

Lyzelle is an alternative model from the UK. At first I thought she only had a basic portfolio and because I only found one name it was hard to find much on her, but I did find an interesting gallery that implied she worked for low budget websites for a while, so hopefully I can try to find more of these galleries in the future.Stats:

Age: 22
Height: 5’0
Located: Edinbaugh, UK
Ethnicity: ?










Coed Cherry
Deviant Art

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0 thoughts on “Lyzelle”

  1. Firstly, great site. I’ve been following it for a while but this will be my first post… Secondly, I think location should read: Edinburgh, UK 🙂
    And in regards to the girl… I’m not too sure what my initial thoughts are…

  2. OH YES! There IS a god! Or in this case, a Goddess!
    When I called ‘next’ I didn’t expect Lyzelle to pop up.
    Cheeky looking, sexy as hell, a very nice bod and she wears GLASSES!… occasionally. The lip stud/ring..hmmmm oh well I could get used to that.
    Every pic a winner.
    oh and Hi Jay. You mean there couldn’t be an Edinbaugh in the UK. 😉

  3. ummm yeahhhh TX///M..her face in the pics above looks very nice.
    The last 2 pics (from the coed site) however, show her face to be a little ‘hard’ (but the body!! mmmm).
    If you look ‘through’ the heavy makeup her beauty I think can be seen.
    But in the deviantART pics, she looks positively ravishing again.

  4. I find girls with accents to be really attractive and I really love a good English accent. 2nd and 4th photo are nice but what is with that tattoo, it’s a bit of an eyesore.

  5. Good jaw, good lips, good arms.

    Her poses in almost all photos are extremely awkward.

    In gold silky sheets photo it looks like her body was dumped from a helicopter.

  6. You know I think you are right Longtack and she is quite pretty under the makeup but it really is a horrible job. Her body is very nice but the midriff tatt is again a poor choice.

  7. Love that black and white pics, she looks really pretty in them and that body is tight. The color pics just ok for me, but she looks like trouble (in a good way)

  8. Sexy, Sexy, Sexy! She may have the perfect body and just a beautifull overall lady. Time to go visit the U.K.

  9. Hey Longtack, not as far as I am aware I’m afraid 😉

    Edinburgh is a lovely city, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting it numerous times, but yet never catching a glimpse of some of the more cultured displays on offer (see above).

    Saying that…I’m not an avid fan of the shower pictures here… I much prefer the softer face that seems to be captured in the first two pictures on offer. I pretty much agree with all of the above comments as well 🙂

  10. At first I was blown away, especially with the shots where she’s sticking her butt up in the air. The last shots changed my mind some though, especially since they showcase her over-the-top eyebrows.

  11.’ll be disapainted at the accent methinks. Scots, thank god, don’t have the bludy English accent! SCOTS WI HAE!! (:-p

  12. Wingsfan I’m with you on that pic. Her face looks softer and so much nicer.
    Her nice tits peeking over the bra compensate for the (minor) distraction of the tat and look just sensational.
    Gotta check out more of those galleries.

  13. you think so? Can you say why?
    Have you seen all the galleries at Deviant Art? Some shots there are just amazing; you wouldn’t think it’s the same girl.

  14. I’m on the same road as wylde8. At first I though wow, superb, then got to the glasses pic’s and thought she spoiled it, and by the end, oh yeah, it’s spoiled.

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