Busty Filipina comedienne Rufa Mae Quinto is known for playing incredibly ditzy characters despite her remarkable intelligence. That combination has made her one of the most bankable stars in the Philippine movie industry since 2001. That, and her ample curves have made the covers of both FHM Philippines and Maxim Philippines. Think Paris Hilton with better gags and bigger boobs.
She tones down the ditziness and turns up the craziness as a sexually frustrated career woman in her latest comedy Status: Single. If you’d like to see Rufa get crazy, watch the trailer here. If you’d like to see Rufa wear bikinis, read on.

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With those broad shoulders I wouldn’t want to get her angry. ;->
Why does the entertainment industry always have to equate big breasts with “bimbo”?
only shallow men like me and you doc :)) j/k…i love her face and boobs
she is just too western in appearance to be remotely Asian. I realize Filipinas are a mixture, but this one looks very Latina.
Hey LawBoy, welcome back! Where have you been?
guess doc:) land of the nuot mam :))
I should have known. 😉
I like the last photo best but I’m a sucker for ponytails.
Great post Mike!
I actually jus came from holidays in the Phils & lost my mind at the talent over there!…thanks 4 tha reminder.
RMQ is kinda on & off for me…but when she’s on, O-M-G!
Love the pic with the football….must be something with chicks & sports with me cos I also loved sefu’s post pic of Jaymee Ong in front of the soccer net!
Thanks, Adan! Yup, Filipinas are a talented lot. ^_^
By talented you mean cuz they are photogenic or cuz some can sing?
I wonder if they are talented in other stuff….
Comedy, music, modeling, videoblogging, even cosplay — Filipinas have many, many talents. 😉
Let’s face it Mike – the same could be said of any race!
Not much for cosplay. 🙂
LB, welcome back!
And Rufa, what can I say, she has wonderful curves. Really, I could get lost in the turns there.
Sorry, might have 2 clear something up. When I said “talent”, it’s another way of expressing the sheer amount of hotties.
…but in saying that, I agree with Mike that Filipinas are broadly talented in the traditional sense too 🙂
Okay happy slip is talented. Lol. No really she is.
Yes talent extends to every race. But I have to agree with daznlover for the cosplay part.
I live in the U.S. and I’ve seen several conventions…. we all know where this is going.
I will say that I give alot of my fellow americans an “A” for effort.
Its very hard to tell if she’s hot from those pics.
I have to agree – these pics are very stylised.
She looks very different in the last shot..
I think that’s what Bench was going for.
the last shot is not ruffa me it’s Nicole Scherzinger, lead of pussy cat dolls…
now you guys have posted it there seems to some resemblance
only skinnier :p
It’s Rufa. You’re right about the resemblance, though. I can see how you could confuse the two. 🙂