It’s Right Here in Black and White

black and white asian nude

I was surfing Chinese sites for new material to introduce to you and got a little preoccupied and forgot to share. I am back to my senses (as far as that goes) and want to share the wealth.

I found ten or more postings worth of great pictures on Even without knowledge of Chinese you can easily naviagte your way through enough amateur, artistic and professional shots to make you late for work.

I am especially fond of black and white photography if it is done well. And I found a few photos I hope you like…

artistic black and white asian nude

Asian nude

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0 thoughts on “It’s Right Here in Black and White”

  1. Am I the only one who is standing outside in the cool morning air aroused by the scent of freshly washed hair….I LOVE that last shot…

    See why it took me so long to post these?

  2. 😉

    I thought that looked like Sung Hi in the second pic, but I wasn’t sure. Perhaps our playboy Google master can confirm…

  3. It is definitely Sung Hi Lee and the shot is taken from one of her Butterfly shoots back in 1998. Photographer is probably Tom Ruddock (not sure about that).

    I’ve seen the first picture before as well but can’t remember who she is.

  4. No, MUCH faster internally…

    Data in and out is bogged down by the government and Cisco’s censorship/tracking mechanisms and the fact China is trying to push information equal to the volume of the Three Gorges Dam through a cyber-water hose…

  5. Well I guess you’re just going to have to repost all the good stuff for us here then. 🙂

    And Marco, as I recall these ‘Butterfly’ shots were all in colour originally, correct?

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