Emi Harukaze is 20 years old, born on July 7th in Tokyo, Japan. She is 5’3, with 33-24-33 measurements. What’s with all of the Japanese models of late? Their photos are easier to find and more publicly available. Still, I feel that Emi is worth featuring. You can make your own judgments for yourself.Stats:
Age: 20
Height: 5’3
Ethnicity: Japanese
Located: Tokyo
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i like…very pointy and hard nipples too!
i was going to comment before i even saw ….’s comment…those are some rocking aereolas and nipples!
almost poke my eyes out 🙂
she’s a cutie indeed
Yaaaay!…Travis saves the day with some rock hard nipples of goodness. Is she single? 😛
She’s got a great ass on her too.
Some more stats:
Born July 7th, 1988.
Measurements: 83-60-85 cm
Japanese cup size: E
Here’s a list of her DVDs:
Very cute! Nice find.
Superb indeed! I can’t get enough of those pointers.
Strangely, it seems easier to find pictures of her in English than in Japanese.
Here is link to full length hard-core, but censored DVD of her:
Nice.She looks smaller than 5’3″.I can see her aging into one really sexy MILF.
might as well feature the rest of the S1 girls.
1988?…man, I could be her dad.
wonder if those are natural…her boobs look too perky
I have returned to look at those pointers again and noticed that her profile strikes me as odd. She has a funny nose…glad I am distracted by something else
1988?…she’s younger than my daughter:-( But she looks older:-)
She has an asian face looking. Is she a real model or just a naked model??
I believe Quyen is right – I think her boobs are too perky to be natural.
wow i feel so young here…i’m a month older than Emi Harukaze…
I’ve no idea what a “real model” is.
I’m about 99% sure those are fake. The size and shape don’t look at all natural, a striking contrast to your usual J-boob jobs.
guys these aren’t Japanese models…
they are Japanese pornstars.
sorry…hence fake boob jobs etc…you know the deal
Those breasts are just craving attention. Young or not, she looks good.
Emi Harukaze….wow…love to place clamps on those nipples…
Another implant generation but acceptable.
Very very cute!!!
Very sexy. Those pointers, gotta love them. Great job. 🙂
if indeed they are fake there is something to be learned, more surgeons should take heed these breasts are magnificent!
They look just a tad too perfect. But the nipples are fantastic.
Travis…nice find. Wow.
‘Here is link to full length hard-core, but censored DVD of her:
Posted by: DrNo on Mar 01, 09 | 2:28 pm’
witch kind of movie archive is ? i see ‘.avi.001 to .avi.014’ but i can’t open it
I fell in love with this one, no chane in getting more and bigger pics?
I mean anybody can post a link to see more?
While not my cup of tea, I like her butt! The pics where she’s bent over make me wanna slap my Mama… haha, not really though.
Those pics definitely make me wanna slap something:-)
Wings… haha! I’m crying over here!