Japanese threesome

A friday quickie!

(Visited 236 times, 1 visits today)

0 thoughts on “Japanese threesome”

  1. Mr. Robin, are they Japanese? I think they are ameteurs.
    But they are hot, hot enough to burn everything.

  2. Wow, Misako has definitely got it going on. She’s not as ‘hot’ as the two others, but she’s very cute. Steviewong’s link for her has a video of a solo photoshoot where she’s continually cracking up – much sexier than some stereotypical humourless clock-watching men’s magazine model.

    I’m not sure what the accepted practice for this sort of thing is on AS, but I found a Megaupload link for the photobook from which Robin’s video was taken – let me know if I should share it here.

  3. We decided a while ago that trying to block possibly illegal links to other sites was too much trouble – if the copyright holder wants to go after the site hosting the material, that’s up to them, not us.

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Japanese threesome

Japanese threesome

Found these three Japanese girls at a forum. No idea who they are, but they sure look gorgeous. Feel free to help me out with the ID’s.
Japanese threesome

Japanese threesome

(Visited 238 times, 1 visits today)

0 thoughts on “Japanese threesome”

  1. I think the one on the right is Eiko Koike again (your favourite ID request girl? ;-)). I know the one in the middle too but her name escapes me right now.

  2. The gal with the short hair goes by the single name of “Megumi.” She’s known for being a busty idol model. For some reason I’m blanking on the girl with the light brown hair.

  3. Three beautiful ladies. I’m new here but have been facinated by Asian women since I moved to Phoenix, where I first began seeing them. If I had only known how beautiful they are, I would have made a trip overseas before I became married. I probably would have an Asian wife if I had.

  4. if you want to see a beautiful brilliant trio check out the ahn sisters. they are three of the most beautiful and talented string trio. Something about beautiful classical musicians, prrrrrrrr!

  5. Just did a quick search, and it turns out they’re Korean! I didn’t know Koreans had the “Ahn” surname.

    Anyway, article coming soon!

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