Ke Xin is a popular body art model. Typical to nearly all body art models, I find it near impossible to find out any biographical information about her. Funny really, there are so many models in China trying the most desperate publicity stunts to become famous. And yet here is a girl who could be famous and yet chooses not to be. I like to believe she does it all for the love of art and appreciation of the female form.
Ke Xin Stats
Age: ???
Height: ???
Ethnicity: Han Chinese
From: China somewhere
Ke Xin Links
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She’s beautiful. I love her silky creamy legs and breasts.
We’ve featured her before, but I can’t remember under what name, and I figured Shuai’s post would be more informative.
she looks a little too soft for me.
Love that first pic! Awesome shape to her body.
Candyman posted her as Ke Qing in November 09. She’s certainly worth a second look, however.
Ah yes! Here she is – it seems this post doesn’t really add much useful info after all, apart from an alternative name spelling.
With 2400 posts, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to keep track of this stuff!
Clearly the same woman (even same black jeans photo set), but she looks better in this group of photos.
She’s short, but I really like her body, though one commenter on past thread commented that her hips were wide.
She’s actually got hips significantly more narrow than her shoulders but her hips are posed mostly in straight on, perpendicular to your line of sight, positions- something you rarely see fashion models do.
Cute girl, love her body.
Beautiful, I think she is awesome. The Han women always seem to be the best.
Doc, you mean you don’t have all the girls featured here memorized? Shocking!
It was here photos with the somewhat Jennifer Aniston style hairdo that made me feel certain that I’d seen her before, so a little Google Image search, and voila!
Doc needs a secretary I think! 😉
Now, if only more Chinese women (in my locality) would – for the love of art, that is – stand naked at their window.
I adore this woman’s curves and lovely full natural breasts. And I don’t mind the repost at all.
If you want more of Ke Xin (about 100 more):
I love the 66rt.cc site – so many gorgeous women there!
Oh forgot to mention: Ke (pron. cur) means ‘cute’ and Xin is part of Xin gan (shin garn) which means ‘sexy’ – so, if it’s a pen name, Cute Sexy, it’s apt.
Yeah – although I knew she’d been posted before, I didn’t try too hard to track her down, as an apparently natural body this good is worth seeing again I think, and her face is pretty cute too!
Yes, her face is very pretty!
Very nice body, I like the shower shot best.
Doc you think those are natural? They strike me as somewhat fake (pics 3 & 7), kind of like a Japanese submuscular job.
They do flatten out in a natural manner as she moves around, so I think they are. Still, I have seen implants manage this trick to some degree as well, so I can’t be certain.