Fiffany (Tiffany Luu)


Tiffany Luu, also known as Fiffany, is a model that has gotten much more exposure of late. She’s been in a few rap videos (Including Lloyd Banks), she’s been in some magazines, and she’s been making the rounds on various radio shows. Now she’s here, so I assume her career arch has reached its peak.Stats:

Age: 20
Height: 5’4
Located: New York








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0 thoughts on “Fiffany (Tiffany Luu)”

  1. She looks to be a pretty girl alright, but these pics have been Photoshopped to hell and back, more so than most.

  2. Nice tan, she’s gorgeous! The boobs are a bit OTT for me but it looks like she has some nice puffy nipples 🙂

  3. The first photo and few more in her istudio model site where she is shown in more “wholesome” and “girl next door” look are stunning.

    More reavealing shots aren’t as good and I also find her boobs to be distracting (away from her beauty). Woud love to get a peek at those thimbles though.

  4. She is also at Model Mayhem, with a couple of extra shots:

    Mmmm yes, I think she’d have some juicy nipples/’thimbles’ there too. 😉
    Maybe in her Playboy (cited on MM)shots?
    Not keen on the photoshopped skin tones, particularly pic 6.
    Is she Korean?? or Thai?

  5. I think you selected her best picture for the profile, and it got a wow from me. But the others often show a rather unpleasant smile/facial expression and lack of warmth.

  6. I thought wow! my kind of girl with the profile pic, but then the rest didn’t do anything for me at all. Still, I think under all the photoshopping, she’s really quite hot.


    She says that her mom is Chinese and her dad is Vietnamese/Thai. Also likes to date black guys (chocolate as she puts it), but they need to be funny, smart and open-minded. I know a lot of black guys who are funny, smart and open-minded. Guess I will show them this post.

    She doesn’t like asian guys. Sorry, all you asian guys in New York.

  8. I really liked the first pic, but the rest were too modelly for me.

    I was also thinking – Fiffany – epiphany – but I’ve decided to wait for the next girl named Tiffany.

  9. Saw the profile pic and thought about Lily Thai. The rest are not as great to me, granted I have not looked through the galleries. I agree the boob job is a little OTT for her body size also. Would not say no if she offered though.

  10. She looks smoking hot in some pics, and the others are just so photoshopped I’m not sure if its a real person. I agree that she was built to do nudes.

  11. she’s definitely attractive but i don’t get that “shes so hot” feeling that a lot of you guys seem to have. I agree that she doesn’t have that warmth to her and for me isnt as cutesy as i generally like them

  12. I have been a long time leecher on this website. I have a very distinct taste in asian woman. Anyway this is one of the best posts I have seen this year. This girl is pretty amazing. Perfect 10.

    I agree with previous posts however regarding the photoshopped pics. What the hell is up with this fake tan. Anyway, great post.

  13. I like the pics where she looks Asian – the ones Shop’d to make her look like some a cyborg, not so much. I think the implants are perfect for her frame.

  14. Not to bring politics into a discussion of hot Asian babes, but please don’t call the country Myanmar. It is my understanding that the name change was done by the fascist military regime, and not because the citizens preferred it to Burma.

  15. Not bad at all.Those boobs still need a little more time to “settle”.Not sure what that whole “Fiffany” thing is about.Lose that stage name…like now.

  16. STRIPES, I thought at first it was a typo, then I found it wasn’t. The other meaning of ‘Fiffany’ is ‘Fake Tiffany’ – the expensive jewelry that is often replicated.
    Fiffany into a search engine returns lots of hits for the fashion accessories, but also the rather unique name of this model.
    So maybe it’s a good career enhancing astrategy after all.
    Moreover, something else ot consider: as Fiffany, is she in fact a ‘fake Tiffany’?

  17. @longtack @stripes asked her , fiffany is her birth name / a mess up on her birth certificate which she decided to keep . look on her formspring

    -t hamilton

  18. I am thinking she is a remarkable find, Travis. Based on the number of hits on her vids and various sites, she is just starting to make a name for herself. This site may be the one that helps her take off. Nice job. She is starting to grow on me, I admit. Lips still look sunburned most of the time, but everything else is memorable.

  19. She’s 20 and she’s been wanting to have sex on the beach for years? Guess that explains the tan.

    I hope I’m tall enough for her at 5’6″ 🙂

  20. Pretty girl, great, and I mean great, muscle tone. A girl that even other girls want to be like. Ang sarap!

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