Kitty Fontaine / Catherine Fontanilla


Up and coming US based model Kitty caught my eye the other day again on tumblr (really got to spend less time on tumblr, it’s a little worrying). Anyway, we always like to feature lesser known models who have real potential here at AS, Kitty I believe fits that description rather well. See what you think.













Kitty’s Stats

Age: 21 years old
Height: 5′ 1″
Eithnicity: I would say Filipino

Kitty @ Flickr
Kitty @ Google Image Search
Kitty @ Tumblr
Kitty @ Twitter
Kitty @ Facebook
Kitty @ Vimeo

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0 thoughts on “Kitty Fontaine / Catherine Fontanilla”

  1. hmmmm….I think she’s cute but just typical cute girl you see around anywhere. She doesn’t look Filipino to me. I would say either Viet, Laos, Khmer, or Cambodian.

  2. i agree with quyen…very cute but not amazing. she would be one of the cuter girls at a club or something

  3. Agree with dr. lee…second photo..she loss gorgeous in..other photos..looks like a typical imports model

  4. Ah just another piece of ‘eye candy’ for me. Like the candy melting in my mouth (enjoying the momentary taste) she will disappear into the mass of beautiful women out there.
    The view of her shapely (stocky?) rear and legs with the red sports car is rather nice.

  5. Ah, my kind of girl. She’s most definitely Filipina, looks exactly like my friends wife who I have a mad crush on. I do agree that she’s not the most beautiful model ever but she’s the kind of girl I like in real life.

  6. 5’1″ almost seems generous. She’s pretty cute, I have friends who look just like her…friends plural. Not knocking, just saying there are a lot of girls like this in CA.

  7. My goodness…I love her. This is what I like to see. Where’s daznlover been on this one? I’m bettin he’s in.

  8. arf, you know me too well, buddy! 😉
    Filipina, cute and somewhat dark skinned, and those eyes….. what’s there not to like? 🙂

    Doc, you sure she seems stocky to you?

  9. She looks kinda stocky in that one-piece (where she has glasses on)…

    But for a thick chick, she is rather attractive…

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