Every Day I’m Trisha Lynn #PartyRock!


Trisha Lynn is a Thai, Laotian, & Hmong. She’s new to me, so I assumed she was a new model, but most of the photos and images look like they’re 2 years old, so I’m not really sure what she’s up to these days. And that’s all there is to say. So these words are being wasted when you could just scroll down and view more photos. But here you are still reading. You sucker. I’m totally making you read words that aren’t about anything. Muahahahahaaha.Stats:

Age: ?
Height: ?
Ethnicity: Thai, Laotian, & Hmong
Located: California










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0 thoughts on “Every Day I’m Trisha Lynn #PartyRock!”

  1. Holy Mackeral!…Trisha, that last shot is too too much for the senses. Suddenly craving a cupcake…or wishing I was one.

  2. wow…another great find…every time i think you cant find a hotter girl, you guys seem to do it. she does not disappoint…

  3. Yeah it was disappointing to see Holly Lee had disappeared, I hadn’t got to the nude shots but what a way to divert attention. This girl is next to perfect IMO.

  4. Great hip-waist ratio. You’re genetically programmed to be attracted to her because your brain is telling you she’s fertile.

    Unlike almost all other models she really doesn’t have any bad poses or she is working overtime to avoid them.

    I think if she became slightly more toned she could break through and become a big name.

  5. She’s tight & toned…yet it was the “doggy style” pose with the baby fat pinching over the sides of the too small panties that knocked me flat.Total cutie.

  6. I have to agree with the general consensus on this one – although she isn’t actually that outstanding technically, she really knows how to pose to make the most of her body, ad her face really has a certain something.

  7. Jackfroot has the following stats:
    Hometown: Sacramento, CA
    Occupation: Full-Time Student & Model & Gogo Dancer
    Ethnicity: Thai, Laotian, & Hmong
    Hair Color: Dark Brown
    Eye Color: Brown
    Height: 5′3″
    Weight: 110lbs
    Stats: 32B-24-36

  8. I have to say the past month or so has been the best Asian Sirens has ever been for me, such a staggering array of hotness. Keep it up.

  9. Yo, Slack – no doubts about the recent string. Travis should hit the craps table the way he’s been rolling the out.

  10. I don’t think it’s baby fat so much as really tight panties, which would be a great name for a girl group, come to think of it:-)

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