Korean Ero Actress Oaem Da-hye

Oaem Da-hye

It came as no surprise when I recently read that the model featured on the poster for the 2007 South Korean movie Cadaver (above) isn’t actress Han Ji-min, who stars in the film, but in fact, is adult video actress (or “ero” actress, as they’re called in Korea) Oaem Da-hye (pronounced “Ohm Da-hae”). Even though Da-hye didn’t appear in the mainstream film, she has appeared in many other things.Currently, Da-hye (27) is one of the best-know adult actresses/models in Korea, having appeared in magazines, videos, and even stage plays since 2001. In fact, yours truly had the pleasure of meeting her in 2002 after one of her performances at the Daehangno theater district in Seoul. Her most recent stage performance was in Miranda 2007, that was based on the novel The Collector by John Fowels.

She’s also a favorite “porno jockey,” often hosting and appearing on some of Korea’s most popular live adult websites. Since her activities and popularity are pretty much limited to Korea, there was virtually no information about her on the net in English….until now.

Oaem Da-hye

Oaem Da-hye
One of her early magazine features

Oaem Da-hye
From a 2002 photo shoot for a stage play entitled Feels Like Heaven. This shot was also used as a promo for Miranda 2007

Oaem Da-hye

Enjoying the music of the Scorpions

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0 thoughts on “Korean Ero Actress Oaem Da-hye”

  1. She’s very hot in that sunny pic above, although her panties could be smaller.

    Last video is freaking hawt! Bet the Scorpions never imagined their music could get such a babe turned on. 😉

    CEC32, sometimes I hate you for meeting all those korean hotties.
    (jk man)

  2. That video was hot. Oh how I wish girls would rock out like that at the concerts I went to. Now that would be entertainment.

  3. That was like so intense…nothing better than a hot asian woman masturbating. I will love her long time…no doubt, for sure. I’m hungry now.

  4. Probably the ONLY time anyone has (or will) masturbate to Klause…sorry dude that whistling has irritated me for years <gg>

    BTW, cute gal…definately. Borderline…no, over the line but not that I’m complaining LOL.

  5. Doc, it is a far better video with the sound off.

    I’m not a big pornstar guy. But, I admit the pic with her in the white panties is very nice, indeed.

  6. Speaking of Korean porn:

    WHY is it that japanese porn is all over the internet, but never korean? I can understand the lack of chinese porn because it’s a communist country, but where is all the korean porn?


  7. She’s so-so. I lived in Korea for 13 months and have visited off and on as well, and have seen and dated many way better looking than her.

    To Lawfin: Japan is a heavily mediacized (made a new word) country so naturally you will see more stuff from them and less from Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc.

  8. Japan has a huge sex industry for many reasons, media & technology being but one. They just aren’t as prudish about sex as in Vietnam or China.
    I’ve seen some great vids from Taiwan, but that is just the Japanese influence.

    I’d love to see more from Korea

  9. Wow she is a beauty with such a sweet body. I need her as my secretary. Not a bad little actress either. The Scorps never looked…I mean sounded so good.

  10. Who is responsible for such a debacle? Scorpions + hot chick masturbating is a
    blasphemy of epic proportions. What were they thinking ?!!? What type of sicko would associate Winds of Change with masturbation… Was it the line “Down to gorky park” ?? I just dont get it….
    I swear, I shall dedicate the remaining years of my life to finding the miscreant responsible for this abomination and smacking some serious ‘winds of change’ into him.

  11. Darn…I wanted to see them too. Oh, and it’s nice to meet you to, niners. It’s been like a year now since we heard from you. 🙂

  12. “I can’t believe I’m going back to korea in a few weeks”
    Way to brag, there DariusII. Trying to make us all feel bad…good job. 🙂

  13. Haha! Dailymotion removed the video because they were concerned over copyright issues….not because of the video…but because of the soundtrack that accompanied it.
    Seems they’re not Scorpions fans.

  14. Doc, I was on a planet which no internet nor news from you. It was worst than hell. And I suggest to everyone not to go there.

  15. I thought Christine/Da-ham (whose real name according to her cyworld is Choi Eun-shil, and according to her fansite is Choi Yea-ram) looked familiar. I noticed her a couple of years ago as part of a singing duo called “Foxy”. Here’s a photo of her with her partner Jemma (Lee Hwa-young) taken in 2006.
    I’ll do an entry on her in the near future if you guys would like (haha..as if you might not).

    Anyway, the original reason I came back here was to post this download link to the video of Da-hye that was removed by Dailymotion.

  16. It was pretty darn good. It’s always nice to see a hot girl havin a good time with herself.

  17. ^ Yeah, there are some nice girls featured there but the admin/webmaster/whoever needs to check more carefully before he lifts stuff from other sites.

  18. She’s still gracing the covers of Korean adult videos, but it could be stuff that was shot months ago. Not a lot new on her to be found on the net. These were probably taken shortly after this entry was posted:

  19. hi Darius, i was going through the cyworld picks of the 2 girls
    i think they know each other, i saw pictures of them together.

    both girls are sweet….

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