Farewell to Asian4you…


People, unfortunately the rumours are true… Asian4you will cease to exist. I just got this in my mailbox:

“It has been almost 4 years since Asian4you was launched into the Internet with our goal to be one of the best Asian sites. We feel that the goal has been reached and the fun and excitement in running the website have become less and less. (…) Therefore, we are really sorry to let you know that we will close Asian4you. (…) Thank you very much for your support since we started Asian4You.”

Well, that’s a damn shame… But then again, we are still here to spot all the finest Asian girls for you! 😉 All the best to the Asian4you team!

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0 thoughts on “Farewell to Asian4you…”

  1. Robin, where exactly did you find this announcement? I don’t see it on their website. Maybe I’m not looking in the right place.

  2. Yes, there was something about that in the e-mail. On December 15, they will close their tour and joining pages. However, the member area will stay open untill January 15, 2006.

  3. darn…A4U has been like a drug to me since 2002. but presciently, i just bought a new 80GB external storage.

    those guys did a great & consistently high quality job. i wish i had such a gig … taking pix of beautiful thai girls for a living. ah, one can only dream 😉

  4. They obviously wouldn’t be closing it if they were still making money. I’m sure they have a lot of members, but just not enough to cover their running costs. It’s pretty tough times for pay sites these days, although I suspect these corporate sites only have themselves to blame. They’ve tried to bury the independent sites with content, content and more content, but this can only be sustained so far. Now the internet customer expects more than most sites can afford to deliever.

  5. I got the same email from A4U tonight. It’s a shame but on the other hand I can understand it. My guess is that they still make enough money but that is much harder these days in Thailand to run this kind of business.

  6. I’ve just found out about the Thai prime minister’s current ‘war on porn’. A4U did have some pretty hardcore material – which no doubt generated a lot of business for them – but has probably also attracted the ire of the Thai authorities.

  7. Lee, I have heard it from various adult webmasters who are working in the Bangkok area. No hard evidences but I’m almost sure that this is the reason that A4U (and probably some more) adult sites will be closed in the near future…

  8. I agree, I heard about the Thai war on porn/nudity also. But why not mention that in their e-mail?

    Found an article about it on AsianSexGazette.

    Thailand recently undertook yet another anti-pornography campaign seeking to rid the country of any and all pornography and material that the government deems inappropriate.

    Partially successful this time, Internet users within Thailand are reporting that not only are any and all pornography sites – both those produced inside and out of Thailand are now blocked by ‘police firewalls’ – but also any sites that may have been critical of the govenment recently.

    What a shame, it makes Thailand look like a banana republic. I think they should focus on the sex-industry and child prostitution, instead of ‘innocent’ photography. I guess Asian Sirens will get blocked also now for talking about it 😉

  9. The problem is, where is the limit? Many people in the adult industry don’t care about how old these girls are. I don’t say that A4U didn’t work according the rules but I’m sure many people in the business misused the situation in Thailand.

  10. Are you saying the harsh attitude from the Thai government against ‘certain elements’ in the adult industry is correct?
    You may have a point there, but I don’t see how blocking all pornographic sites will help their pherphaps ‘righteous’ struggle against the unwanted elements in the industry…

  11. i see gov’t point. thais are more conservative than most westerners assume (no matter what happens in BKK). i plan to visit thailand march next year. some of those who heard of that, think i plan to vistit its red light district ( maybe it’s a reflection on me, but rather difficult with a thai gf in a tow).

    thailand is a great country that doesn’t want to be know (to large extent) for porn/prostitution/”anything goes” attitude….i just hope that the same officials who clamp down on grown-ups watching beautiful nude 18+ y.o., show same zeal kicking pedophiles out of thailand. that behaviour is far worse than us watching Trista & Petchara nude.

  12. There’s clearly a disconnect between what Ken said in his letter, which announced the closing of the site, and the activity inside the site.

    A new “Premium Club” was launched a couple of months ago and Ken posted in there talking about new video format tests and other nifty things he wanted to try out for the site. None of those things happened.

    So there might be truth to what Ken said about the site not “being fun anymore,” but I don’t think that had anything to do with the horrible burden of having Petchara and Amara spread out in front of him. 😉


  13. I can confirm the rampant website blocking here in Thailand. Trying to access many websites will result in a page from the Thai police saying the site has been blocked due to offensive content. Even sites like AdultFriendFinder are blocked.

    Porn and prostitution have long been illegal in Thailand. Its just a matter of if the authorities are pushed to enforce the laws. Not unlike places in other countries where prostitution is rampant but the police have other things to do. They do a sweep once in a while to try to clean up a little but that’s about it.

    Actually, I’m surprised of any company doing nude or porn production based in Thailand. The authorities take a very different view of what goes on in private versus what is published – in print, internet or whatever.

  14. I hope it stays that way. Otherwise I’ll have to resort to using proxies to check the action on Asian Sirens, and proxies get blocked as soon as they are discovered so its a real pain.

  15. Tried it in IE too (I normally use Mozilla) and it doesn’t work either. Maybe they’re using some bizarre code that only works under Windows? Pretty amazing for a simple gallery page!

  16. Just found out their links are not coded correctly (they close the URL before the thumbnail). IE for Windows is more tolerant of bad code than other browsers.

  17. TurkStreet and Asian Ladies of the Internet are two of my sites in the Asian Eros Network. The sets are not “Ripped”, we worked with Ken for over four years and had total permission to use memberside content to promote A4Y.

    The closure concerned a serious personal issue and was not spurred by any legal problems. Any serious webmasters that have been watching should have picked up the hints myself and a few others were making in the last year about this coming.

    Yes the not fun part was an element included in closure decision. Let’s just say there are some times in life people just need to change. My biggest disappointment is the way many other webmasters are reacting. It almost seems like vultures swooping in on the carcass and not caring about anything but them selves. Some are touting Ken as a good buddy when in fact they did not like him when A4Y was a competitor. Better things will be coming.

    There is a huge crackdown underway in BKK and area. I would suggest WMs working or pulling content there cool it. This includes softcore shoots. They are treated no differently under Thai law from HardCore shoots.

    ALOTI – DaOleGuy

  18. Research on Turkstreet.Com should have included looking at one of the galleries. If you had done that, the phrase “Used with permission” would have been apparent on anything I have online concerning A4U.
    The term “ripped” hints at my illegal use of images from the site. I’d like to clear up any incorrect impression this may foster.
    All images from A4U on my site were, & still are, legitimate, in that I had permission from the operators of the site to use exclusive content for the purpose of promoting the site.
    Please be aware of the responsibility that goes along with having a public voice on the ‘Net.
    ~Turk, Webmaster, Turkstreet.Com

  19. I have noticed that now on many sites when you click on the Asian4You banner, you are redirected to 88Square. I wonder if 88Square is going to take over their content. I hope someone does because their photos and videos were exclusive and can’t be found anywhere else.

  20. No problem; I just wanted to clear up any misunderstanding.
    Unfortunately, I don’t believe anyone will be getting the rights to run A4U’s content, @ least not @ this time. The redirect to 88Square is happening because that site features some of the Models who are/were on A4U, but under other names.
    For example, Petchara is known as Vivian Lin on 88, Sandra Mar is Cookie Wanwalee, Amara is still using the same name, & there are some others as well.
    Looks like the best that we affiliates can hope for, is to track down the Models on other sites, & try to point Surfers in the direction of their favorites.

  21. Turk, sadly you are correct about their content not going anywhere else. I emailed Tman from A4U with that question and here was his response:


    I’m sorry that no pictures or video will be moved to anywhere. The site will be closed down for good.
    However, we’ll have a new website, European-American girl site, in a couple of months.


    I am kicking myself for not downloading more stuff when I had a chance. Oh well.

  22. hello, umm…, can someone please give me all the pic sets and video of this girl “Elyssa” on asian4you.com? my email is link2pinoy@yahoo.com please tell me if you can give me the whole thing, i would trully appreciate it thanx

  23. oh, just to say also, there should be 25 sets of pics from Elyssa in asian4you.com, and 3 videos cut into sections. so again email me if anyone has it and is willing to let me upload or give me a copy, thank you… Link2pinoy@yahoo.com

  24. Yep, it is a sad ending to a great site. But there are alternate sites with some of the more popular A4Y models. As was mentioned, many are redirecting the galleries to other sites now. This may be fine for now, but will not last long as JP Online will most likely want A4Y galleries to be eventually completely pulled down by former affilates. The sense I got from the “Powers to Be” was understanding for promoters that suddenly have lost a large percentage of their revenue base. Thus the redirect is being politely overlooked.

    I am redirecting now to two sites I have and do work with that have a number of the A4Y models available in existing and new sets. I can say confidently that ThaiCuties has a backlog of some A4Y models set up now. Also 88Square.Both sites are posting exclusive owned sets, not reused A4Y material. Here is how I am dealing with the closure for the short term for my surfers:

    If you have any other questions, ask here or go to our surfer forum on Asian Ladies of the Internet. A4Y was our prime sponsor along with Method Cash (Owners of 88Square):

    I will say, ThaiCuties seems to be the best bet for A4Y collectors in the future. On the European site, I will let all know after I hear from Ken about it. He is currently taking some time off for personal reasons.


  25. Forgot to add this, but ThaiCuties is relaunching soon. Robin or Marco I may be able to get you a sneak peak if you are interested in checking out. Drop me an email at: aloti@clockworkcash.com No promises but I think it can be arranged.


  26. why i cannot go into shaving.cc web site? is there any conclusion? is it forbiden site? if it is, why there any site which link to there and open, but if we would to change the model (up one page) it is forbidden?

  27. Every day hundreds of photos from the asian4you are posted to the usenet. But then you guys probably know that already. In any case, it makes people aware of the site and may even be good adverstising. I don’t usually download any of them for this reason…they’re BORING. And here’s why: The photos are high-key, soft, flat, low contrast, homogenized, sterilized, and processed so that most detail is lost. People in real life don’t look so perfect; we have blemishes and visible pores and imperfections. The way the photos are processed makes them look like cartoons. They don’t have the spark to elicit any kind of response other than disappointment.

  28. Well said harpoonman! I can only agree. Sadly, the same criticism could be applied to the majority of glamour photography on the net these days (and Playboy etc. too), but this seems to be what the public wants. Or maybe it’s just what they think the public wants?

  29. Guys, “the public” is a lot of different people who are likely looking for different things when viewing erotic images. I would venture to say that a large % of them are guys who are spending some alone time in front of their computer with their A4U images and a box of kleenex handy. 🙂 I doubt if they are doing a critique of the photographic style. 🙂

  30. I was beginning to wonder if anybody else in the whole world thought this way! You’re right, all the major sites are producing the same slick, cold, and lifeless drivel.

  31. haha, i agree, but just to ask again, does anyone have the 25 set of pics and 3 videos cut into sections of Elyssa for asian4you?

  32. As you probably already know, I’ve tried to do the complete opposite with my photography at Sachiko McLean‘s site – no touch-ups, always shot on location and usually with a bit of a narrative to give the shoots some extra realism. Sachiko doesn’t even wear any makeup apart from lipstck(!), although few other models could get away with this.

  33. Dr. Lee I looked at your site and the photos do indeed look very good. My only question – when do we get to see Sachiko’s vagina? To link2pinoy – check the usenet for the photos you’re looking for. Get yourself a newsreader and go to alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.orientals If you don’t find the photos after a week or two post a request and if you’re lucky somebody will fill it. In any case, you’ll find a thousands of A4U pics.

  34. Sachiko simply isn’t interested in ‘showing pink’, and I’m not interested in shooting it. We certainly don’t try to hide it (a few of the photos in the members’ section are inadvertantly more revealing, due to the pose/angle), but we have no interest in focusing on it – our photos are strictly softcore.

  35. You all are missing the point on why Thailand is cracking down on these sites. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with what’s right/wrong/inappropriate or otherwise. Think about it…people cannot watch internet porn innocently in the privacy of their homes, but they can head to Silom, Soi Cowboy or Ratchada and fuck like bandits? Why? IT’S SO SIMPLE. The police make tons of money from prostitution in Thailand but make ZERO from international adult websites.

    If Asia4U were pumping money to the MICT, that site would not be blocked…that’s a guarantee.

  36. Does anyone know if any adult sites have new photo shoot of model that goes by the name Megan Lee/Mona Choi/Yeung Lai Ching? I’m addicted to her! 😛

  37. What is the picture quality of AsianNude4u.com or AsianPornoGroun.com compared to Asian4you.com? I subscribed to 88square.com for a month and didn’t renew because the picture quality is terrible and out of focus.

  38. does anyone know if there is an archive somewhere out there with Mandy Jang (a4y) movies…………… i know she made some……. she told me : )

  39. asian4you is to return! “The rumor is TRUTH. We will be back soon. Stay tune… ” as stated on the asian4you.com page. I can’t wait!

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