Lallana Vales


I’ve made it no secret that I’m a big fan of Tony Yang’s work. I think he choose spectacular models, he takes amazing photos, and he captures a sexiness that few photographers these days ever seem to reach. So I was pleased when I saw these photos of Lallana as they gave me another opportunity to showcase some of his work. Lallana Vales is a very pretty model, with some great photos that are worth viewing.Stats:

Age: 24
Height: 5’5
Ethnicity: 1/2 Filipino 1/4 Spanish 1/4 German
Located: Las Vegas




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0 thoughts on “Lallana Vales”

  1. She’s gorgeous and not afraid to flaunt it, so what’s not to like? I sure am hoping to see more of her in the future. In my opinion, she’s hot enough to not even need implants.

  2. Very pretty! Gorgeous eyes. I love her all natural!! Please don’t get a boob job! Just get rid of the tats!

  3. i agree shes perfect just they way she is and doesnt need to ruin it with implants. fake boobs just aren’t as great as the real thing

  4. Definitely needs boobs. I smirk at people who snark about boob jobs. Doctors often do a BETTER job than nature.It’s a multi-billion dollar business for a reason: It delivers GOOD RESULTS…more often than not.Something young Ms. Vales will soon discover.

  5. Another Vegas girl! Good thing I’m too cheap (broke, smart — your choice) to hang out in the clubs. I could stare at picture number 3 all day, or in this case all night.

  6. I also have to agree on picture 3 as a favorite. Personally I like the natural look and feel better. If she were to get implants I hope she does not get carried away with the size. With that small frame she does not need anything too big.

  7. She does NOT need a boob job. This girl is gorgeous and should embrace her breasts and not be intimidated by the pressure that she – or others – place on augmenting them.

    On the other hand, she should definately grow a bit of hair back…natural is soooo super sexy.

  8. I am also in “small and natural is sexy as hell” camp and find “obviously fake” boobs distracting and a turn off.

    This gal is long n lean … LIKE!!!!

  9. Fake boobs or real boobs…she’s just so dreamy, I’ll take it either way. I think the stars are hot too.

  10. NO, don’t touch the A cups!! I cannot stand fakes. I like ’em small. 80% of the Asian girls I’m been with have wanted lighter skin and bigger boobs and I always tell them – noooooo. That’s what I love about Asian girls!

    This girl is like 95/100.

  11. I always get these looks from asian girls because of my big natural breast. I sometimes have trouble getting along with them for some reason. It’s a blessing and also a curse at the same time. lol

  12. Time for that photo shoot you promised Quyen 😉
    Model Mayhem lists her bust as 0″!
    While I like her as is I would understand if she wanted implants and I think they would look good.

  13. This girl has bleached hair, fake eyebrows, tattoos – and probably collagen enhanced lips and possibly a nose job as well – and the anti-implant brigade is saying she should stay natural? Her tits are about the only thing left to enhance, and I’m sure that – in spite of what many people on Asian girl fora love to say – most of you would like it. Her face is a great example of what tasteful enhancement can do – very pretty indeed.

  14. See, I was right about the nightclubs; she works at the Marquee inside of the Cosmopolitan in Vegas. wingsfan don’t pay no $300 – $500 for a $23 bottle of vodka. But y’all keep doing it so the economy here rebounds, m’kay?

  15. Two in a row, excellent Friday here in Socal. Beautiful girl, she can stay the same or get some tasteful implants, either way she’s a stunner.

  16. That’s a nice photo, although it looks like they have photoshopped her arse crack to me.

  17. Seriously, if she gets implants then she will definitely drop down a couple notches on my hotness scale…She’s perfect the way she is, natural, soft and skinny 🙂

  18. Once again: bleached hair, fake eyebrows, tattoos – and probably collagen enhanced lips and possibly a nose job as well – and you call her natural?

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