I don’t know how it’s possible that I can’t find anything on Tong Phuong Linh. She’s pretty, she has some high quality photos, and otherwise she doesn’t seem to exist. Part of that is likely because Google Translate is an absolute killer with Vietnamese. Or maybe I’m just bad with it. But if anyone can find more photos of Tong Phuong Linh, post away. I don’t even think her 4th photo looks like her but it showed up numerous times in the search so I posted it anyway.Stats:
Age: ?
Height: ?
Located: Vietnam
Ethnicity: Vietnamese

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She’s nice and I’d say pic 4 is her. Hope someone finds more pics of her cos Tamtay is blocked for me.
Well, hmmm Tamtay DID open, but what’s the point of posting the link if no new pics of her there Travis?
Well one, there is another photo in there, and two, we’re supposed to cite our sources.
Freaking Asian Sirens rocks these days. That is all.
beautiful! and with that vietnamese attitude….
I’m still a sucker for Vietnamese girls – this one is certainly no exception.
she gives off a bit of a bitchy vibe…i like the cuter types
It should be a law that all beautiful Vietnamese women have to post provocative pictures of themselves. Pic 2 (bw) is classic VN look I love.