Li Ying @


Today I get to post my first reader tip here on Asian Sirens. One of our fellow readers suggested that we should do an article on Li Ying. Since I did an article on a while back, I did not mind putting this one together for her. Continue reading for more of Li has a plethora of models that could receive their own article here on Asian Sirens. I certainly like the style that the models on the site are photographed in, especially in photos where the models show the underside of their cleavage. I just have to question how good some of these girls really look without the aid of makeup and Photoshop. So I usually try to look for some candid shots to get a better idea of how they really look.

Li Ying has a nice body that I like. But as I started going through her pictures, I had to question how good she really looked since most of her pictures were photoshopped, and in some cases, it was pretty obvious where the touchup was done. But who knows, maybe there will be plenty of people who find her hot. We will certainly find that out from the comments that will be posted, but to me, she’s just okay.

Hometown: Beijing
Height: 177cm / 5’10”
Weight: 50kg / 110lbs
Measurements: 86-60-92 / 34-24-36













Links: Profile

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0 thoughts on “Li Ying @”

  1. very pretty face but she looks like she desperately is in need of a sandwich…I mean a bowl of dumplings.

  2. I find it amusing that the Photoshop/water effect on the basketball pictures implies that she actually played a game in that outfit. If she actually did, I want tickets to the next game, please. Also, do they sell those Lakers ‘jerseys’? My wife needs one (ok, will get one) for the upcoming holiday.

  3. Ironically, I find the pics that look like they were taken with an iPhone the most appealing – especially the one where she’s with another girl. The rest just look way too over-produced and photoshopped. There’s nothing I detest more than FHM/Maxim style “photography”.

    That said, I think she is potentially, extremely gorgeous. I just need more “real” pics to determine if this assumption is true or not…

  4. Ditto. The only pic that attracts my repeat views is the phone shot with another girl. The others…blech.

  5. Another potentially gorgeous asian model ruined by starvation. Prescribe ‘er a McDonalds gift book, stat!

  6. Amazing long body on this girl. but I wonder if that might be enhanced by photoshop too. It’s not uncommon to stretch girls in retouching.

    Still a very hot looking girl.

  7. “Amazing long body on this girl. but I wonder if that might be enhanced by photoshop too. It’s not uncommon to stretch girls in retouching.”

    The Rack was all the rage during the Middle Ages. Bound feet for Chinese women came in a distant second.

    My…how we’ve advanced in promoting positive feminine images.

  8. “The Rack was all the rage during the Middle Ages.”

    Okay, so I admit it – girls on the rack turn me on. lol

  9. You can still see informercials selling a product that you lie down on with your feet bound and your chin secured as you crank the gear to stretch yourself. In the commercials they are always smiling…

  10. She’s got a bit of a strawberry-face – not for everyone. After reading everyones comments I have to agree that these photos are over the top – surreal if you will. My fav is also the two girls shot, she actually looks human.

  11. “I find the pics that look like they were taken with an iPhone the most appealing – especially the one where she’s with another girl.”

    “The only pic that attracts my repeat views is the phone shot with another girl.”

    “My fav is also the two girls shot, she actually looks human.”

    Me, too.

  12. Maybe I’m different…but I’m not seeing a whole lot about this girl I don’t like. She looks pretty fine to me. I’ve never been a gamer, but I just might like them video game girls after all. 🙂

  13. Her nose and chin are tiny! It looks like she’s had some bone shaving on her jawline, but then again it maybe just over-photoshopped.

  14. Very pretty but to skinny and there is something that is odd about her face to me. She comes across like an animated doll of sorts. Maybe it is just the photoshop action.

  15. She’s got a “perfect” face… but I assume alot of that is photoshop.

    I think she’s only a super model cause she’s 5’10. That’s a great size though. But 110 pounds?

    I would so lace this girl’s food with fat and oil till I put another 40 pounds on her.

  16. hot. O_o

    as a photographer, I don’t think they really altered her face with photoshop…except maybe smoothing the skin a bit or removing some impurities like acne/pores if any.

    p.s. the type of lens can make people look taller

  17. Love the spindly look. Perhaps it’s because all of my girlfriends have been chubby. It’s the allure of the unknown… I’d like to know the names of the models with her in the B&W photo, if anyone happens to know.

  18. Wow, I love these skinny women. They would destroy anyone on American TV shows like The Next Top Model or variations. My taste would be for some of them to go for some implants, especialy the shorter girls, since they would have more of a shot making it as glamour models than runway models, but that is just my bias.

  19. this is the same girl:

    photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4, photo 5, photo 6, photo 7

    i honestly find her a bit too skeletal. i think she could really benefit from gaining some weight. she doesn’t look like she’s naturally this thin – i feel like some asian women are naturally slender, and it fits them, but she looks like a thin girl that dieted to get even thinner. in some of her photos, her teeth look a bit worn, and i wonder if it’s because of purging.

    anyway, she has a pretty face even underneath the makeup, but i guess the takeaway from the heavily photoshopped and heavy make-up shots is to not believe everything you see. colored contacts and carefully applied makeup can do a lot!

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