m sceptical too, which is one reason why I asked for more info. Although if jupiterog actually does give us more info, more the better!

  16. Ha, I doubt I’m going to actually get there this weekend, I’d have to lose my wife and it’s her birthday weekend but the place is definitely open and busy and I’ll get there soon. I’m sure the girls aren’t friendly, if you know anything about Bolsa you’d understand why. Lots of gangsters and a very insular culture in the area and they probably get hit on by almost every patron that comes in in addition.

  17. Ah, so her surname is Nguyen – now that’s a surprise. 😉 Anybody else ‘friended’ her? Are there good pics on her Facebook page?

  18. She’s a Mother I’d Like/Love to ‘Friend’.
    And how many Nguyen’s you reckon are in the Hanoi phonebook Doc?

  19. hapy to be proved wrong by jupiterog. Nguyen, I could have guessed that really. Just like Wang or Li for Chinese people.

    Still finding it difficult to get pics of her outside of the cafe though.

  20. she looks great with hair down,in particular long and straight,with hair up not so pretty,although very nice body

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