Interview with ‘Daily Leng Lui’


The Daily Leng Lui site caught my eye a while ago. Also focused on beautiful Asian women, the site stands out from the crowd due to their really well researched posts and habit of featuring lesser known models or smaller celebrities. We were lucky enough to catch the site’s creator Richard for a short interview recently. Check out after the jump for more.


A/S: How do you choose which models to feature at Daily Leng Lui?

Richard: I try not to choose the mainstream celebrities who don’t need the extra publicity. I usually pick the less popular but highly talented models who have potential to be successful in the future. Or others that might have an interesting story behind them.

A/S: If you had to choose your top 3 models which you’ve featured over the last almost 2 years, which would they be and why?

Richard: To be honest, this is a difficult choice, if only I could choose more than 3….One of them definitely has to be Yoyo Xu Xiangting from Taiwan, she been our most popular girl with our male readers throughout the years! The other two personal picks of mine would be Zhao Yihuan from China because I simply love girls with sweet smiley-eyes, and she’s pretty hot too! Finally Ava Liu Yukiu a singer from Hong Kong, she’s naturally pretty as well as being a very talented singer!

A/S: What inspired you start blogging about Asian women and what keeps you inspired?

Richard: “Daily Lenglui” started off in early 2010 as my personal collection of the type of girls that I like. I didn’t really expect it to grow to where it is today, from 0 to 1.29 million visitors. So, I continue doing what I do best in searching for the never-ending pretty girls and challenging myself to get even more readers.


A/S: Which other resources out there on the web do you rate for those into wanting their fix of Asian beauty (apart from AS of course :-)?

Richard: MOKO is definitely one of my favorites! It’s a social network site from China primary for models and photographers to share their portfolios. The rest would be FaceWall’s blog from Taiwan, and forums like and

A/S: One of the things that makes Daily Leng Lui stand out is the sheer amount of research that goes into many of the posts. How much effort goes into the average post?

Richard: It’s frustrating at times, trying to search in English to research Asian girls. With bits and pieces of photos and information here and there, it doesn’t feel complete. If you’re lucky, you might find a full collection of photos but readers don’t want to see every single picture of a model. Hence, I search every possible sources from Google to Baidu for their information and filter every single picture til I get only the best. For some, I even had to go through their blogs from Day 1 until their latest post just to make sure I don’t miss out anything. Usually hours of hard-work searching and compiling, but it does feel complete and satisfying once all the hard work is complete. It doesn’t end there either, at times, I do update their on-going latest photos and news!

A/S: What’s the future for Daily Leng Lui?

Richard: Seriously, I have no idea but I’ll keep doing what I do best now. Maybe it’ll somehow turn into MOKO or a talent/modeling agency one day. I definitely need some help in that, can’t be doing it alone.


A/S: Where does the name Daily Leng Lui come from; was the idea to do daily posts at some point?

Richard: Exactly, I originally wanted to post up one pretty girl every single day but it was too much work and I couldn’t cope up with it. I’d rather have quality posts over quantity. Also the word “lenglui” means pretty girl in Chinese Cantonese.

A/S: What do you do when not blogging about stunning Asian models?

Richard: Most of my time is dedicated to my own start-up company specializing in the IT and telecom. industry. Life of a start-up is like an emotional roller coaster, things seem great one moment and hopeless the next. I do believe persistent is the key to success and I apply it to all my blogs. My other blogs are: a food blog and an online boutique blog shop.

A/S: “Controversial question alert”. Which Asian countries do you think have the best looking women overall and why?

Richard: Overall, I like the fair skin women from Thailand, Vietnam and vicinity. There is something about their features, maybe it’s the mixture of half Chinese, ethnic Thai and Westerner.

A/S: You’ve recently passed your 200th post on DLL, how are you going to celebrate?

Richard: I’ll be looking for sponsorship to reward myself with a pretty Asian bunny girl that jumps out from the box!

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0 thoughts on “Interview with ‘Daily Leng Lui’”

  1. Nice interview Shuai Ge. I spent a bit of time at DLL to get the feel of the place. A few comments:

    Nice selection of beautiful Asian women.

    Impressive number of photos for each girl. I particularly like the inclusion of candids/shots with minimal (if any) Photoshop enhancement.

    No nudes. No nudes? Seriously is that the policy?

    The comment box on the right hand side is a bit confusing, as they seem to be from other sites. This may be a Google/Blogspot thing.

    The community there doesn’t seem to be as developed as the one here. Also, the comments I read (in the few posts where I found any) seemed to be a notch below what you get here. But based on the comments I find on most of these sites, I think fewer comments might be a blessing.

    Overall, though, pretty nice. I will check in from time to time.

  2. I’m liking that bottom shot above with the side boob peekaboo dress. If I saw it in person I don’t think I could contain myself.

  3. Three comments:

    1) Somebody please point me to the nude pics of Yoyo Xu Xiangting: her tits look quite impressive, and apparently natural – very unusual for a slender Taiwanese girl.

    2) Who is the girl in the last photo? Wow!

    3) Nice work Shuai – and Richard!

  4. I have to agree with all the comments, great work with the interview, great concept/site and beautiful girls but Bigfoot Dean hit the nail on the head, no nudes??
    can you list the names of the girls in the pictures? I’m sure the first girl has been featured here before. She is gorgeous!

  5. Thanks for the interview and feature Shuai Ge! Sorry guys, DLL is strictly no nudity at this time being and preferred it slightly covered, it leaves more room for fantasy I guess. I shall leave the nude ones for Asian-Sirens 😉

    Nude photos of Yoyo Xu isn’t that difficult with Google search. Used to have them but not now anymore.

    First girl is Atom Phakjira, she’s a hot Thai babe!

    Wingsfan19: I’m sorry, but may I know the reason it didn’t work well on your computer? Was it because it’s loading slowly? Or hanged somewhere?

    You guys can follow DLL in our FB / Google+ page and I do update our followers there whenever I post up a new girl or stumbled across anything interesting.

    Another tip, if you’re spending too much time going back 1 post at a time, you might want to look at – will only work if you’re using a new browser like Chrome, FF, Safari, etc….sleeky ain’t it? 😉

  6. Wow, I didn’t know about that mosaic thing for blogger that’s pretty cool Richard. I’ve been after a plugin or something like that for ages now for the Mainland Hotties site. But so far can’t find anything 🙁
    The archive pages on tumblr sites are all like that, and it’s so great for quick browsing

  7. Clicked on the site but very quickly rejected – faster than Google can display search results. Seems the GCF (Great Chinese Firewall) doesn’t want me to enjoy DLL.

    And I do love the tits on that last gal!

  8. Appreciated the interview with Richard, and the point to the website, but being unable to comment on the content of the Daily Leng Lui spot on her, wow, a google search (then Images) of Oh In Hye…Oh My … found a large number of pics, all taken from different angles, of her in THAT dress. God she’s delicious!

  9. Damn – looking at that mosaic I spotted one of the hottest MILFs I’ve ever seen: Paulina. Such a fantastically lean, slender and leggy body with nice implants – she has one of the trimmest and sexiest stomachs I’ve ever seen on any woman regardless of age. I can only imagine how much fun it would be to, well…

  10. BTW Shuai, as our Chinese correspondent I’m instructing you to do a thoroughly researched post on Paulina ASAP, complete with address and phone number. 😀 Younger girls might be prettier, but they can’t compare with a hot MILF when it comes to [CENSORED]. 🙂

  11. Yeah: mother of 3, 44 years old – and with a body like that! It’s easy for a young girl to look good, but when a 44 year old mother of 3 looks like that, I think it’s ten times sexier. And with all the work she must put into it, you just know she wants it. 😉

  12. Oh yeah, that “dynamic” view thing for Blogger is pretty cool and it has multiple type of views.

    And China basically filters out Blogger and Facebook. It’s a pain but those that knows how, you’ll have to use 3rd-party web proxy to bypass it I think.

    Ahhhh! Knew it! MILF definitely has some fans here. For MILK, I actually prefer Jung Da Yeon – …She has a hotter body and look more youthful somehow. Very likely had a fair share of surgery “enhancements”.

  13. Jung Da Yeon has an awesome stomach too! I often find MILFs are actually fitter than many young girls these days. Still, I find Jung a little masculine looking overall, and her face does look quite artificial.

    BTW Richard, where did you get all the pics of Paulina from? I went to the gallery on her blog, and all the pics were frustratingly small.

  14. Gee Doc, I won’t mind if you post a couple – like someone did recently, in the comments section.
    I wanna see why you are all excited about her.
    And yeah Richard, I’ll have to see which of my bookmarked proxies will open your site for me.

  15. Hmm Dr. Lee, you’re right. I couldn’t remember where I got it from. Maybe it’s from other sites. Sometimes I do browse every single place for all the photos. Maybe you can try the other wretch account watermarked in her photos, it could be that.

    I’ve looked back at Paulina’s new photos in her wretch and my…she kinda aged a little from the time I collected her photos 🙁

  16. Well done Travis! Unfortunately, it does seem her boobs are somewhat uneven (something I suspected from her photos, but which this video clip makes very clear).

  17. I’d definitely appreciate an in-depth post on Oh In Hye.

    She may dress to the left, but she has an air of class and confidence I appreciate.

  18. Thanks for the nude link Doc, it doesn’t appear as if they were taken against he will!
    As far as the uneven boobs go I don’t really mind, they are still spectacular. I am working on a bra made from a C cup and a D cup that she may be interested in.

  19. *ahem ahem*, have anyone watched Oh In Hye latest movie – Red Vacance Black Wedding? She is almost like a porn star in that movie 😡

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