Lana Laine was a widely accessible pornstar on multiple websites all across the Internet. Despite that prevalence, she was flying under the radar and few people knew who she was. So what did she do? She dyed her hair blond and changed her name to Lana Croft*. Now she’s everywhere.*I am not entirely sure this is true. This was simply the impression I got from finding her photos. Regardless, she goes by both pseudonyms, so whatever.
Age: 24
Height: 5’2
Ethnicity: Filipino
Located: US

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“Now she’s everywhere.”
Mystery to me.
She’s very average looking in every way.
Her body reminds me of Kaylani Lei. Her face is kind of average.
LOL @ “widely accessible pornstar”. Aren’t they all?
Average looking girl, though I like her eyes. Indeed, she resembles Kaylani.
If she’s average…then maybe average is my thing. 🙂 I think for me, she’s way hot, in a pornstar kind of way.
Naughty. Nice eyes. Like her smile. Love the NATURAL petite body.
Cute enough face and the blonde hair works for her.
Otherwise, an unexceptional body. Not sure if even a good boob job would help. Too short with no curves whatsoever.
small breast size
Reminds me a lot of an old g’friend, Maria. We broke up because she had been a little too “widely accessible” herself!
Average looks for a pornstar. For someone you see on the street, better than average.
The shaved cooter is nice but not spectacular enough to cover the lack of boobs and butt. But, her too-small-to-need-a-bra boobs and absence of an ass kill any interest in her beyond thinking “yeah, she’s kinda cute” and moving on.
Hint, hint: Let’s move on.
She’s hot. I love her porn scenes.
My eyes would not be drawn to her in a public setting….but she transforms in front of a camera.Does a great scene.Hopefully she gets a bigger rack as she starts to transition out of the “Barely Legal”/”Asian Fever” stage of her career.
another Chinese/Filipina with a very flat chest..nothing to see here, move along.
j/k 🙂 she is one of the most sluttiest Asian sirens to ever grace the porno scene!!
and that is saying something..
She may not be the hottest asian pornstar out there, but she’s still pretty hot. And whatever she lacks in her looks, she certainly makes up for with her enthusiasm in her scenes. I always watch her clips when I come across them.
Still sexy, even she has a small tits..
Stripes, telling girls to get a bigger rack really fucks with their heads. This one already looks like she has had enuff probs.
Oh…stop it APL. She could stand a tastefully done large B or small C-cup set.As to the “porn chix have issues” stereotype.Have to disagree with you.While some are beyond help…Most of them just like sex.Others like sex & like being paid for it.The end.I’ve been in the adult film industry…and I’ve been in the commodities trading industry.(among others)
I saw more druggies & other assorted sociopaths on the trading floor than I saw on a porn set…BY FAR.
shes not even that great looking… she just has sex on camera…
Bonafide street whore and filthy dirty.
Nasty…but I can’t stop looking.
I do like the small breasts..at least she didn’t cave to fashion easy-out and and get implants. Philosophically-speaking maybe she’s in touch with her real-self…or maybe just can’t afford them on a street whore’s take.
I guess calling herself Lois “Laine” would be outdated. Croft be it!
She’s hot in that filipina sense. Enthusiastic, with fire burning inside her. Not spectacular body, but Lana may be full of surprises. Is she bi?
She wasn’t flying under my radar when I first found out about her since I keep an eye on Asian pornstars, but she is under the radar for alot of people. Plus she doesn’t get the attention that she deserves because she does just about everything on camera. Hopefully this article could change that.
Does she need a bigger rack? If she wasn’t in porn, then I would say yes, but she doesn’t need a bigger rack in my opinion. I watch her for the enthusiasm that she brings to her scenes. Plus I find her petite frame very sexy.
You could say her looks are average. I judge her on the total package. There are some Asian pornstars that look better, but alot of them don’t bring to the camera what Lana brings to the camera. And that’s why you should check her out if you are new to her.
Not cute enough.
Asian Panty Lover and Chairman Kaga: please tone down your language.
I also have to agree with Stripes – I find the stereotypes that being a porn star and/or getting implants means a woman has “issues” to be very narrow-minded, ignorant and quite frankly sexist.
Still, having said that, like most porn stars it seems this girl is not for me.
shes annoying in movies… yells a lot in a manly voice
Haven’t seen her movies..
She looks slutty for sure, which can be a turn on. I like philipinas, but many of these pornstar girls just look like something you’d see hanging around in a cheap dive in Malate, Manila. Well, she’d be good entertainment I’m sure.
About her looks, as Boon said in Animal House “Now, she should be good-looking, but we’re willing to trade looks for a certain… morally casual attitude.” So, in this case, a willingness to remove her clothes and have sex on camera trumps hotness.
I’ve had numerous encounters with Lana since 2008. While she retired from porn to pursue a career in nursing she will still shoot for me. In Oct. 2010 she did have implants installed, from a B to a D. She is a very sweet and beautiful woman.