Tall elegant beauty Luo Zi Lin will proudly wear the sash for the PRC at the Sao Paulo Miss Universe contest later this year. Zi Lin was selected Miss Universe China 2011 at Beijing’s Mastercard Arena on July 10th. She literally stood tall (being nearly 6 foot) while being crowned in the presence of 2007 Miss Universe Riyo Mori. Will she go on to trump the competition in Sao Paulo? Only ‘the Donald’ can say for sure.
Age: 24
Height: 182cm (almost 6 foot)
Ethnicity: Han Chinese
Located: Zhejiang Province
Mainland Hotties Article
Miss Universe China Contestant Gallery (Zi Lin is number 18)
Profile (Chinese)
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anorexia anyone?
I’m sure she’s fine in real life, but I don’t know about the photos…..
I’d have to see her naked to make the final judgement call.
Too skinny for me! Her arms are so thin, her face is pretty, but not my cup of tea!
She looks healthy to me – very slim, yes, but not bony. Don’t forget she’s six foot tall – for me, she’s just attractively lean and slender. And my, what a pretty face! I don’t recall ever having said this before, but this Miss Universe contestant is Doc approved™.
I think she looks great … long and lean. Joan Chen like face …
shes attractive but she has that “I know I’m hot look” that turns me completely off
I think she is absolutely stunning and has a great chance of winning Miss Universe in September.
I think dots (…..) you might be confusing that particular “I know I’m hot” look (which many models have) with confidence, which is the look I get from her pics.
That confidence plus her look will get her over the line in Sao Paolo. And will definitely appeal to DT, who I believe adores ‘attitude’.
The runners up – Yi Na and Zhang Ya Mei – are also hot looking women.
I love them legs too…especially the second pic above in blue. She really is long and sexxxy.
I’m a female and I love this site. I think it’s great that you all enjoy Asian beauties unlike some of the jerks I find on youtube. One even called us parasite, dark, filthy, and that we should go back to our huts in our third world countries.
Well, we get those kinds of people here too, Khmergirl. The Internet is a vocal place, and people decide that because it’s anonymous, it’s okay for them to be hateful.
Luckily, we’re pretty good at permanently banning anyone like that so that we can help keep this site clean. Or at least cleaner than most adult themed sites.
Khmergirl, I think you are right about what sets AS apart from most other adult-oriented sites. The posts on those sites tend to be very degrading to the women who are featured. They can be insulting (we get that here a bit, too) or overly sexually inappropriate.
I post in very few sites on the web and NO other adult-oriented site. The level of discourse (usually), the quality of the posts and particularly the quality of the women featured seem to be at a higher level on Asian Sirens.
Zi Lin, I will be in Shanghai in October – what is your ring size? 🙂
Wow! She’s smokin’. Better a little too thin than thick.
O’er the globe they do traverse
To find the next Miss Universe
I think those here can save them the trouble
They can find her here; they don’t need the Hubble.*
Here’s a beauty that’ll look you in the eye
So darn hot; just make you sigh.
Not too skinny; not to fat
Betcha bottom doller she’s got no tat.
She’s even approved by the good Doc Lee
He’s tough to impress, we would agree.
So, give the ribbon to the girl from China
Look no further; there ain’t no finah.
*Hubble Telescope
Hello, khmergirl; welcome to the site
It’s nice to have you here – we’re really all right.
All have an opinion, mostly delight
There are some who bark, but none will bite.
Welcome to Asian Sirens khmergirl! I am very sorry to hear what you’ve been subjected to elsewhere on the net, but I do not allow that kind of thing here – I do try to give everyone the freedom to express their opinion, but I do not allow personal insults of any kind, especially racism (which I think is especially important given the nature of this site). It is always especially gratifying to hear from Asian women who enjoy this site.
And another nice on dbldipper. 🙂
Such a pretty lady, but her arms and legs really aren’t doing it for me.
Welcome to AS, khmergirl.
Tranny face & “pageant hair”. Not for me.
Umm, well, unfortunately, we DO get a lot of nasty and mean spirited comments on AS. To say otherwise is ignoring the truth.
Not that they don’t try to control those things here, but we do get it here also.
As for Ms. Lin, I’d say she has enough of that ‘look’ to at least place high in this year’s Miss Universe. That is, tall and skinny, plus the way China has been in the news a lot lately the past few years, you’d expect the judges to acknowledge that and give her that vote.
I personally feel that, for the most part, I don’t consider most of those competing for the Universe contest, at least the ‘top tier’ ones, to be what I consider pretty in my eyes. Not to say they are not beautiful of course, many would say they are, but to me I prefer the more ‘smaller’ and curvier types.
Tranny face? She looks exceedingly feminine and pretty to me.
I can’t stop people who haven’t been banned from posting nasty comments, but I can have an editorial policy where they are deleted or edited, which is what we have here. The only alternative would be for me to moderate all comments before they go up, which I don’t think most would want.
Sorry doc. I’ll “filter” a little better.
Was’nt shooting for cruelty…but yeah-as Strout & myself alluded to-the “pageant look” tends not to be terribly flattering.I hope I have’nt just nuked whatever mainland audience you’ve acquired. 😉
Wow (the Thai way way, too). She’s not anorexic, she’s healthy. She needs to get habituated to exercise to stay that way, though. Tall is good. Mabey not for male endurence. (speaking for my 5’5″ midget self).
As a six foot tall woman, with looks and celebrity like that, she will have a lot of power in life. I hope that she remains kind, but either way she will have a lot of power.
She’s beautiful, with a great pair of legs. And lips, wonderful mouth…
She’s not the usual bland miss Universe, she really has an edge.
She needs more tattoos; she’s pretty normal looking. [jesting!] She is normal-beautiful… Very traditional & safe. I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers, but she’d never end up there anyway.
She’s quite sexy, and I do think she’s got a full package. Having The Donald salivate all over her wrecks it for me entirely. Ew.
She’s a perfect beauty queen,& now I’m wanting to know if she’s witty & smart. That would make her something really special.
Absolutely stunning looks.