Haylee Lee – Asian American porn star


23 year old Haylee Le (a/k/a: Baylee, Hailie Lee), is an Asian American porn star who seems to have made her first appearance on the scene in late 2005. Most of her movie credits date from 2006 and 2007. More select pics, detailed bio and my ranting inIn my searching of Asian Sirens I found quite a few references to her in comments portion of posts, but couldn’t seem to find a direct post on her; so if this is duplicative my bad.

I go back and forth on this girl (actually I guess that could be considered a pun), but sometimes she is really hot in her still pictures and video, while at other times she just seems average. Maybe too much PhotoShop, make-up or extremely kind lighting has this effect, who knows? All-in-all though she is a cute little thing that has no qualms about enthusiastically performing all manner of tasks that put the ‘hard’ in hardcore.

It was suprising to me that there was so little information on her online, not to mention comparatively few photos of a woman who is in ‘the business’. Having worked in the adult industry for at least two years one would have expected more pics and info. One website had no information at all except her name and claimed she was from Hawaii – which I find questionable at best.

In fact even trying to put together a filmography for Sirens I was suprised to find the best listing of her on-screen career only listed at best 9 in which they claimed she appeared. Cross referencing led to a few more, while recalling my own, er, ‘research’ collection added a few more titles.

Anyway, here are a few particulars I could glean, stats:

Birthday: 23 March 1985

Height: 5′ 1¾” (1.57 m)


Screen Dreams 2
Asian Cheerleaders
Breakin’ ‘Em in 9
18 & Easy 5
Miss Cutie Booty Contest
I Love’Em Natural 4
2 on 1 #26
Asian Nurses
Fuck Me Now
Home Wreckers
Home Wreckers 2
Erik Everhard Fucks Them All! 2
I Love Asians 7
Pop Goes the Weasel
Stuffin’ Young Muffins 7
Keep ‘Em Cummin 2

Ah, hardcore pornography; you gotta love the way their creativity for title names utterly stinks of class! (Side note: I happened upon one title doing this research that made me giggle and shudder in unison: Ole to my O-Ring – it is a Latin production, but nevertheless…).

Some pictures follow, but on a final personal note to Asian Sirens readers: “I’m back!” I look forward to contributing more to this community on a regular basis again.

** In case some of you didn’t get the memo, I have been working to complete my first book, working title: Red-light Nights, Bangkok Daze. (Asian Sirens contributed to several chapters and will be cited as such; there are other suprises – but they wouldn’t be suprises if I revealed them right?) I apologize for the absence but the draft is now in the hands of the publisher, so I now will be back contributing regularly. **




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0 thoughts on “Haylee Lee – Asian American porn star”

  1. i dont care, just as long as we see boobs. 🙂 AS has been quiet lately. thanks Bill..how about an autograph copy of your book 🙂

  2. Yea, Haylee’s body is slammin’. Great, natural-looking tits. Read some where a while ago that Baylee was Haylee’s twin sister? Here are some pics of Baylee for comparison.

    Also, just to add to her filmography list, Haylee was in one called “Me So Asian 5”

  3. I’m a new poster here but have browsed this site quite a bit…
    About a year ago Haylee (Baylee) was escorting. For $350/hour you could spend some ‘time’ with her.

  4. Then it was Baylee Le that was the escort. Thanks for the link. I saw her when she was visiting Boston last year. Not for the weak hearted!

  5. ayyyy i dont like the middle picture where u can see the hole on her belly button… tsk tsk. she should keep those on… why would they make her take them off?

  6. According to the allasianpornstars.com website profiles, the ladies are Vietnamese.

    They both definitely have that “she’s hot… no wait… she’s not… ohh, maybe she is?” look. At least, in my eyes.

  7. I’ve always thought both of the sisters were hot. Unfortunately, I don’t stumble across their work too often when browsing the internet. I love the petite look they both have.

  8. That top pic suggests that she may have had implants & pulled them.Those little puppy’s are perfect.

  9. Thanks for all the informative and entertaining comments.

    I would never, NEVER misuse this site or my work here to pimp out my book **cough-cough**, but I am glad you guys are so enthusastic – it encourages me! Thank you.

    It is amazing learning about the whole writing process, editing, publishing thing – (almost as amazing that learning Haylee has twin – the whole fantasy just went up a notch or two).

    But it actually takes a long time for a book to get published; it probably won’t be in stores until September or October. And that is just Southeast Asia! Then it should go Asia wide by December or so, and THEN (thanks to US and British copyright laws) we should by that time have it registered and in their ‘libraries of communism’ only then can we distribute it world wide!?! Hardcore right?

    They are guessing ‘early/first quarter 2009’ for that! To make matters worse, since Amazon is a US company, they will not carry the book until registered in the US… *sigh*

    Anybody who wants a signed copy will get a signed copy though – no worries.

    Hang in there everybody! I am off to the bar – thank God it is Friday!

  10. Lawboy you going the Thai route for real?

    Beware of the… you know. And thai chicks can be pretty hot-tempered. Go easy. And have a blast! 🙂

  11. Wow, some of you guys are picky – butter face – you cannot be serious. She’s not Sung-Hi Lee but she’s very, very cute. Of course I like the sister more because of the implants.

    And STRIPES has a new brother in arms in the Ignorant Comment category now that 1201 has graced us with his presence – born in ’75 – NFW.

  12. arf, we should go together and hook up with them.
    I bet those twins would enjoy the company of two male studs. Actually I believe they’ve waited for that all their lives.

  13. I have to agree with WestCoast – IMHO “butter face” is way too harsh in this case. She may not be the prettiest girl in the world, but she’s certainly above average at least – not at all ugly by any means.

  14. I’ll agree with you on that Doc! I don’t know her personally but she looks a whole lot more approachable than most of her competition. She reminds me of lots of girls I used to hang out with in college. You may know the type: Not painfully beautiful with an easy smile who you could lightly punch on the shoulder if she didn’t laugh at your jokes. I dunno, that just me… haha!

  15. sorry for the way I phrased the comment =s, but i refuse to believe that she is only 4 yrs older than me and already looking so rough..i thought she was a pioneer in doing adult videos and well into her early 30s

  16. its old for a porn “star” but i assume you mean in real life so therefore she being in her 30s is no big deal

  17. hi everyone, My name is just HAYLEE LE . Not Haylee Le (a/k/a: Baylee, Hailie Lee), first of all am not in my 30’s im only 23 years old. yes im viet-american,OKAY lets get this right i used to do porn. but i stop like 2 years ago. I NEVER WAS A ESCORTS. SO PLZ….yes i have a twin sister. … so if anyone elsc have anything they want to ask me plz do so.

  18. i see your Olive Garden dinner and raise you two Burger King :))

    Hayleele, i have a question…do you like the single Whopper or double? :))

  19. So Haylee, what have you been up to since you’ve been out of porn? Are you still in adult entertainment or working a regular 9-5?

    And I’d take you Red Lobster if I was out there. Get some lobster, shrimp, and some cheddar biscuits. Holla.

  20. Luckily it is available to you as well for the low low price of just 27.00!!! 🙂

    Haylee, you know, as far as a relationship goes, I have been looking for someone with fake medical and residence demolition experience. So your experience as both an Asian nurse and a Home Wrecker (twice!) make you an ideal candidate. Food for thought.

  21. I’m dying to see who gets lucky here. Also, Haylee, my wife makes some pretty killer lumpia’s and fried rice. I’m almost certain she wouldn’t mind you stopping by for a bite. At least I would hope not. 🙂

  22. Arf, if Haylee stops by for lumpia, the only lumpia will be the lumpia on your forehead and the only bite will be on Little Arf!

  23. Haylee real name is Tina Nguyen. She lived in Virgina and moved to Los Angeles to go to college and start modeling. Her first modeling job was for a website called emodelmagazine.com. She did not look the same and was a lot younger. She is half vietnamese and half white. Her mother is white and father is Vietnamese. She does have a twin sister. go to the website I mentioned at http://www.emodelmagazine.com to see it all!

  24. justfact, where do you get your fact? emodelmagazine doesn’t know what there talking about… do not believe everything you read.

  25. I’ll warm up the Ford Pinto and get reservations at the Old Country Buffet. Afterwards we can enjoy some Rocky Road Ice Cream with rainbow sprinkles at Cold Stone Creamery and, if we hit it off, you can see my book collection and we can discuss the literary works of Nicholson Baker over a warm fire and a glass of pre-packaged hot cocoa mix.

  26. Are we to believe that Hayleele is really THE Haylee Le? Doubtful. Nevertheless, if Haylee came over, my wife would definitely make adobo OF her (and me), give us both lumpias on the head, and cut off our tails with a carving knife. On the other hand, it might be worth it….

  27. I can verify all of this in a video I own of Tina Nguyen that I have not released but will soon. So everything this guy said below is true.

    “Haylee real name is Tina Nguyen. She lived in Virgina and moved to Los Angeles to go to college and start modeling. Her first modeling job was for a website called emodelmagazine.com. She did not look the same and was a lot younger. She is half vietnamese and half white. Her mother is white and father is Vietnamese. She does have a twin sister. go to the website I mentioned at http://www.emodelmagazine.com to see it all!

    Posted by: justfacts on Aug 24, 08 | 1:40 am”

    This poster is 100% correct and I am not surprised Haylee or Tina is posting back and forth because she is obsessed with herself and money. She was under contract with me and broke it. Now that I have found even more pictures with a 2005 copyright online just today I may decide to sue her. She was not allowed to do any work on the internet until her contract was up and years after it ended. If someone knows how to get a hold of her tell her I want my money back or her to finish her agreement.

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