Elly Shee


Ah.. Elly Shea there’s a good old Korean name if ever I heard one. Elly’s is what I would describe as a tidy package. Can’t really fault her looks in any area. Though most of the stuff on the net about her seems to be from a couple of years back which leads me to believe she isn’t doing much modelling as she used to. Such a thought brings a tear to my eye.












Elly Shee Stats

Age: ???
Height: 157cm / 5′ 2″
Ethnicity: Korean with a dash of Japanese
From: California

Elly Shee @ Scan Lover
Elly Shee @ Facebook
Elly Shee @ Tumblr
Elly Shee @ Flickr
Elly Shee @ Google Image Search

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0 thoughts on “Elly Shee”

  1. Well may you squeal arf..it’s been a little while since we’ve been treated by another hottie πŸ˜‰

  2. She’s done quite a lot of auto mag covers and other stuff. God, she’s freaking hot, my kind of girl. Sick body, gorgeous face….I so love it here in Cali, so happy I live where all the import girls do.

  3. An honest question: would we pay much attention to these girls if they didn’t get around in bikinis in public? At least in my part of the world, there are many far more attractive Asian girls (for my taste at least) who don’t show anywhere near as much skin, but who are clearly far prettier and with much better bodies (more like Shuai’s mainland sirens). Are these girls really the hottest in SoCal, or just the ones who show?

  4. there are girls, there are women, and there are dolls.
    She’s a doll! wow, that pict with the 2 girls… dolls, I mean… HOT!

  5. I think the attention we paid Jess might answer your question and suppot your contention doc. And hey in the middle of a cold winter the streets of Chinese cities are full of stunning women who look like models and showing NO bare skin at all.

  6. Doc, you have a point. There are hotter girls all across Asia. And any girl prancing around just a bikini is gonna get more attention.

    The message is clear: “Women of Asia, wear less!”

  7. She’s a stunner. Perfect other than the goofy star tats. But they’re small enough not to be too big of a deal.

    Laughing at Lee’s anti-American rant. Too funny. How can you tell if they have better bodies if they have a shirt and long pants on? And do the average girl in your town have breast implants? Since you are a breast lover.

  8. @WeastCoast: How is my question an “anti-American” rant? The girls around here often wear quite tight-fitting clothing (and frequently shorts too), so their body shape is easy to make out – and as they don’t cover their faces, it’s easy to see how pretty they are! They don’t have implants, but that’s easy to add. πŸ™‚ I refer you to Jess’s post – she doesn’t show a lot, but you can see she’s gorgeous, and has a great body.

  9. I think she is mighty cute, and the heck with tmodel in the trunk, I would let her ride in the front seat with me!

    But I agree with Dr. Lee about there being prettier Asian women running around (alas, un-captured on film for the most part). Why don’t they model? Well, in my experience, most Asian girls are heavily indoctrinated by their elder womenfolk about being modest and not showing off their assets. Some of the most stunning beauties I know of personally were brought up in a strict faith or with repressive social morΓ©s and they would be horrified to strut their stuff for the camera. If only they would, because it will be the only way I will ever see most of what they cover up all the time…

  10. Looks plenty hot to me; my kind of Korean siren! Any idea who the other girl is? She’s worth featuring as well.

  11. I suppose everyone has a different ideal when it comes to women, and asian women in general. I’ve travelled all over the world, through europe, asia and south america and for me the hottest asian women in the world are in California, especially Vietnamese, Korean, Filipina and Chinese. For me, though I love all asian girls, none of Shuai’s posts really rock my boat and I don’t find their bodies all that hot but I know others do. I’ll take a good so cal girl any day, and two times on Sunday. I’d say 7/10 of the girls I like posted here are from California or some other US state. Oh, and btw we have all kinds, not just the import girls. I don’t think it was an anti-American rant from Dr. Lee, just that he prefers a different type of girl though I find it hard to believe anyone wouldn’t like a drop dead hottie like this.

  12. Ah…Elly Shee…She was my favorite model the minute I saw her. She was just starting too. And you just had to post this on my birthday too eh? Ah…Hope she still models. Going to HIN Pomona so hope she’s there.

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