At Kineda.com I just read that Jarah Mariano is the first Asian American model to grace the pages of Victoriaβs Secret. A mix of Hawaiian, Korean and Chinese descent, she also campaigns for MAC, Armani Exchange, and Sephora. Bruce Weber immortalized her in LβUomo Vogue alongside her father; she was also the subject of Weberβs lens for Abercrombie & Fitch. Jarah is a Pace University graduate and currently resides in New York City.Some facts
Ethnicity: Hawaiian/Korean/Chinese
Height: 171cm/5’7.5″
Bust: 86cm/34″
Hips: 85cm/33.5″
Waist: 61cm/24″
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Jarah Mariano on the web
Jarah Mariano @ imgmodels.com
Jarah Mariano @ wikipedia.org
Jarah Mariano @ outie.net

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Ahhhhhh….that’s better..Thanks Robin. AMAZING it’s taken this long for VS to have an Asian model!!
Great find, thanks Robin! What a beauty! π
She sure is.
Wow. She has it all.
since my wife gets VS catalog regularly (of course I take a peek on them more often than she does..) this girl is nothing new…I still like Adrianna Lima much better , here are some great pics of her on my favorite celebrity images website SKIRTWORLD.COM (Dr Lee – this one should be ok? no copyrights worries, right?) :
Adriana Lima – Ethnicity: French, Portuguese, Japanese, Native-American, and Caribbean. According to http://www.answers.com/topic/adriana-lima
Quite a mix indeed!
But I still prefer Jarah Mariano π
$%(*&$%& lucky NYC guys! That picture with the blue pants and the pink bra is just about perfection.
Hi hotbytes,
After a behind-the-scenes discussion, we basically decided that AS wasn’t in any legal danger from simply having a link posted here, so it is up to the copyright holder to pursue the site hosting the pics if they see fit. Besides, as in this case it is hard for us to determine if there’s a copyright problem or not (the last case was more clear cut). So basically (despite my previous warning) post away!
As for Jarah, like most fashion models I don’t think she’s super gorgeous. However, she does have a lovely cute, fresh-faced and natural look – and a really great body too – which I do find very appealing indeed. Kind of like the ultimate girl-next-door!
Still haven’t seen her in any of the VS that come to my house. If I do, I plan on doing some scans of her. Her body is nice.
“Girl-next-door” … “Nothing new” … “Some other girl looks better” … Oh please, stop complaining and get real!
You are sitting across from Miss Jarah on the downtown #4 train. As you squeal into Brooklyn Bridge, her denim-warmed legs snap to attention. With speed and grace they raise her jet-black crown 5′ 7.5″ above the floor. Her arms, covered but not concealed by sweatshirt sleaves, hoist her Pace University bookbag to her shoulder. Her slender torso is framed however fleetingly by subway doors, which open too soon, and she disappears into the crowds on the station platform.
What are you thinking about during this sequence? How some other (way skankier) lingerie model is cuter? How the fashion industry fails to embrace true feminine beauty? With due respect, I think not!
Mother Nature does not often place gorgeousness like Jarah’s before our eyes. Let’s be sure to thank her when she does. And so, Mama Creatrix, wherever you are, thank you, thank you, thank you!
My girl-next-door comment is not intended as a criticism – quite the opposite in fact. Still, I do see other girls almost every day where I live who would probably get my attention more than Jarah would (although Jarah certainly would get my attention!). The sad fact is, the most gorgeous Asian girls rarely pose for the camera. They still tend to just marry themsleves off to a rich guy, instead of modelling.
good grief; what a stunner! my jaw is on the floor and i just put my eyeballs back in their sockets! more proof-positive that larger and larger gene pools produce more and more beautiful people. vive la difference!!! π
and you shouldn’t be surprised that it took v.s. this long to have an asian model. mainstream beauty/fashion rags (let alone catalogs trying to sell underwear to houswives!) in the u.s. are not, by nature, interested in expanding people’s concepts of what is beautiful ethnically or racially. unless, of course, there is money to be made from it… you can be sure that someone in the marketing dept. at v.s. sees dollar signs when they look at jarah; probably appealing to the kept-woman demographic that dr. lee mentions above.
Btw, Jarah Mariano is indeed a perfect mix!
Bet you she has a nice set of buns!
As far as colleges go, you can’t go any lower than Pace (you literally don’t need to do shit to get a diploma… I have met a few too many useless Pace grads).
But who cares…. she’s hot!
All I know is she is beautiful.
She is most bad. And OK, she’s Asian American. But isn’t the model featured on p. 87 of the newest VS mailing and here (http://tinyurl.com/ot6ug) also Asianβat least by the UK definition? Anybody know who she is? ‘Cause I’d love to see more of her.
Actually, I suspect she’s latina.
i was thinking indian, in which case “south asian”, would be correct for us yanks, although the brits definitely do refer to indians, pakistanis, srilankans, etc. as “asians”.
Now that you mention it, I think you might be right!
LOL. WTF. She WAS IN MY DRAWING ART CLASS WITH Prof. Tom Burckhardt ………………………… OMG… I never know she was a model. We talked about her going to Mexico for Spring Break….. heh……. She take SUBWAY 2. going to Brooklyn…….. I HAVE TO CALL HER..!!!!!!
Remember the last time we tried to draw each other’s face… that was the last class I had with her… The next semester I graduated from Pace… it was so much fun.. lmao
can i have her number too? π
LOL. I have to ask her permission… I don’t think she’s at home now…
i was just kidding! i live in thailand anyway! thanks, though… if her personality is anything near as nice as her looks, you oughtta be ringing her up ASAP!
ah. for cosmos. I don’t believe your statement is true. in fact a lot of Pace Grads who you think are “useless” are very succesful in business. Or unless you are hanging out with typical slackers / party ppl. but hey it doesn’t mean that “useless” students can’t be succesful.
LOL. It’s ironic…. I’m visiting Bangkok in the upcoming week….. *maybe i should notify her to tag along* which is basically impossible, because she is no where to be found now… lmao….
Oh. now you mention it. Her father is actually Spanish born. mother is Korean-Chinese. She was born in Hawaii. I know, because she said so…. LOL.
drop me a line if you are around for long enough to hang out. you can find my contact e-mail addr. on my website, which is listed somewhere in my profile on here….
lol will do..
Some nice shots of Jarah Mariano (by Randall Slavin).
She has my vote. For anything. For everything. Remember in Twins when Arnold got the good genes and Danny DiVito got the bad genes? Jarah got ALL the good genes. What a mix!
BTW the link above this post does not go anywhere.