Karen Pang


It’s been a while since I checked out an Asian fitness model, so I am glad that one of our readers contacted us and suggested that we feature Karen Pang, who is a fitness model from Canada. Karen has the perfect amount of muscle tone that I like to see, along with a sexy midsection. Check out more after the break.Stats:
Age: 31
Height: 5’2″
Weight: 107 lbs
Measurements: 34-23-35
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada













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0 thoughts on “Karen Pang”

  1. trim, taut and terrific..and no tats (sigh).
    although we see no back shots, so who knows what’s hiding there?
    Gotta go hunt in the galleries I guess.

  2. I wasn’t sure what to think after seeing the first shot, but after seeing she’s a workout fiend, I’m sold on her. She has a fantastic body.

  3. Just incredible. In the last pic her implants are a little far apart – but that’s a very minor thing. And most impressive is that she’s 31. Somewhere in Van is a very happy bf/hubby.

  4. Smokin’ hawt despite her obvious implants. Thanks for the eye candy, Candyman, and I’m with you on sexy midsection and right amount of muscle tone.

  5. I’m gonna have to be the lone dissenter here….

    Being fit is one thing. But being able to arm wrestle me and/or beat me to a pulp is another thing entirely.

    Although i wouldn’t refuse the chance to lick ice-cream off her stomach, everything else kinda scares me.

  6. @kroos, you think she’s overly muscular? She’s obviously a fitness model, not a bodybuilder.

  7. lol kroos, I’d imagine some of the Gympie sirens (who would never let you lick ice-cream off THEIR stomachs; they’d think it was a waste of ice-cream) would beat you to a pulp AND beat you at arm wrestling. Now THAT’S scary!
    You could seek refuge in the Gympie gyms though. 😉

  8. 🙂

    Not in Gympie anymore. I’ve come up in the world (geographically at least) and am now in good ol’ glorious Rocky, land of the cow.

    Unfortunately, the local females are just cowboy-hat-wearing versions of the gympie species….

  9. Golf claps all around.

    Stellar abs and fantastic results from a lot of hours (months) spent in the gym.

    Can’t wait for her ESPN fitness show to come out… (I will be watching from the barco-lounger with a bag of wasabi Doritos).

  10. kroosy ..maaaate, no cows in Rocky, only BULLS! with balls..err unless they get stolen and have to be replaced by council workers.
    OK backstory (and Karen, sorry, close your ears): all round Rockhampton are statues of bulls. The one out by the uni used to be constantly vandalised – the testicles (which eventually were hung on a hook – probably to, while not exactly encouraging the theft, avoid more extensive damage. Uni students were the obvious culprits although (and this will offend R’ton people, who DO love their beef) it’s more likely local testicular deficient cowboys who have them proudly dangling from the mirror in their ‘ute.
    Cultural studies students had a field day with this phenomenon.

  11. Nice fit/muscular body. Face is just fair, IMO. But the implants look ridiculous in some poses (particularly that last picture), IMO. Misplaced balloons.

    I understand women who engage in this kind of extreme fitness typically have small breasts. I think it may be related to their very low body fat. And I can understand why she might want to enhance that aspect of her physique. But these are simply cartoonish to me. Something a bit more in line with her overall dimensions would be far more attractive–at least to me.

    With regard to women who can kick your ass, I dated a beautiful woman with a black belt for a time. She wasn’t outwardly menacing, but she could kick some serious ass, that’s for sure. Fortunately I was spared any serious harm. :#)

  12. Really had me going until I got to the blue dress picture and that kindof took the wind out of my sails, but she’s pretty hot and not too muscular, very very nice.

  13. Oh yeah!…I just sang for joy again when I came back for another look. That first pic with that arch in her back is hot hot hot.

  14. She doesn’t even have very large implants. They fit in very nicely, in my opinion.

    I think I have found my dream girl. Beautiful, sexy body, muscled and with awesome abs. I just dislike her hair in the pic with the blue dress. Apart from that, I’m sold out completely. 🙂 Love women who take care of themselves.

  15. @Bigfoot, yes the female breast is mostly fat. So women who work out a lot burn all the fat – can’t ‘spot train’ and keep the breast fat and get rid of the stomach, arm, hip, etc. fat. So they get implants so they don’t look too masculine. I think her size is perfect for her frame. But as you point out, the doctor didn’t do a great job and left a larger than normal gap. So she drops to a 9.9 on my scale. 🙂
    Face doesn’t look as good with her hair back – but that’s true for almost all women.

  16. All forehead and no hair is not a good combination. Overall, I think Karen strikes a good balance between being feminine and fit (muscled).

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