

Izchia is an amateur model from the Philippines. She’s a cute girl, and stands a pretty impressive 5’7.Stats:

Age: 21
Height: 5’7
Ethnicity: Filipina
Located: Philippines






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0 thoughts on “Izchia”

  1. Have to agree with Dr. Lee.
    Damn, I’m a poet and didn’t know it.
    Seems I can rhyme any ol’ Time.

  2. She looks like great girlfriend material to me. Hot enough for a fantastic beach weekend in Boracay, without having to fight off the Aussie tourists. 🙂

  3. She’s cute enough, I think. She’s probably quite pretty in person.

    But she isn’t up to the level of the past few ladies posted, IMO.

  4. She is pretty and photogenic , but I am not about to change my background of nana for her.
    She does look pretty hot in that pic though Dean. Very curvy. Thanks. Next, Travis please.
    LOL @ redlaw, seems not many Aussies (here at least) will be fighting you for her.

  5. put me down as one Aussie that is willing to take redlaw on, I think she is very cute. I am guessing Doc, is it leaning too far towards the import look for you? I figure the clothes and make-up can come off 😉

  6. Actually, she’s a little too ‘islander’ looking for my taste, plus her body and face a little too masculine looking for me (taking off the makeup would make the latter far worse).

  7. the masculine thing is a worry, I don’t really see it here. I like these girls although the fashion can be a bit trampy.

  8. She is pretty but a little to manly structurally in the face and there are makeup issues. I would not turn her down but her personality had better be spectacular to keep me interested beyond a few hours of study.

  9. I think she’s purty. I would like to go out with her for the evening for sure. Yeah, she doesn’t rank with the top beauties in these pages but I like her. I agree she needs a better makeup artist to complement her skin tone and features.

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