Well since Shuai appears to have dropped off the map, I can go back to featuring more Chinese models. This is La La Yo. Her photos were very hard to find and I couldn’t locate her moko page, but maybe someone with better search skills can find it.Stats:
Age: ?
Height: 5’5
Ethnicity: Chinese
Located: China
(Visited 320 times, 1 visits today)
Extremely pretty. Wish there was more.
The LittleFashion page claims her real name is Wei Na. The Asian Models site you linked to says her real name is Wei Tang. Now Wei Tang has been featured here before and La La isn’t that Wei Tang.
Well, any Wei you look at it, she is really something. :#)
excellent post. Classic beauty
Pretty girl. Lean & slender.More importantly to me though: Please tell me that disco is making a comeback in China.Not just the music…but the sexuality as well.Please tell me she would be a part of that revival.
Very pretty my kind of girl for sure.
very cute….i dont think its right but i can understand why they are pressuring her for sex…
I like La La much better today than yesterday. Beautiful eyes.
Agree…wanna see more.
Wings, I agree. These photos are much better than the ones in the previous link.
Sort of on topic, has anyone managed to join Moko? I couldn’t manage to do it. I think it required Chinese characters at some point. Any suggestions? Longtack! 🙂
Definitely not the same LaLa as the one mentioned a few posts ago…
This La La doesn’t do much for me, but she’s certainly a thousand times better than the La La in the post a few days ago. That was on the verge of tragic.
I stopped coming here for several months or else I would have helped out earlier, so my apologies. Disclaimer: I have been a long-time fan and occasional visitor but this is my first post.
Her Chinese name is 魏娜 (English name is Cecilia) and she lives in Guangzhou. Plug her Chinese name into Baidu and you’ll get a lot of hits.
Height: 5’5
Weight: 92 pounds
Moko: http://www.moko.cc/lalayo/
Blog: http://kisskisslala.blog.163.com/
Meilishuo: http://www.meilishuo.com/person/u/1669271
Weibo: http://weibo.com/lalaweina
I hope this helps. Enjoy!