Lynda Wong

2010/04/28 UPDATE: Apparently, the comments attributed to Linda below are fake. In reality, she actually thinks she’s too “good” to be featured on a site with nudity, as suggested by her refusal to do even implied nudity herself (even though she works as a go-go dancer!). She cites this Dove campaign to justify her position, yet this campaign has absolutely nothing to do with nudity whatsoever. Indeed, it attacks the fashion and cosmetics industries for their promotion of an unhealthy body image, while ironically, most adult models have relatively healthy bodies (especially compared with fashion models). Plus if you take Dove’s campaign to its logical conclusion (to be comfortable with your own body as it is), then you could say that nudity should actually be encouraged! I will have more to say on all this hypocritical discrimination against nudity in a future article – the Doc.

Lynda Wong is an amateur model from California. I actually found her profile by accident when I was searching for a friend of the same name. I LOVE this girl. Just a top quality beauty for me. And at only 19, I’m hoping she sticks around for a while.Stats:

Age: 19
Height: 5’3
Ethnicity: Burmese
Located: California




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0 thoughts on “Lynda Wong”

  1. Red Dress,Red Umbrella,a little smile,beautiful legs…yum yum!!

    Thanks for all the visual-treats this week Travis & CEC!!

  2. “I LOVE this girl. Just a top quality beauty for me.”

    I agree, Travis. She is very sexy. Nice lithe body. That Burmese face is very alluring. Great find.

    Yes, NIGHTHAWK. Yum, yum indeed!

  3. I like very much, again, nice to see variety here, Burmese women is a nice feature. I feel like a dirty old man though.

  4. Dear Lynda, being only 19, take my advice. Stay far away from anyone who says a tattoo here and there will make you look sexier. Stay even further away from anyone who says breast enhancement is a must for your modeling success.

  5. HELL YES!!!!! What a find!

    I am absolutely floored that she has a link on her model profile to a video from the “Dove campaign”.

    “I’d like to keep my photos clean and if your wondering why.. Here is the reason ->

    Self-esteem, confidence, school, acting, beauty, assertiveness, Choir practice (!) and very nice artistic photography.

    She is already following jleetechie’s advice because she won’t go the whole SoCal route – she is NOT a commodity.

    She is gorgeous! And the type you can bring home to mom πŸ™‚

    On a personal note: I came to this forum thinking Vietnamese…now I think, Burmese, Chinese, Japanese, etc…..too much good things.

    Travis: Job Well Done! Thank you!

  6. I also strongly hope that she follows the advice of jleetechie.

    And I share French’s enthusiasm for her choices thus far.

    My kind of Asian siren.

  7. She’s incredible.

    Great photo shoot, great style, great perfect pretty face… I’m in love.

  8. She is a real Asian Siren!!!

    I was already thinking about a trip to Burma and she reinforced this idea… πŸ™‚

  9. Oh my. She’s truly gorgeous. If the opening pic wasn’t enough to make up my mind, the other pics sealed the deal.

  10. Stunning! My IQ would drop at least 50 points if I was lucky enough to be in the same room with her.

  11. Here we go again – yet another case where I am very surprised by the gushing responses to this girl. The last pic makes her legs look very stocky, but fortunately that’s just a very bad angle (what was the photographer thinking?). And in some of her photos (for example her profile pic), her face really looks quite unattractive to me. I now suspect this is largely due to poor makeup, lighting and (once again) bad angles, but even without these problems, I just find this girl unremarkable at best.

  12. The good doctor is in on this one, and I almost agree with him completely. I would say this might be a case of “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. I think probably her natural beauty would outshine some of the photos on her profile page. I would even go so far as to say her eye makeup is not just poor in some of those shots, but ghastly. Just too much and not well done. Also, not wild about the eyebrows that look to be “over-plucked”. Overall it just seems to be the inconsistency of her profile photos that bother me. But she has a certain something.

  13. Chalk it up to “everyone has their own taste” – and then put me in the column with most of the rest of the board. I think she’s stunning: great legs, sexy hips, magnificent lips… I’ll agree about the eyebrows, but aside from that, she’s one of the best-looking girls to have ever been featured on this site.

  14. yeah, i just want to know from the guys that are attracted to her face – what do you guys find attractive about her face?

    i’m with doc on this one, unfortunately.

  15. @ Christine I think that the generally positive response is based on a couple of things, the angle of her hips in the first photo is very sexy. She seems to have quite a long neck and in some pictures slightly cross eyes which I like and with her full lips give her an innocent appeal. It is also nice to see a model with straight black hair.
    I agree especially after viewing your links that the responses may be a bit extreme but I like her.

  16. @ RichG, i don’t think she’s had work done; she just doesn’t have a giant strip of black eyeliner above her eyes, and she’s actually facing the camera face-on. i think this is good evidence of “no angles = no lies.” myspace angles are deceptive!

    you can see she has only one other [clear, non-heavily airbrushed] photo of herself sans eyeliner here, and she doesn’t really look that different.

  17. @Christine, I agree w/u on the photography part of it; I was a professional photographer before I found a happier and less stressful life. I think that is what bothers me so much when I see a “portfolio” like hers. ( Very mixed, almost before and after.)
    Like Dr.Lee I hate her profile pic because the photographer botched it. And I have seen on set some makeup artist do amazing things…
    but her upper lip also seem to be different beyond any make up. Maybe that is the photo-shopping, which was before my time working.

    I do think she has a certain undefined quality. I agree w/u and Doc though; and until she has professional make up and photography she seems to be more like the girl next door type rather than like a Kama Lo for example. Like Travis said, she is an amateur model and hopefully she will make it in some capacity.

  18. stocky legs are awesome !

    If all of Burma’s girls looked like this, going overseas for wives would be a growth industry.

  19. From christine’s link:


    As for what I find attractive about her face and overall appearance, it’s her all natural and ‘girl next door/at work’ looks that really appeal to me. No boob job, no surgery to make her appear less ethnic (maybe the lips but that’s no biggie), no tattoos. Now I am not a fanatic about zero tattoos but it’s nice here.

  20. Cute girl, but if you live in LA, you average seeing a hundred asian girls a day of this caliber.

    (Sure, I know South Miami see a hundred girls a day in South Beach that are Supermodels, but that particular city is its own planet πŸ˜‰

    Red umbrella is her best shot and many of the rest seem to be plagued by unfortunate eyebrow shape or eye makeup.

    I wouldn’t put too much stock in the last photo. Even the texture and sheen of her socks are photoshopped.

  21. One of my favorite types of posts: Where I am at (or at this place, that place, or the other), women who look like this are a dime a dozen, as common as flies on feces. Why I must see a thousand women a day walking past my front door who look better than this. Then a few threads later you see the same brother shouting to the heavens in praise of some woman who doesn’t look half as good–to you at least.

    Also: Granted, framing and presentation are very important, and can have a big effect on appearance. Critiquing presentation is a valuable exercise, especially with the prevalence and power of make-up, photoshopping, etc. But we must also remember that for every person on this planet, no matter how beautiful, there are some photographs in which they appear MUCH less attractive than othersβ€”and at least part of this can be related to the fact that at certain moments and in certain situations/circumstances people do look better or worse than at the next moment/hour/day. (And photos are mere traces, stenciled off the real, slices in time that can in fact distort people’s perception of the real–and all that Sontagian stuff [sure they taught that at Cal].)

    I like these very much:

    …and enjoyed the Dove vid linked on her model profile, too.

  22. @ knarf, re: Sontagian stuff @ Cal.

    we’ve been really busy sitting in trees, and/or occupying university buildings in protest as of late. so, that hasn’t really been a priority in our curriculum. but maybe next semester?

    also LOL at your stereotype of the “dime a dozen” comments.

    to these posters — san francisco too! basically any urban CA area will have a lot of asians. we luv CA! disneyland is so kawaii! victory! Y(~__^)Y

  23. also, i feel a little weirded out seeing this girl’s high school pics (only 2-3 years ago!) and then seeing her transformation into a go-go dancer. i just thought wow, they grow up so fast…sigh. it reminded me of my teenage days of wanting to be mature and grown-up.

  24. Knarf, I am guilty as charged, but Iceland & Siberia will always have a lot of beautiful blonde women, Venezuela and Brazil will always have a lot of beautiful dark haired women, and California will always have a lot of beautiful Asian women.

  25. Look, I have been a long time viewer, but never posted anything. Partly because I married a beatiful Thai woman and am worried she may see and become jealous because she knows my love for Asian women. However, I could not hold back on this one….

    I promise on my life this has got to be one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen in my ENTIRE LIFE..WOW!!!! Uhhhhg, Why is this world so cruel for the good lord to have created such beauty that I cannot have?!?! Wow, this lady is what Asian angels must look like… Great job on this find!!!

    However, I feel a certain amount of guilt in saying what I did above, but screw it, I totally meant it.

  26. @lordindra3

    This girl is perfect
    This girl is BEAUTIFUL

    It think her appeal is due to her young age, almost flawless skin and soft young features.

    But, I’ve dated better. I got pics if you wanna see em.

  27. Just for the record, I live in LA, and have for most of my life. (Why I feel so free to bash So Cal so often.)

    Yes, you are right Collector, there are many beautiful Asian women here. But if I saw 100 a day as nice as Ms. Wong, my meager work production would be even more paltry. (^_^)

  28. maybe he’s talking about the area near college campuses? there are a lot of asian women there. i mean, UCI is like, 50% asian. and UCLA has a pretty high asian percentage too. most of the girls look like this (Lynda). hell, her face feels familiar to me in a “you look like someone i would see wearing a cal sweatshirt and grey sweatpants, hair tied up in a bun, walking sleepy-eyed to class on monday morning” way.

  29. @Strout (and others of similar opinions): why on earth do you want glamour models to be average? Isn’t the whole point that they should be at least a cut above most other women?

  30. yeah, i just want to know from the guys that are attracted to her face – what do you guys find attractive about her face? – christine

    She comes across from the start as naturally beautiful. Not artificially perfect. For me that is a big distinction. Yes, her eyes are not wide and her mouth is narrow, in comparison to many models, but both are attractive nevertheless. The pout to the lips is very nice feature. The slinky curvaceousness is naturally sexy. Her skin color and bone structure are beautiful. Her hair is shiny, healthy, with body. What’s not to be attracted to? She’s a Burmese beauty.

  31. Nicoliservia- Yes, of course I would like to see the girl you have dated, but I would find it hard to believe that you have dated better than this girl IN MY OPINION.. She is totally my type. I tend to like the really exotic Asians. I have always dated Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, Philippines, Singapore, but yes, twice Korean, once Japanese and once Chinese. However, I like the South asians more, but just being South Asian isnt enough for me. Jasmine Fox Li (older model shots, like 99-2004) is actually my favorite import model. Its going to take a lot to prove you have dated better than ALL the girls on asian-sirens, because to me, shes that hot (minus the 13 year old elementary school photos, lol)

  32. Be very wary of any claims made by nicholiservia. πŸ™‚

    Having said that though, to my mind saying that I know many girls more attractive than this one (which I do) is no boast at all, as I really find this girl average at best (at least by glamour model standards). I don’t think Jasmine Fox Li is anything special either.

  33. I think maybe Brenda Song’s post was where we saw christine’s first comment…about twinkies and stuff. Just a wild guess…way back in the summer of 07′

  34. Dr. Lee (and others), I didn’t say anywhere that I wanted glamour girls to be average. I never got the impression that asian siren is about the most glamorous asian women around.

    I also don’t consider Lynda ‘average’ at all, in fact I thinks she’s awesome. In some shots she has that wholesome girl next door look, in others made up, looks very sexy.

    It’s the other posters here who are saying that they have seen much hotter women walking around their cities and the sort. If that’s the case these women should be on asian siren too.

    Again, what some of us find so appealing about her is that she is everything at once, sexy but natural, glamorous in some shots, girl next door in others. No implants, no tattoos, no apparent extensive PS and changes to ethnic features.

  35. wow arf, you have an excellent memory. you’re right, i think that may actually have been my first comment way back when.

  36. ‘It’s the other posters here who are saying that they have seen much hotter women walking around their cities and the sort. If that’s the case these women should be on asian siren too.”

    well, there are really hot women that don’t want to be models; instead, they choose to do something else with their careers. then, there are also not-really-that-hot women who want to be models. i think that these people are saying they see plenty of the former and find this girl to be the latter.

  37. She’s a go-go girl — and that’s a bad thing?

    All of the Asian women in Cali are above average — it’s like an oriental Lake Wobegon.

    Not stunning and perfect, but I think she’s very cute and sexy.

  38. In my view, she is stunning but does not help herself by not smiling very much. I understand some photographers dislike their subjects smiling, even telling then to pout sometimes but to me most models lose so much empathy by not smiling. A good smile from a stunning Asian girl goes right into your soul. I melt when my chinese wife smiles at me. (I melt very often)

  39. Average at best. Another sample of what decent photography, lighting, makeup and fashion artists can do for a lady.

  40. When I was growing up, we had a baby sitter from Cambodia- she was attractive, and knew martial arts (9pm bed time meant 9pm, not 9:02 pm!)….

    Lynda here reminds me of that sitter…

    Christine, I think she is pretty but the link to the Dove Campaign really nailed it for me. Maybe I sound like “Mr. Sensitive Pony-Tailed Man” (I don’t have one) but I am a sucker for people like this.

    If she stated in her profile that she was waiting for her boyfriend “Gus” to sell his tricked out Honda Civic so he could pay for SoCal breast implants for her- or that she has a PayPal address for those “gifts that are always welcome (here is what I love: Starbucks gift cards, jewelry, gift cards to the Apple Store, etc) then I probably would not think of her in the same way.

    I think she is just gorgeous- girl next door looks- which I rate higher than stick figure models or tricked out future escorts.

    But I just love that assertiveness and “knowing thyself”. That is a huge turn-on for me. Half my buddies make fun of me because I am interested in what a woman thinks. It is just how I am…

    Granted, I may have read a lot into her brief profile- if she comes out with a website next week stating Joseph Stalin was her hero, I am sure my opinion of her would change. But until that day, she is a Siren…

    I really think this person could make a good career out of modeling.

  41. Dr. Lee- I know what your saying… Its just my taste. Beauty is in the mind of the beholder, right? I have seen over 50% of the girls on this site and Im sure you think this chic is average AND I DONT! Shes perfectly my tase, but not saying she is yours. I just dont want you to think Ive just been living under a rock, lol.

  42. Hey everyone! This is Lynda and I just read all your comments. Some are positive and some are negative, but that’s alright! I appreciate all your comments because I love to hear your opinions and everyone has the right to express their thoughts. I know my face and body is flawed here and there. I’m not perfect and I don’t try to be. This is me 100% real in photoshoots I did just for fun & as a hobby. I’m not trying to be a top model and I don’t expect myself to be one. I also apoligize I’m not a professional make-up artist. I know it looks quite horrible :T but who cares! they’re just pictures. Everyone has good ones and bad ones. i AM just an amateur model. Nothing more & nothing less (:

    Thanks for all the comments
    Have a lovely day<3

  43. hey lynda, i don’t think you should think that your face and body is flawed, at all. i mean, if anything, i think the one thing you can take away from this discussion is just that everyone has really different tastes. honestly, i’m in the “i don’t see what the fuss is all about” camp, but as you probably noticed, you’re gorgeous to most of the guys here. you win some, you lose some, right? πŸ™‚ hell, even for lordindra3, you’re like the most beautiful girl on this website, so that’s saying something.

    re: makeup, you look a lot better without all that black eye makeup. maybe in the future you should try a shimmery dark grey or a shimmery dark brown and make it look smoky instead of so hard-edged? your makeup in the first photo looks a lot better than in all of the others; if you did that yourself, i think you should stick to it since it’s a good look for you.

    also, your attitude about the whole thing is really great. πŸ™‚ lots of girls seem to have wanted their pic taken down (chu kno, they juss can’t take the heat!!!), but you’re at least mature enough to know that you’ve “put yourself out there” as an amateur model and not everyone is going to like it. kudos to you, lynda! and good luck in your modeling career.

  44. LOL @ “mr. sensitive ponytail man”

    actually, when i think of dudes with ponytails i think of heavy metal. like at any moment you’re gonna pull out that ponytail holder, let your hair loose, and start headbanging and playing some mean air guitar. too much metalocalypse.

    but do you wear birkenstocks and cargo shorts? because if there are birkenstocks, random oprah facts, cargo shorts, AND a ponytail involved, then you very well could be exuding a “sensitive ponytail man” aura. (~80% chance)

  45. lol, NO, I don’t have a ponytail but I probably have that aura…

    Those were good eye make-up tips Christine. I think that would work better for Lynda. One thing I like about this site is that people will give constructive comments to the models- and respectfully argue points with one another. Professional photographers have commented on Lynda’s pics too…

    Lynda is one of the best I’ve seen on Asian-Sirens…she has a unique look, perspective, and attitude.

  46. Lynda, thanks for stopping by.

    Nobody is without flaw, physical or otherwise. But you come across as a very classy woman, in both your pictures and your words. Whatever you decide to do, I trust you will succeed if you keep that attitude.

  47. Lynda- Yes, thanks for stopping by… If you read my posts, you would see that you are exactly PERFECT for what I consider beautiful. Im glad I can get the opp to say something to you. Just like you read that my previous perfect woman was JFox Li and I ended up getting to know her personally. Shes a cool chick. Hope your a cool girl too!

    I too love the classiness. Keep it up! You can read my first post to see how I feel. no need to repeat. But again, thanks for stopping by. You are amateur, yet Im already a fan.

  48. Welcome to Asian Sirens Lynda! Thankyou for having the right attitude in relation to your post and the responses here – as Christine says, this sort of thing is to be expected when you put yourself out there as a model, except that many of them don’t! Like Christine, I am also in the “I don’t see what all the fuss is about” camp, but that doesn’t mean we think you are unattractive as such – just not in our opinion worthy of the gushing responses here. But clearly we are in the minority!

  49. Hi Lynda, thanks for stopping by. I think you are absolutely gorgeous but also pretty in that ‘girl next door’ kind of look. Not ‘average’ at all.

    Do not compare yourself to women that have had extensive plastic surgery to the point where you can’t even tell what ethnicity they are. Those kinds of women are hardly gorgeous.

    I think you are as good as any asian model in the U.S., just keep it up, have a positive attitude like you do, and you’ll have a good future ahead of you as you are only 19 years old.

  50. Dr. Lee and Christine are all class…they may not have agreed with many over the top comments, but they take the time to welcome the model, give pointers, and encourage fair debate. We are fortunate…

    Lynda, please change the word “your” to “you’re” on your model mayhem profile- as in, “In case YOU’RE wondering why…” Also, keep on truckin”.

  51. Hi Lynda, It was nice to see you respond to the post by Travis. I hope you don’t take from my comments or others that you are “flawed”. This is an “Asian Beauty Appreciation” site and many different types of women are featured here, and it appears you have a lot of new fans. Sometimes the comments can be rather pointed. While I don’t get the gushing praise that others have, I hope you take it as constructive.
    I think if you get the opportunity to work you will learn and know what works with your features and how stylists , make up artists, photographers, art directors, etc go about there jobs.
    My only other concern might be your height, which might prevent you from doing some types of work where some agencies won’t look at you unless you are at least 5’7″. At least in the West. Still best of luck to you.

  52. Ha! Asian Panty Lover’s like so silly and stuff. :)) When this does happen…I wanna see it.

  53. Lots of cute girls posted today (or since last visit) but this girl is my favorite of the bunch. She’s why I love asian women, maybe not the best body ever but a lovely face.

  54. hey arf, btw – speaking of old posts, i was looking @ your contributions to the “show us your girlfriend” post from a while ago, and i remember you showing us your bike. i think i saw someone with that cannondale model here @ school not long ago. i have a cannondale r500 and my bf rides a six13. we’re cannondale fans here, too πŸ™‚ (though when i was purchasing mine, it was a tough call between the cannondale & a bianchi). do you race?

  55. Hey christine, thanks for asking…because I do love me some bicycles…just finished riding two hours ago too. Crazy! I know it’s way off topic and all…but I bought a new Kestrel Evoke road bicycle in the summer of 08′. That’s cool you have an R500. The one in the picture is a 07′ R800. You really can’t go wrong with either brand. Ones Italian and the other’s American. Way Cool! Also, welcome Lynda. Very lovely.

  56. I always lurk and when I saw the picture on the homepage I thought, wow! that looks like Lynda from high school! Haha, what a surprise to find out it IS Lynda from high school. She was very cute before, but has developed into a beautiful young woman.

  57. im lyndas close friend and i am absolutely appalled. what is the sole purpose of this site travis? to put porn stars and expose young girls to perverts and stalkers? are these compliments suppose to mean much from cyber predators and stalkers? all the comments are about where to find her picture. travis you are a horrible person to expose my good friend lynda to these sick bastards.

    “I’d like to pull her pants down and bend her over and photograph that. very cute!”
    -asian panty lover

  58. If you actually bothered to read the comments fjask, you would see that Lynda herself is not bothered by the comments here at all.

  59. there were so many things wrong with that comment.

    1. clearly you’re uncomfortable with lynda being on this site because there are omg *gasp* PORN STARS on here too. oh lord! NUDITY! SEX!

    lynda being on a site where porn stars are also featured does not necessarily imply she’s a porn star: a quick glance at the content of the site should make that obvious.

    i also don’t find her inclusion defamatory (by “implicating” her with porn stars) because this website’s purpose is an archive of asian female public figures that are “sirens,” i.e. attractive or beautiful. lynda has chosen to be recognized as a “model” through her profile portfolio. it is public, and on it she lists a lot of personal information in her resume, which i assume she would encourage photographers and other people who want to work with her to look at.

    as such, her image and that information is not private. she can’t choose to have her image in some places on the internet and not others; that’s the reality of having your photo or info on the internet. unfortunately young people today quickly become too acquainted with social networking and sites like modelmayhem (where EVERYONE can be an amateur model!) before they realize the consequences. related, but not entirely analogous: hustler vs. falwell.

    seriously though, it’s the internet. it’s not the end of the world.

    and compliments from cyber predators/stalkers? uh…ok. so you think it’s OK for your friend to go-go dance for people in a club, and receive compliments from them, but it’s NOT ok for her to get compliments online on a website? like somehow the compliments on a website are all from creepy dudes that are ready to kidnap her outside her house and stuff her in a large unmarked white van?

    yeah, uh…what do you think the people in the club do when they’re not at the club? do you think they live without a computer or never check out websites with hot girls?

    i find it so incredibly close-minded that you think that the people that are on these websites are “sick bastards.” the commenters here are all normal people with jobs, families, lives. they check this blog frequently and like to talk to other regulars on here. there’s probably nothing i could do to convince you that these people are normal or not “sick” for reading the online equivalent of a men’s magazine, so i’m not going to even try.

  60. those comments always get me so angry because of the implicit assumption that sex work is low-class, second-rate work.

    fact: not everyone in “the industry” is doing it because they’ve got six children without a babydaddy and need to feed their crack addiction.

    fact: those people who DO have six children with a crack addiction and need to feed their babydaddy (oops, or was it the other way around πŸ˜‰ ) don’t last that long anyway. successful porn stars have to like what they do – it’s like with any profession. you’re not going to last that long in something you hate or aren’t good at.

    i try so hard to get people to understand that the adult entertainment industry is just an industry just like any other; it’s just a line of work, and the people who are involved make their money by having sex or getting naked on camera.

    puritanical nation that we are, there’s a huge stigma associated with anything involving, egads, SEX! that the whole nation’s attitude toward it has become absolutely twisted and unhealthy. like it’s OK to use sex to sell things (see: any fashion ad, commercial, whatever), but OMG if you’re someone that does the deed itself for work, it’s suddenly dirty and second-class? give me a fucking break.

    a woman is beautiful, porn star or not a porn star – her job is irrelevant. but it seems like when young models are featured on this website, it’s always like, “OMG, i’m on a page with PORN STARS.” what’s so bad about that? yeah, they fuck for a living. yeah, they’re naked! but they’re attractive (or else no one would pay to watch them). they are not second-rate human beings because they do porn. they should not be treated differently because they do porn. but they are asian sirens, through and through.

  61. Very, very well said Christine – bravo! You said exactly what I wanted to say, but didn’t have the time and energy to. πŸ™‚

  62. “asian fettish” site

    Hmm… Okay, well it’s not a porn site (we don’t show pornography) and it’s sort of a fetish site, except I would call it more of a niche beauty site simply because it does not “explore” Asian fetishes so much as it shows Asian women.

    Posted by: TravisStroup on Jan 20, 10 | 9:31 pm

  63. yeah, newsflash — there’s sites with just black girls, just latina girls, just asian girls, just blonde girls, just big-boobed girls, just small-boobed girls, just tatted girls, and just fat girls. your point is?

  64. ha. that’s funny. on that same post travis actually explains the difference between asian fetish and an aesthetic preference for asians, i.e. the reason why he said this was NOT an asian fetish website. i guess fjask just glossed over that part when s/he was searching for more dirt to dish out.

  65. Who’s got fjask’s arm twisted up behind his or her back forcing asian-sirens down his or her throats? It seems a bit on the cruel side. πŸ™‚ Unless of course, you like the taste of asian-sirens.

  66. …are you a troll? because i can’t really imagine anyone seriously asking that question. and you’re not even responding to anything any of us has said; you just post non sequiturs. i’m still trying to work out how “asian fettish [sic] site” was an appropriate response to whatever Dr. Lee and i posted. i mean, did you even READ our responses? i feel like i just waste my time on people like you. well, that’s the internet, i guess. you win some, you lose some.

  67. would u feel flattered to be on this website christine? or be proud of your daughter for making it to this site?

  68. sorry i dont mean to rude, crude, tasteless, or inappropiate comments on my friends page. please remove

  69. you even asking me whether i would feel proud if i or my daughter were featured on this site just shows that you didn’t even read whatever i wrote in the first place. listen, i just basically told you that i don’t believe in the stigma that surrounds porn stars or adult entertainment workers. if i were a model, i wouldn’t give a flying shit if i were on here. do you know how many viewers there are for this site? if i were a model and i were trying to seriously make money off of my looks or at least get more gigs based on my looks, this would be a good thing, not a bad thing. it’s like free search engine optimization for your brand. who’s complaining?

  70. Christine: You are officially my Asian Sirens heroine. Solid, articulate posting (aka: serious ownage)! ^_^

  71. Lol I only read now all this about fjask and the rest.

    Hey fjask this page is about Lynda, don’t steal her show!! πŸ˜›

    For me Lynda is pretty and with unique looks. Second to last pic is not flattering but all the others are hot!

  72. I am sure that more than 100 posts for a particular model is not unusual, but I doubt many of us would have thought Lynda would have inspired such an interesting discussion…especially when it seems that Travis just happened upon Lynda! Fascinating.

  73. Wait, how do we know it’s actually Lynda that wrote in the first place? Or that this fjaks person actually knows Lynda.

    I’m not saying they aren’t who they say they are, but you know, with the internet and all, you just never know. No doubt one of the reasons why this discussion thread is going so strong is because we assumed that Lynda herself commented.

  74. exactly. for all you know, i’m actually a man with a potbelly and three nipples. the internet is a glorious thing.

    p.s. i am actually a man with a potbelly and three nipples. OH SNAP! mwahaha.

  75. Strout, et all…I am Spartacus!

    Perhaps if fjask is really Lynda’s friend, we could get them to pose for a photograph together with a pot-bellied male Christine.

    Making me think of the pot-belly scene in Pulp Fiction again…

    Dr. Lee and Christine on DEFENSE!

  76. I thought I was the only pot-bellied guy with three nipples here!

    I am friends with every girl ever posted here, and we are pursuing a class action suit for character defamation:-)

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