Kimora models for Simmons Jewelry Co., her and Russell Simmons’ company.
The ad reads, “When you purchase a rough diamond and malachite Green Bracelet created by Simmons Jewelry Co., you are supporting the educational initiatives that develop and empower people in African nations where diamonds are a natural resource. Simmons Jewelry Co. will donate 50% of net profits from the sale of the Green Bracelet to the Diamond Empowerment Fund (DEF), a non-profit international organization which is dedicated to supporting educational programs in Africa.”
Personally I think these are cute, and they’d make thoughtful gifts for your girlfriends (or me ;])!
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dont know her personally but she comes off bitchy on her show….and a tad chunky 🙂 question…gold digger or not :))
A tip Christine: as we’ve featured Kimora previoulsy, please put a link to the earlier article in your post. Thanks!
any naked pictures of her christine ? :)) ha ha…i love her exotic mix of asian and african american. my wife likes her look too
hey lee, i just linked her name to that post. is that sufficient or should i make it more obvious?
i heard she was bitchy too, but i think she deserves a lot of respect for bringing a brand like baby phat up to a high-end designer level (runway shows at fashion weeks, etc.). the aesthetic is really urban (a pc word for the slang term ghetto, not to mean ghetto in the literal sense), and i think that her designs and hard work have really put her in a unique place amongst other designers who tend to create things that seem more geared to a stereotypically trendy upper class; a lot of their ideas seem to derivate, in contrast, from an indie rock/alternative ‘look’ and baby phat stands in such stark contrast to these fashions.
it’s surprising that in such a short amount of time, as well, kimora has really established that hip hop/baby phat link to those unacquainted with real hip hop culture (e.g. myself for instance); if i think hip-hop, chances are i’ll think of a girl wearing baby phat. i’m not sure who does her marketing, but that’s very shrewd
Yep, linking her name is perfect!
question christine….she is successful because of what she does or she is successful because of her husband’s connections. no doubt she has got to have some brain cells, but she comes across as if she is entitled….i much more admired women who make it on their own going through the paces of school and hard work….like yourself…but you got to give her snaps as a partial yellow sister….is she part japanese?
btw US news ranking of colleges came out. congrats on your ranking eh… 🙂
she’s tough looking…
I hate her husband. I’ve only seen one interview w/ her and she didn’t seem bitchy or anything. She was talking about how it could be hard for her sometimes growing up mixed. She looks like she could put a hurtin’ on me.
hmmm…selling diamonds (a “natural resourse” of the african continent) to fund african educational programs…
isn’t diamond mining bad to people in africa? i am not making reference to the movie “blood diamonds” but various bits i have read about or seen in documentaries. the people who work in those mines are paid the equivalent of a scrap of bread and treated equally as bad, yet the mine owners make absolute fortunes.
i have heard of “giving back” but this is ridiculous. maybe the idea is to educate people so they dont have to work in the mines…ok, then who will work in the mines? typical hip-hop hypocritical BS.
i put her in the same scrap heap as michelle malkin. not for their ideologies as much as they are just bad people.
sorry for the rant, but people like her just make my skin c-r-a-w-l.
Met her once.She’s equal parts charming & tough.As for whether or not she’s a GRAVY TRAINING GOLD DIGGER…probably.That does not make her success any less legitimate by my way of thinking.For example Trump,Gates,Fred Smith…(FedEx) were born to wealth and privilege.Did’nt sit on their collective asses and wait for the trust fund to come open.As you can tell-i try to avoid class/gender warfare.Not productive.
How wonderful it is that Ms.Simmons and other fashion retailers like her ex,and Puffy,and Fifty have solidified a fashion/lifestyle genre that kids of ALL backgrounds want to identify with….and it’s ALWAYS cool to see someone other than the USUAL SUSPECTS get rich.Oooops!…my very small class warfare slip showed momentarily.Okay,tucked it back in.;->
Oedipusrex…No doubt mining-especially in Africa has a hideous image.I’m not a jewelry consumer-but I’m not ready to condemn the industry just yet.Even in places outside the U.S. mining of ALL types has become more automated.It needs fewer workers and those workers must be educated and technically savvy.I SPEAK NOT OF BLOOD DIAMONDS.SEPARATE ISSUE. My hope is that even if only in the somewhat stable countries of Southern Africa…as Black people start to become more upwardly mobile…they will take ownership stakes in these ventures.Pressure groups and trade unions have made it increasingly tougher to run a shabby or dangerous operation.Either way-mining of minerals is important and not going away.
The ad focus a lot on the bracelets and not enough on her… need more flesh. 🙂
She’s a hot mix, dang.