Holly Lee


Holly Lee is an import model from San Jose. She’s still relatively new as she’s only been modeling for a few months now, but I am sure you’ll see more of her in the months to come. Overall, Holly is very cute. Plus she has a nice smile and nice boobs. I can’t wait to see more of her in the months to come. Check after the break for plenty of photos.Stats:
Age: 20
Height: 5’3″
Weight: 112 lbs
Measurements: 34-25-36
Ethnicity: Chinese/Japanese
Location: San Jose, California












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0 thoughts on “Holly Lee”

  1. She’s half Chinese and half Japanese. It’s on her tumblr on the bottom right. Interestingly I thought she was Hmong, so I found that information searching for “Holly Lee Hmong” and someone else apparently thought the same thing.

  2. Thanks Travis for pointing that out.

    @Shuai Ge: thanks. It’s been a while since I’ve seen so many amazing import models come onto the scene and are worth mentioning. Wait until the next article.

  3. This girl must be the hottest import model I’ve seen in ages – very pretty, a good body (at least from the waist up – her legs aren’t great) and sexy too.

  4. While she is a strange mix, given the often stated animosity between Chinese and Japanese, the result is quite mmmm delicious.
    Related to you Doc btw?

  5. Not sure what you mean by your question longtack, but Sachiko is a mix of Chinese and Japanese as well. There’s actually plenty of them from when Japan occupied China and Taiwan, but they rarely admit to it.

  6. Pretty cute. Definitely looks Hmong though, wonder if she really is and just doesn’t admit it. If she really is Japanese and Chinese, they should all start humping like rabbits

  7. Doc, just passing an idle comment on the name ‘Lee’.
    And yes, the idea of not admitting to it brushes up against what I was inferring.
    An example of that animosity: I know of one Chinese restaurant in a Shandong city that on its door, blatantly refuses to serve Japanese tourists, possibly as a result of the atrocities committed by Japanese in that province during their occupation.

  8. @longtack: oh, of course. πŸ™‚ I guess I’m just so accustomed to seeing the surname Lee for Chinese (and Korean) that I fail to make the link back to my own given name!

  9. hmm, i don’t think her features are delicate at all, but I will say that when I looked at all her posted galleries she looked much more Chinese in many of the shots that weren’t used here. Pretty girl wherever she’s from…

  10. Hmmm… Judging from that video I take back my comments about her body – she’s a little too thick for my taste, as with most import models these days it seems. Very nice (apparently natural) boobs though, and she’s still very cute and pretty, with a seemingly nice personality.

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