I don’t know much about her. Ha, just kidding, I totally sort of do. Jenn Tran’s been modeling since she was too young to be modeling, and her photos are everywhere on what I have permanently dubbed the Tumblr Circuit, because it sounds like Tumblr is a thing. She’s got a Facebook Fan Page that you can like. I think she’s only 19 or 20, but according to various modeling websites she’s 101. She must bathe in aloe.
Age: ?
Height: 5’1
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Located: San Jose

She also has a video somewhere she made for her boyfriend, but I can’t find it. Good luck guys ;).
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she’s alright, but overall nothing special
Cute, but not spectacular…especially after Ms. Song in the last post!
Another fine model from San Jose, along with Levy Tran, Alessica Tee and Linda Le.
I’m starting to think San Jose is where it’s at. 😮
hmmm…odd i find her hotter than the last post although i think most of you disagree…
As a female reader from SJ, she’s just very average…wouldn’t turn many heads here, but I don’t know about everyone else.
I agree. She’s average. She’s cute but not that hot. She’s an everyday Viet girl I see everyday. I’ve seen hotter.
Cute. Tiny. Thanks.
grrrrr glasses. She has a great face. Beautiful nose. I find her hot too…..
Facially attractive but average, bodily (lol) above average. I love the fact that she’s usually smiling.
first photo!!!!! yeah!!!!
4th pic – the grey dress I find the most appealing. But I think we’ve got a consensus here. Average I’m afraid, but would I knock her back? No way (San)Jose!
Looks like she got a nose job which is pretty common for Viets in Cali.
is this her twitter? https://twitter.com/#!/_Jennuine/media/grid
Pretty girl but I agree she’s a very typical Vietnamese Cali girl, meaning there are many like her but also much much hotter too. San Jose is a hotbed of girls like this for some reason, just like SoCal.
Cute…but she looks more like a rookie real estate broker who still does swimsuit/tuner modeling…until those first coupla’ commission checks clear. 🙂
BTW: This “hipster glasses” fad needs a cap busted in it.
I like her a lot in these photos, she looks like someone you might know or see around the place. Unfortunately from investigating her Facebook she seems to have gone the implants, tatts and facial piercing which really just makes her a poor cousin to girls that do that look better.
Oh my! She got tittie implants. =( I guess that’s part of being a model. So glad mines are natural hahaha. It makes her look too superficial for some reason….Seems that’s what chicks do nowadays to make money.
A pretty face like that do not need excessive eye makeup and breast implants. I don’t see her pulling off the implants for some reason. Maybe because she has a tiny body and a little girl face. I’ve seen HOT models that can pull off fake boobs depending on their body type.
I still like her but not as much I guess.
If she’s considered average looking for a San Jose gal… then hot damn. Here in the bible belt she’d easily be an 8+.
Travis, are you sure that she already has a boyfriend? Another time kindly don’t put this type information. It is break my heart.
Kindly ask her, when she will plan to leave him.
wow i didnt even check her facebook, didnt know she went implants and tat.. I think you guys will like Holly Lee, all natural
@tekryder. Oh yeah Holly Lee is definitely hot. Her breast are natural and has a womanly figure and face.
Sweet and petite.
Very Lovely Sexy girl. Hey there Niners…how goes it?
Everything is fine Arf but still I don’t like present of the third party who blocked my internet caused i could not reach this site. How about you? I hope you are fine too.
By the way, thanks.
she’s alrite. wouldn’t spend too much time looking for her pics. they’re OK but i prefer the non-implant ones of her. and her legs look weird in certain pics like that first one.
also the obligatory bad tattoo theme across her right hip, extra meh.
the top face pic of her is cute… she should’ve gone with that (never too late)
here’s some more samples