We’ve probably had more tips about this one than any other model in Asian Sirens’ history! I’ve been waiting for Robin to do a post on her, but I’ve decided to step up to the plate, as it seems he isn’t interested in AS any more. 😉 But as I’m flat out with Sachiko’s new blog and soon to be launched online store, DVD and book, I only have time for a quickie unfortunately – I think she deserves something a lot more detailed.
Anyway, 29 year old Korean Grace Kim is the November 2008 playmate of the month, and a very deserving one she is: her body is just sensational, and her face is quite gorgeous too – plus she has beautiful long hair as well. A stunner from top to toe! Anyway, Playboy’s draconian legal department won’t allow us to post anything here, but I’ve got a few good links for you:Her MySpace page
Her page at Playboy.com
Her Playboy shoot
Her Playboy shoot
A video clip
From tippers too numerous to mention! 🙂
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She’s okay. I saw the layout. Not bad. I dislike the above photo, though. She looks almost white.
As I was unable to post her Playboy pics – and all the stuff on her MySpace page is pretty low res – I unfortunately didn’t have much choice on the pic!
Yeah, I know. I looked myself. I was going to make that post earlier this week and because of a lack of photos decided against it. Strange that it seems like she came out of nowhere.
Yeah, it is quite odd – I wonder where Heff found her? Also, although I think she’s really hot, I wonder why she made it as a playmate and not so many other Asian models, particularly as she’s quite mature? It seems he only likes to pick unknowns for his Asian playmates.
It would be more understandable if she was younger, but 29? That really is out of nowhere. I wish Heffner wasn’t so myopic when it comes to his models, because some diversity would only serve to help his magazine.
I bet there were a ton of tips for her. Here’s the article that I saw which put me on to her and probably many others and is also a good read.
I thought about writing about her myself, but my time is limited with work and family and all. Plus Playboy is a hater, so what is the point without a good pic. When I saw the Kotaku article, I was going to rush out and buy that issue but decided to wait until I saw the pics first. Grace is hot but to me her Playboy pics are corny. Would it kill Playboy to not have to photograph an Asian without the Asian motif? It’s like they are saying hey look, here is an Asian. Why not just photograph her with a guitar or something? It would have been nice to see her photographed anywhere else but in an Asian store because I already know she is Asian.
I’m sure she was this month’s playmate based on who she is on top of her being so f’n hot. There’s been other Asians that should have been playmates but for some strange reason that only Playboy knows, they weren’t. I guess Playboy will always be that way when it comes to the Asians that they feature.
I really like her in the pic u posted (beautiful and classy). But she looks ordinary everywhere else.
29 is old???
she quite tall….maybe too tall for my liking….torso looks too long.
I love those long, slender torsos a lot of Asian (particularly Chinese) girls have. And yes, although I didn’t have much choice on the photo, I do think this one is very nice, as are the other bikini shots on her MySpace page – I prefer them to the Playboy pics actually!
That really is a nice pic of her. I just wish it wasn’t so small because I also prefer it over the Playboy shots. The pic below is the one that really put me on to her. I would have liked to have seen more from that. I don’t think she looks ordinary. She’s gorgeous with a torso to die for.
She was a pleasure to meet this past weekend at Glamourcon. She only did a Sunday appearance and was kept busy the entire time making a lot of new fans.
@Dr. Lee: still interested, managing stuff and reading the posts (not so much the comments since you handle that so well ;-)), but too little time! Maybe in january… have to wait and see how some things develop… 😉
I was so stoked to see her as the Playmate this month. She’s the first asian since Hiromi Oshima in 2004. I’ve seriously thought about writing Playboy a letter to let them know what a good choice she was and tell them to feature more asians.
She may be too vanilla for most of you, but I’d kill to be with a girl like that. She looks great.
Here’s her “Patient of the Month” page by her plastic surgeon:
I’d like to see her pre-implant pictures…
here’s some links
3 quicktime clips
Good God. Her plastic surgeon has the ultimate job. Check out the model gallery. There’s countless girls on there who are stunning.
It looks like Grace is the only one to win the title of Patient of the Month three times!
…and here I am having completely given up on Playboy and the Old Heff-mister pulls one out of his arse!!! Nicely done Playboy…about time they realized that there is more to life than air-headed blondes!
Wow, thanks for the link Harjot – some great pics there! I absolutely love her stomach, and her long hair as well. I also find her attractively MILFy – I guess I must be getting too old for those young whipper snappers! 😉 Actually, not really: I loved MILFs when I was a teenager too – I find sexually inexperienced women a pain in the ass to deal with. 🙂
Oh and another thing: it’s refreshing to see a model who is open about their breast surgey, and doesn’t try to pretend she’s all natural!
they could’ve easily past for natural too.
oh sorry, i take that back….in some shots, it is more obvious that they are not.
I like her; natural or not shes still sexy =p
her eyebrows are also a little odd….like they have been tattooed on. That’s a bit distracting.
She is so right in so many ways. But a little wrong in a few ways too.
I’m more excited about her stomach and long hair than her breasts which are great. And it’s cool that she’s open about her surgery. I can’t stand those who act like they are all natural when it’s obvious and when I have been following them before they went under the knife.
Also found another set of photos.
pretty hot. not amazing but solid
I was surprised it took so long for you guys to post her up but I guess the lack of pics was a good excuse. She is stunning and it really is a shame that Asian girls get so little coverage in Playboy. Maybe once Hef kicks off we’ll see more. My biggest complaint about Grace is that now that she’s owned by Playboy we’ll never see her again like Hiromi.
I haven’t kept track of Playboy Playmates in years, but since Morena Corwin (Miss September 1992) was only half Korean and Sunghi Lee, Lee Sabi, and Lee Pani were just Playboy models and never Playmates, Grace is the first full-blooded Korean Playmate.
This is a really depressing list:
Thanks for the link Candyman – God, her stomach and waistline are just so hot in those bikini pics! It is obviously a professional modelling set – I wonder where the originals are?
Maybe Hef should kick off! This girl is superior to any and almost all of the supposed playmates in the past few years. Down with the Playboy dynasty and all it’s blond haired cruelty to women. Mwahahahaha…ok, that’s enough ha ha’s. Grace Kim is hot, hot, hot. By the way, where has Mr. Robin Hood been lately?
Just joking, of course.
I’m not drunk. Hello 🙂
I dropped dead after writing this.
I think Mary needs a doctor, guys. CSI maybe?
“This is a really depressing list”
Pitifully small (and a good number of those listed have tenuous ties any Asian gene pool), but there are some amazing beauties in that list.
Pia Reyes and Lonny Chin would top my list.
The gang over at PopSeoul covered this news with their usual sarcastic wit:
Sarcastic? More like sad and alot of jealousy and self hatred I see there CEC. Too bad.
As for the Asian playmates Terri Harrison was just distantly Japanese right? She looks less Asian than any of even Hef’s girlfriends (the bimbos on The Girls Next Door). But all of the girls on that list are super quality even if it is sad there are so few of them.
nice, her lower goods look soo good.i think Hiromi is the same age now too.. I like how she did the “peak a boo” snatch shots like hiromi as well.
Would love to see Hiromi do some more shots….
you know what, its probably hard to find a nice Asian girl to pose for playboy.. because most Asian girls who will take their clothes off, will have their own websites etc.. so im sure thats probably not something pb looks for.
Playboy pays a lot, and their models are still allowed to have their own websites – which would very likely get a great deal more hits if they posed in playboy. So I doubt it.
hi guys. she went to the chicago call casting if im not mistakern.. holly madison was the one picking out playmates
You are correct Melody. Never was a big Holly fan but I have to start appreciating her eye for talent.
A gorgeous asian, with a great brain too and a nerdish style. Damn, Hef found her before I did…
I enjoyed a lot reading her blog on myspace, where she mentions her previous PR job at Activision, being a Guitar Hero game addict, and how she got the goosebumps watching Obama winning.
She sounds like very down to earth and she writes very well, clearly a smart woman. I wish her success, she deserves it for taking the chance, and I think the talent is there. 29 is a great age too, for a woman.
I gotta say I love her smile too. And she seems to have a great attitude.
Hef has the eye for it. And we gotta thank him for taking anonymous Grace to fame. A great playmate.
Man, those Playboy pics are great (and I’m not usually that knocked-out by their stuff).
Count me a BIG admirer of Grace!
It’s not that hard to find a nice Asian girl to pose for Playboy. The thing I still don’t get is that they have found several hot ass Asian chicks but for some reason I don’t understand, they rather feature some boring chick over the Asian that they’ve found. They should have put Grace on the cover cuz that other chick is boring to me.
And thanks again to Zamscan. I finally had the chance to look at her portfolio and Grace is just gorgeous. I hope this won’t be the last I see of her nekkid.
As for the comments on PopSeoul, have the comments are sad and the other half are from people who don’t have a clue what they are talking about.
I knew it would just be a matter of time before she got an invite to visit her motherland:
She’s really hot in all of the pictures I’ve seen, but she also looks like another person. I keep asking myself “is that the same woman”?. In either case I’ll take either woman!
She’s very pretty – and anyone who is upfront about getting implants, loved Hunter Thompson (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas), and ‘Team America: World Police’, is very cool IMHO.
FYI: Hef (not Heff) has not been hands on at Playboy for years. He’s a doddering old, vain twit.
Yeah, I bevieve his daughter runs the show now. Besides, he’s always been partial to blondes and probably doesn’t care that his magazine has featured so few Asian Playmates over the years.
Way too much plastic surgery for my taste. Bring back the days of Pia Reyes. Oo la la.
But if you’re going to have plastic, it might as well look like this:
Is that Kaila Yu in that clip? She hot!!
Kaila is hot but can’t compare to Grace…C’mon!
No, she’s not as hot as Grace.
Glamourcon 45, L.A.
November 2008
Whoah! She really doesn’t looks anywhere near as good in these shots – I guess she really needs the right makeup and touch-ups to look her best.
In those two photos, it looks like she shaved off her eyebrows and lightly penciled some in. I wonder why she’d do that?
That’s nothing unusual for Asian girls these days at all – her eyebrows are penciled in in all her photos.
Ahh I wouldn’t look too much into it. Everyone has bad days and she looks a little bloated here but the eyebrow thing is a little disconcerting.
I think she is overrated. But, se la vie.
I have to admit that I’m not sure about her face any more, but her body’s still sensational, particularly for a stomach fetishist like myself. Just look at this slim and trim stomach – talk about abs!:
Her abs are truly spectacular and amazing…i’m jealous. I love her.
Stomach fetishist! What an awesome term. Now I have a new way to describe my addiction.
what the f !! she looks nothing like her playboy shoots in those 3 shots
I never notice a chick’s eyebrows until someone else mentions them. WTF. I think she still looks good but silly without actual eyebrows. That ain’t cute. Still love that stomach but she was never going to look as good as she does in Playboy when she’s photographed out and about.
Lookie what I found…
This Korean-Siren is pretty much a living doll. Maybe perfect?