Model Kanny Theng first caught my attention at hottestblogger.com, where she was one of the many Singapore girls featured. (Michelle Phan, also featured there, is one of the few from the U.S.) Even though that site hasn’t been updated in several months, Kanny still posts to her Xanga frequently.In addition to modeling at car shows, trade shows, and occasionally doing fashion and print work, she tells me she’s also done a bit of acting, having appeared in a few local TV shows. Also, after being featured there the previous year, the readers of the Singapore entertainment website, Stomp, subsequently voted Kanny its STOMP MAXIMum Babe last June.

Kanny made the cover of the Singapore edition of Maxim magazine in October of 2005 and later made their “Hot 100” list earlier this year.
Representing Korean company, LG Electronics at one trade show and…
…wearing the Toyota colors at another
For those of you who may have wanted to see a photo of her where she’s not smiling, this was as close as I could find.
More bikini photos of Kanny here
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Very cute girl!
Thanks, great way to start day…..
Now THAT’S a great smile.
I don’t like much the Maxim photo but the others, oh my, she looks lovely.
Seems like she’s in a constant happy mood, full of smiles. The photo with the microphone is my favourite, just beautiful.
nice… nuff said
i retract my previous statement she too hot for “nice” i would say perfect, stunning, gorgeous, smokin, bangin, unbelievable, i can continue but I’ll leave some room for other people to comment
notice how her present face is totally different from the maxim photos ??
guess its more common now for singaporean teenagers to have plastic surgery now huh…..
could just be bad lighting or crappy make up
i think she got a plastic surgery, she looked realy bad in that maxima magazine, really bad. but all ohter ones are pretty good. the eyes and nose are different the way i see tehm
I’d say the chin as well. But this is one rare case where I think she looks better post surgery (I assume the other photos are more recent than the Maxim spread). She wouldn’t have caught my attention on the Maxim cover at all, but I think she looks really cute now. Her surgeon showed some rare and welcome restraint IMHO.
Just checked out the 2004 bikini photos, and the surgery really is an improvement – she was totally unremarkable then, but she’s a honey now!
Wow!!! she is very hot.
No need to say, she is very cute.
she’s the one on the left on the maxim cover, right? because i can’t tell. the plastic surgery is so obvious, she looks so different. but dr. lee is right, she DOES look way cute post-surgery. if that were natural, she would’ve been way too pretty for car modeling
Christine, according to you, better she takes another surgery or not? If so, in what part better she takes on the next surgery?
I think better she doesn’t take anymore.
She is super cute now. She looks so different from her earlier pics that I can’t even tell whether she’s the chick on the right or or the left in the Maxim cover.
I say she definitely had the double-eyelid surgery and a nose job. Her chin’s about the same size IMHO. Oh, yeah she also lost about 20 lbs. All in all, it’s an upgrade! She’s definitely a looker. She had a good surgeon.
Before eyelid surgery and nose job:
naw, i don’t think she lost weight. but definitely got contacts. those make eyes look bigger too (speaking from personal experience, i’ve had them)
(btw what’s up with all of these new commenters in the fora?!?! it’s like there’s been a sudden surge in commenters.)
Yeah, I noticed that too! I’ve already discovered at least two of them are the same person though…
lets start a discussion on plastic surgery…..xD
waddya guys n gals think ?
is it wrong ? right ? depends ? anything ?
ok i obviously got nothin better to do rite now….-__-
boobs yes, butts no 🙂
she’s just ordinary. what’s so great about her?
mc-kormick, perhaps you might be interested in this thread.
the eyes have it
Nice eyes, especially in the last picture I’d probably stare at them all day. I have to agree that the makup in the Maximum picture was too much and too aweful, however it brings me to a though:
Forgive me if this is done and old news but what about getting a subscription to mags like this from other countries! You own foreign news stand.
Seems i’m not the only one wondering which girl she was, on the cover of Maxim. Left of right?? What a mystery! 🙂
I don’t know about the cosmetic surgery. I’ll tactfully ask her about it next time I chat with her….but that lower back tattoo sure is sexy.
You chat with her? Lucky *($#”/…
With all due respect! lol
I’m jealous.
Let us know, don’t forget.
Well, not as lucky as I would be if I were talking to her face-to-face.
By the way, Kanny is the one on the left on the Maxim cover. Is it really that hard to tell?
Very hard to tell, for me.
Now I get it. On a closer look, seems that most of the differences is the eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows. Can be the surgery and a case of bad makeup.
Just an aside…Maxim Singapore so kicks Maxim USA in the ass.
Suff kicks them both in the Butt