Happy Blogaversary Sofie Garrucho!

Sofie Garrucho

She first unleashed her inner geek over a year ago, and she’s been making geeky look sexy ever since. Filipina FHM cover girl Sofie Garrucho celebrates her first blogaversary this month by giving ten lucky Philippine readers a supersized autographed never-before-seen photo. Contest details on Sofie’s blog.

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0 thoughts on “Happy Blogaversary Sofie Garrucho!”

  1. That pic is from FHM? I’ve never seen them show that much skin. Not that I’m complaining. If they’re gonna show skin, they picked a good girl to do it with.

  2. The US version of FHM and Maxim doesn’t show nudity. However, it seems as though some of the “foreign” versions of the mag, do.

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