Lauren Mai


Lauren Mai is another model I don’t really know what to think about. So I leave her up to you. I hadn’t heard about her very much, but I had her on this list to show you guys, so now seems as good a time as any. (Edit: At one point she also went by Mai Lynn at Mac and Bumble. h/t darklighter)Stats:

Age: ?
Height: 5’3
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Located: Nevada

















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0 thoughts on “Lauren Mai”

  1. Quite sexy and pretty, without the trashiness that usually turns me off (Issarn) Thai girls. Her boob job could be better, but I wouldn’t say it’s terrible either.

  2. Has anyone been able to able to find the video from PBTV?
    PBTV: Sexy Girls Next Door 57: Love Potion 69, Scene 1

    I know she did some import movies and is in a few hip hop honeys videos.

  3. Well she’s been quite retired now for about five years or so. Cause there used to be alot of her stuff out there. Gorgeous girl though. Was one of my favorites when she was still active.

  4. For me exactly the kind of trashy look that Dr. Lee is talking about for Thai girls. I’m not seeing anything different here.

  5. Like it. Sexy almost “cougarish” vibe…though obviously still young.I think I’ve seen her around Vegas.I have pad there-and I’m out on the town regularly.Looks like a club V.I.P host.

  6. You sure darklighter? She was on two websites listed as “Thai” AND she was featured on a website with Thai in its name (though I forgot which one – maybe ThaiChicks?). But her name is certainly not Thai, so I suppose it’s possible. Let me know if you can find proof and I’ll change it.

  7. She looks like a girl you could have a lot of fun with and when you were done you could put her in your pocket until next time.

  8. Thanks darklighter1 – she looks a lot more Vietnamese to me too. I guess that’s why I didn’t sense that usual Thai stuff in her, as she isn’t really Thai (and why I like her, as I normally love Viet girls).

  9. Looks like we have weiner on our hands here…Ooops, I mean winner. 🙂 It’s getting hot in here, and so is she.

  10. I’ve always thought she was really hot. Hadn’t heard that she’s out of the business, but come to think of it I haven’t seen much of her on the web lately.

  11. Love her abdomen and calves. The boob job is great on her, because she’s so voluptuous. Small tits wouldn’t go well with all those curves below.

  12. Sorry I can’t provide a link to her stating she’s Vietnamese Travis. Most of her stuff has been taken down but it was in an interview she did back around 2003 or 4 when she said she was Viet. I too saw her on the ThaiChix website but they have alot of non Thai’s on there like Alice Bradley so I wouldn’t read too much into that. She did some other work for M&B under an alias as well. I have a ton of her sets if you guys want…I can provide.

  13. She’s better with her top on. What an awful boob job. You could drive a truck between them and her nipples are off balance

  14. I can’t understand that sentiment. You do realize that without makeup, plenty of women look much worse than they do with facepaint on, right? So how much of what you’re admiring in a woman’s physical beauty is real, anyway?

  15. Yes, she is sexi. Fine. But does the bellybutton piercing, which is in basically all her photos, not bother anyone? For me, it detracts from her. My focus goes from her face and body to that irritating little chain.

  16. I hadn’t really noticed the chain but now you mention it…
    @AWA I like the hair up, I nearly always do. I find ladies necks very sexy 🙂

  17. i think her breasts were already far apart to begin with, and the implants only made it that much more apparent. you would think that by now, they would’ve discovered how to make implants give the impression of closer-together breasts. personally i think she would have been better off without the implants.

  18. Actually Christine, what you ask for can be done – Francine Dee is a well known example. However, as you would expect there are potential problems – the nipples will sit unnaturally toward the outside edges of the breasts (although personally I don’t mind this), and more seriously, it can lead to a very odd looking condition known as “mono breast”. To really bring the implants close together, they have to sever the muscles that separate the breasts, which can result in the breasts fusing together.

  19. Not brutal at all. The 2 of the 4 looks of these models that generate comments are breasts and tattoos (noted by Travis just previously.) Plus, how many threads on this site? We’re essentially comparing 9’s and 10’s against each other; not many 7’s make the cut. As a result, the posters are distinguishing minor characteristics. Even though there is space there, at least they are nicely proportioned

    Take Lauren out wearing a halter or tank top and watch everyone’s pants rise, not a doubt.

    Pic 10 is a wowser….no unnatural pose….just waiting in the bedroom………

  20. dbldipper: Excellent point about our critiquing

    I like picture number 5 the best

    I’m not really into piercings, but I prefer belly button piercings to those in most other parts of the body.

    I checked her out on, but a lot of her galleries are no longer available.

  21. Didn’t read through, but I expect alot of people won’t really like her. I’ve seen her around for a while and while these aren’t the best pics I’ve seen of her, she’s really a cute girl.

  22. I’ve seen the mono-boob before and don’t like the look at all. Having the breasts far apart looks fine, just get the shape right!

    Hey look at the sexy babes drawn in comic books. They look just like that. 😉

  23. I see that I’m late to the party, but thanks for the feature and the info about her alias. I liked Lauren ages ago in model time.

    Mac and Bumble offers free temporary memberships for 15 minutes or so. I didn’t know that they were still around. Kick it old school with “Mai” and Aiko Tanaka.

    I have an old cheesy video with her, “Import Skin.” She has a scene with Crissy Moran. They have just a little soft interaction. I’m not a big fan of the vid, but I like that scene.

    Long ago, I saw her dancing at Spearmint Rhino in Las Vegas. She talked me into the VIP room. I couldn’t resist this opportunity with a “star.”

    That was my worst investment ever at that place. I haven’t had a dancer who was that cold and boring — in my “limited” time there. She allowed a shocking lack of contact, compared to others I’ve experienced. Her breasts were too rock-hard for my taste.

    She moved there from Minnesota, I think, with her boyfriend. By this time, maybe four years ago, they had split up. She seemed pretty bitter about life in general, or maybe just about stripping.

    I’m curious what happened to her. Thanks for the trip down memory lane and the M & B tip.

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