Kim Do


Kim is a Vietnamese import model / go-go dancer.

She was born in Indonesia, but is now based in California, USA.Since it is NYE here in Sydney, Australia. I think its appropriate to give thanks to the lads for all the posts in 2009 and for the running of the site. Special thanks to the Doc & Travis (you are posting beast!), since I have been running around New Zealand the past few months, I haven’t had a chance to post for a long time, but I’m always on here 🙂

By the way, amazing Asian girls in NZ, and so many of them!! 🙂

So here’s to another year of Asian-Sirens!!

Have a happy and safe New Years, and we’ll see you back here next year!!









Kim Do’s Myspace

Side Note:
This is not the same model as Nhi Kim Do, who had requested her photo’s to be removed earlier this year.

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0 thoughts on “Kim Do”

  1. Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ ’bout! Nice…perfect little tushy.In Indonesia,she might be caned in the name of Allah for these photos.Here in the States-I just wanna worship her in the name of import tuner Godesses everywhere!

  2. Yes! Love her face, especially in that first picture. I’m looking forward to making her my next ex-wife. 🙂

  3. The less makeup she wears, the better she looks, quite the opposite of most models. I like the last photo the best.

  4. She have nice ass and boobs. Really good way to end the year. Thanks for your post Sefu.
    Btw, happy new year everyone 🙂

  5. Not my type. Spend a day on Westminster in Santa Ana & see many comparable.

    Do love the t-shirt, though. A little ‘tude is good for the soul.

    Happy New Year to all.

  6. Very pretty! I think she should smile more (I almost always do) but she doesn’t give off those gangsta/bitchy vibes.

  7. Good post Sefu! That’s a mighty ass for a vietnamese. 🙂 Love it and love the curves, plus face.

    Happy new year to all of you AS readers and posting crew.

  8. I like her in the first and the last picture. While it may all be full-makeup, the makeup-style (or whatever that is called in more make-up technical terms) is certainly different.

    In any case, it’s always pretty astonishing how much make-up and clothes influence the appearance.

  9. Looks much better without any make up at all, very natural looking and has a girl next door kind of feel to her. Unfortunately have’nt lived next door to anyone like that ever!

  10. take a look at her myspace photos, Doc. She is cute. Without her makeup and with street clothes she looks attractive. It makes me happy to see the thousands of girls that look just like her and know what they might look like if they were a siren.

  11. Once again, there aren’t any photos where she isn’t wearing makeup. Are you guys really unable to tell whether a girl is wearing makeup or not?

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