Kahi Lee @ MaximOnline.com


Check out all four photos of 27 year old Kahi Lee (ethnicity Korean?) at MaximOnline.com.

Ohw, besides a part-time model, Kahi also is an Interior Designer and Host of HGTV’s ‘Design On A Dime’. If you really want to know all about her, read her blog or read interviews here and here. (thanks to GTLPropLLC for the tip!)

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0 thoughts on “Kahi Lee @ MaximOnline.com”

  1. AWESOME! I know we discussed her a while back in another thread. I would wear that out. (And by “wear that out,” I don’t mean the sweater.)

  2. damn she could fix up my place any day and then together we could tear it down 😉 ooo weee shes a hottie

  3. I would guess that she is Korean with a name like Ka Hi Lee. She definately has a Korean ‘look’ too her. Particularly in some of those photos. My money is on her being Korean.

  4. GS: You grew up in PV? Are you a Corean (Korean) American Princess?
    KL: Haha. I don’t know how PV got such a bad reputation. Well, to answer your question, no I am not a Corean American Princess. I definitely grew up with certain privileges but I never took it for granted. My mom is one tough broad. You don’t want to mess with her. She would NEVER have allowed her kids to be spoiled.

    GS: How does your design style differ from hers?
    KL: My mom does more posh, luxurious stuff. She’s working on a country club in Corea now. She works with older, rich people. My stuff is more modern. I use a lot of really intense colors. I like to create something unique.

    Taken from: http://goldsea.com/Personalities/Leekahi/leekahi2.html

    According to those Q&As, I take it that she’s Korean 😀

  5. Great designer, but looks wise she is just average. Of course I would wear that out, but after this response, I will forget all about her. If I lived somewhere where I saw nothing but hot Asians on the daily, then I could say that she is totally unremarkable.

  6. this girl has a pretty face! granted, she’s no superstar or model, but i think this first shot is just at a bad angle. her other photos are cute, and she has style

  7. Arf you moved didn’t you bud? Maybe your new place needs some interior design work from Kahi… A personal touch as it were 🙂

  8. I would most definitely love to have a few personal touches from her in my house…Bubalabobo. She’s more than welcome to give me a hand, anytime she feels the need to do so…:)

  9. Oh yeah, christine…I’ve moved to good ole’ Georgia now…:( I’ve finally gotten settled in the new house now, so it’s time to catch up with the sirens.

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