Khai Lim


One more of the FHM girls. This is Khai Lim. She’s a model that recently joined a singing group called the “Kitty Girls.” I think I speak for everyone when I say they named that group for arf.Stats:

Age: ?
Height: 5’6
Ethnicity: ?
Located: Philippines









FHM Photos

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0 thoughts on “Khai Lim”

  1. Santa’s loadin’ up his sleigh
    With lot of wonderful toys
    Got Rudolf to show the way
    To good little girls and boys

    What will Santa bring for me?
    In this the year of twenty eleven
    Not asking for a very large bounty
    Just an AS angel from heaven.

    Travis has reached down deep
    Into his bright red Siren sack
    And brought us Miss Khai Lim
    For features she does not lack.

    Trim, sleek
    And a body that smokes
    Can make a man weak
    Like all you gawking blokes.

    Gotta tell you though
    In looks, she’s abit slack
    So I may not go with the flow
    Santa, you can have her back

  2. My fave photo us the pink tip with the pink strip knee high socks. Other than that…she doesn’t look too special. Doesn’t stand out…look like any other ordinary Asian model.

    But the photography is pretty good.

  3. Yeah not much wow factor in her for me either. I like the last pic for the overall pose but also for the way her backside juts out nicely.
    Also the second pic. haha I like the way she is slyly (unconciously perhaps) giving us the forked fingers.
    Merry Xmas AS readers.

  4. Wow, tough crowd for Christmastime. I think she’s gorgeous and I LOVE the last photo.

    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all.

  5. In most of these photos she just looks pissed about something. Has that “leave me the F alone” demeanor.

    That said, the weebly site and her own site show a much softer and sweeter look – maybe Travis was in a bad mood when he posted & and picked the Grinch pix.

    I might need another peek into Travis’ toy bag.

  6. Not as stunning as the last one, but still really hot. I treasure my FHM Philipines magazine subscription.

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