I found this picture on Google image search. It’s hard to see her face, but I’m pretty sure she’s Asian. Also, the original name of the image had “Asian Boobs” in it. Now the questions; Asian or not? Fake boobs or not?
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I might even say those boobs got help from Photoshop. Aside from that, I love her look!
Asian or not, fake or not, you can’t lose when you look like that. Wow.
Looks real fake to me.
would be nice to see the whole package…nice side view
Asian schmasian, real schmeal — who cares with side boobs like that?
probably Italian
Google Asian Boobs images (with safe search off, of course) and enjoy!
Maybe she’s a mix …. but there is no denying those boobs look awesome.
Photoshopped, and badly done at that.
NOT asian.Perfect tits however.
uhm… nice? :o) But I might as well get in on Italian, maybe even Brazilian… The head shape just doesn’t seem to look Asian enough. Oh well, I’m sure someone’s gonna figure out who and what she is :o)
Asian? Nope. Hot?? Hell yes.
Well done, ba.
Her posture & her HANDS suggest that at some point when her genetic inheritance is spent…she will NOT seek to recoup it …and therefore not even somewhat resemble the “spinner sex kitten” we are all panting at right now.Even the way she holds her phone suggests someone you would not be thrilled to do anything beyond a hook-up with.
judging by that photo link above, the beauty doesn’t look asian
Nope, she isn’t Asian, and once again, not as hot as this one low res pic suggested either – they definitely don’t look as nice from the front, and her face doesn’t look very attractive either.
Sorry NorthMan – you’ve done another OT post. 🙂
Click the image link above to see her from the front. (Thanks to “ba”.)
Yes, I was wrong, she’s no Asian! Oh well……I was fooled cuz the other site where I found the pic referred to her as “Asian” and I could not see her face.
Soooo…….what are your guesses on her ethnic background. I’ll guess Latina…maybe from Spain or South America?
Since she’s sitting on a Romanian Black Sea beach, I’d guess she’s Romanian.
Still plenty doable…but over the age of 26 it’s gonna be tragic.
Northman: great effort on a post that was only “off topic” in 20-20 hindsight. And kudos to ba for discovering the non-Asian truth.
Stripes: “Her posture & her HANDS suggest that at some point when her genetic inheritance is spent…she will NOT seek to recoup it ..” Pretty cryptic. I didn’t even know we could cash in our DNA chips. 🙂
great find..i asked and Ba delivers…nice boobs….how the hell do you read into all that STripes? 🙂
Just my experience with Euro chix.Betcha she smokes & gets off on mindless…rythmless techno music too.
there are real . .
She doesn’t look too Latina or Hispanic too me. Nice tits though.
Not Asian, but it still doesnt take away from her beauty.
not Asian but a great rack.
Not asian, buttt…she’s naked.
Not Oriental Asian but could be from the western end; Asia is a very big continent.
Her tits are certainly artificially enhanced.
I agree – judging from the way her right breast is kind of “tucked in” more than it should be in the front on shot, I’d say she’s enhanced. A very nice job though!
Guys, please don’t spend your time more than you can watch beatiful girls. It is more important to watch them.
Damn Niners…I was just thinking the very same thing. Girls…you gotta love em’
what is that niners? taoism or confucianism? 🙂
I think maybe it’s drunkism:-)
Fake Photoshop tits, but i love em…could be latina…
not asian.
not asian ..but i guess everyone else has confirmed that already BUT omg her boobs are niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccce but i guess that’s also been confirmed as well lol
Who cares? BOOBS!