Help these sexy Asian ladies in Vegas!


Some sexy Asian ladies in Vegas need our help in becoming Vegas’ hottest service industry girl! Vote now at

The girls are Christine Tanaka, Carmela Fuji and Traci Tokunago. There are other exotic contestants, but I wasn’t sure if they were Asian. (thanks to Curtis G. for the tip)

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0 thoughts on “Help these sexy Asian ladies in Vegas!”

  1. You used my name! Now I’m going to have to kill all these people! (But seriously, can you list me as Curtis G. instead? Thanks. Oh, and thanks for using my tip. So to speak.)

  2. when you send a tip with the site form, pls. include the name you want to go with it. if there is none i simply use the e-mail name.

    (i was told to give credit to the folks who send in tips ;-))

  3. Gotta disagree with Candyman on this one – Traci’s face looks way too plastic for my taste (although I don’t mind the fake boobs). I quite like Christine (she looks the most Asian), and Carmela isn’t bad either. But jdrevenge and Bigfoot Dean certainly have a point. 😉

  4. Well I wasn’t thrilled with the looks of any of the Asian contestants. I’m sure that they could have found hotter Asian contestants for this contest. I like how Christine looks the most Asian, but she just doesn’t do it for me. Carmela is okay. If she was a little bit cuter or if her tits were a little bit bigger, she would have received my vote. I never liked how plastic Traci’s face looks, but she has a huge rack and a nice smile so that is why I went with her. Why not pick the one with the huge tits since I’m not thrilled with any of them.

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