Elva Tan


Quick post today as I think Robin has another one coming up soon, and I spent the last hour working on a post for a girl that was already posted, and I’d prefer not to spend any more time on this. Elva Tan is another Met Art girl. I like her though more than most of the others, though so far she only has one photoshoot.Stats:











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0 thoughts on “Elva Tan”

  1. I really like the one with her lying between the shelves, for obvious reasons but also because she looks incredibly cute and hot at the same time.

  2. Good post, never seen her before. I had an ex who married a Tan, he was vietnamese. Tran and Tan are common.

    Age: 19
    Eyecolor: BLACK
    Haircolor: BLACK
    Height: 162 cm
    Weight: 47 kg
    Breast Size: Small
    Measurements: 84/68/89
    Country: China
    Ethnicity: Asian
    Bio: Hi! I am a nude-model in China. Serveral months ago, I didn’t know what a nude-model was. I had never heard about nude-modeling. Now I am a nude-model, and I love it too. haha~~~~~
    I don’t think I have much that is unique. I like KFC. I like watching movies, especially the Hollywood films. I love shopping! Now I would like to work on becoming a great model. Therefore, I will buy a lot of good fashion magazines. I hope I can show you the satisfaction, thank you!

  4. I laughed at her bio. Since when do nude models have to worry about fashion?

    And I’ll also put my vote in for “pretty cute”. Though she said it herself, “I don’t think I have much that is unique.”

  5. I like Elva, hot and simple.

    She seems she has a lot to learn in this university of life and nude-models. I’d love to teach a few things. 🙂

  6. The photos look like someone hired her for a couple hours for a ‘photo shoot’ in their hotel room.

  7. I for one, would love to hire her for a couple of hours to hang out in my hotel room. I would even bring my camera and call it a photo shoot, if she’d like. 🙂

  8. Nothing special about her face, but nice lips and a really fine body.
    That shot up on the counter cracks me up, “Can you wedge yourself there where the microwave’s gong to be? And hurry, the realtor’s showing this place soon!”

  9. I know how to do Asian girls, and I’d like to start with Elva. But really, a 10+? A few more curves and a bigger bust would put her in that territory.

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