Lee Hyori (also known as Lee Hyo-Ri & Lee Hyo-lee) was born on May 10th, 1979 in Choong Book, Korea. Noted by many as the hottest Korean girl on that planet. As the leader of popular singer group FINKL (Fine Killing Liberty), Hyori was discovered while taking sticker pics with her friends at the mall. Ever since then, lots of guys fell in love with her…

Selected links:
Lee Hyori did a lot of tv commercials and Ryoni made an interesting compilation video of Hyori.
If you enjoy her music, also check out her music video of 10 minutes (42 Mb!).
can’t play the compliation video 🙁
It’s streaming video, perhaps you can download it via Streamdown (or similar package):
I can hardly tell she’s Asian! 😉
Not in this photoshoot but you definitely will when you see her other appearances (in video and photos).
You’re right! Maybe you should have used more Asian-looking photos for Asian Sirens. 😉
Hmmm, probably you’re right but I liked this photoshoot of her. I will probably do another post on her later this week.
Not sure I want to see her with that Dutch guy either. 😉
Marco taking over! 😉
nice JUGS
Yeah, could do without the dude 😉 Otherwise, very very nice girl! 😛
A few galleries with some cute pics (pretty tame tho) of Hyori from 2001 (Fine Killing Liberty site).. other band members are worth a look.. page is a little slow.. open pics in a new window to save time… she definetly looks asian in these.. + no dutch guy..
I think our playboy Google master fancies himself as ‘the dude’. 😉
She looks Asian to me! Very beautiful girl. Marco, excellent taste as usual! I had trouble getting the streaming video clip to load as well. Must be getting too much traffic from Asian Sirens.
She has a DVD out called “Made in Hyolee” which is a video compilation plus interviews and other segments. Also worth checking out is a video she made as a promo for Anycall cell phones called “Anymotion”.
Absolutely the best, no one comes even close to her hotness.
She sure looks close to perfection.
Yep, there are some clips at stage6 featuring Lee Hyori…