Kat Lee Daligdig


Kat Lee Daligdig is a fairly well known Hmong model that also used to work as a webcam model named Janelle. It looks liek her Facebook Fan Page is currently down, but you can find additional photos here and here.Age: 21
Located: Minnesota
Height: 5’2






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0 thoughts on “Kat Lee Daligdig”

  1. Kroos, if your nose runs and your feet smell, you’re built upside-down!

    This one I like. I admit I enjoyed some of her early webcam videos.

  2. Very cute face!
    She looks sweet and innocent…like the kind of girl you would take home to meet the parents.

  3. Wow! Especially pic 2.
    kroos, geographically speaking, as an Aussie you’d be bound to marry an upside down girl;-)

  4. You could be right Longtack. Coming from Tasmania, chances are that my future upside down wife will be my sister as well. Pity she’s not asian πŸ™

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