I will not love you long time

I will not love you long time

I think most of you probably have seen Stanley Kubricks masterpiece Full Metal Jacket (1987). Quite a famous quote from this movie comes from a Vietnamese hooker: “Me so horny. Me love you long time.” It even became a sample in a hit song back in the 80’s or 90’s. Surfing on flickr.com I found this photo. I don’t know if it’s a model or not, but I thought the T-shirt is hilarious :-)UPDATE:
Thanks to the comments made after this posting we have now established where the t-shirt comes from. So feel free to buy as many as you want. But I still was wondering what this Blacklava was all about. I just found it:

Blacklava is a grass roots organization whose mission is to raise questions about how Asian Americans are viewed in today’s society. Born and raised in Los Angeles, the clothing company created by Ryan Suda, has been making its statement for years. With thought provoking screen designs, Black Lava is making its mark in history.

Visit their site at www.blacklava.com

Blacklava.com (Photography: Michael Anthony Hermogeno)

Joy Bisco is doing their promotion.

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0 thoughts on “I will not love you long time”

  1. I’d say this model actually is Vietnamese, though like every other Vietnamese model I know of she doesn’t even come close to how beautiful women of this race can be (and often are). I guess the good ones just marry themsleves off… 🙁

  2. the blacklava shop probably has them out of stock for now. I know that he set up shop for the comic con in san diego this weekend. i’ll ask them if they know who the girl is.

  3. I actually saw them selling a version of the shirt today at the blacklava table which happened to be right next to Kim Mizuno’s table.

    Also, I saw a mention by someone else about a photo on flickr of a woman wearing the shirt and will try to follow up to see if it is the same picture. If it is, maybe she can ask her friend who the model is.

  4. How nice to see that this posting (which started just as a joke about the text on the shirt) has now evolved into a quest to find the model 🙂

  5. I didn’t post a response but I did ask about this photo found in flickr. I was told that based on the comment of the guy who posted it on flickr it was likely just a random photo he found. The identity of the model remains a mystery.

  6. To answer some questions, the model’s name is Eliza Escano. She’s Filipino American. The photo was taken from a magazine called “Elemental Magazine.” As far as the “I will not love you long time” sleeveless T goes, which you see in the pic, it has been replaced by a 2×1 ribbed boy beater. http://blacklava.net/store/product_info.php?cPath=2&products_id=63

    It also comes in a unisex shirt.


  7. you see this model’s looks is almost similar to Tiara Lestari’s except that she has lighter skin since she has caucasian heritage, if she were 100% filipino then her skin would be darker like Tiara’s which to us Indo men is a common look.

  8. i love that line “me love you long time” heard it use so many times. that was one f*cked up movie about vietnam. so christine will you love us long time too ? :)))

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