Dorina Groh is another model from the Philippines that posed for FHM. Apparently FHM Philippines does topless photos now. I apologize for the lack of stats. I had them all, then I accidentally closed the tab, couldn’t find it, then couldn’t find the stats again. Oh well. She posed topless only in the FHM photos which you can find here. I would prefer large photos but beggers can’t be choosers.Stats:
Age: ?
Height: ?
Ethnicity: Filipina
Located: Philippines

(Visited 79 times, 1 visits today)
Date of Birth: 12-21-91
Height: 160 cm / 5’3″
Weight: 45 kg / 99 lbs
Dont worry about the lack of stats, Travis. One look at her and I forgot what I was doing too. I very rarely use the word ‘perfect’ to describe women, but in Dorina’s case I will make an exception.
Merry Christmas to me, merry christmas to me. Thank you Travis for the post, absolutely freaking perfect. and for the Sensual Pinay link too, I can’t wait to check it out. Absolute favorite in a long time.
Is she a spokes model for Premier Condoms featuring the Premier MAX? Product tester maybe? If so, sign me up for a box of the…well…maybe they won’t have my size.
Dorina Groh
I was gonna say
I don’t know.
Got to lookin’
Filipina blog opened
She’s really cookin’.
Nice body
Find anywhere
Good or naughty
For me
Her face
What glee
When she smiles
I’d walk miles.
She is pretty but her fhm photos doesn’t compliment her. Maybe it is the way the light hits Herr face…don’t know….
But her other photos…she is a real cutie
I’ll let you guys fight over this one. In fact, her boobs are a complete turnoff for me.
Boobs can be fixed Sir Wylde. Faces not so much. No doubt she need’s a firm up, but imagine the possibilities.
Its not just the boobs Double D. I’m not crazy about the rest either, but as is, those boobs are a deal breaker.
I wouldn’t say I’m crazy about her…but man I bet she smells good. And boobs too.
Do I hear some Grohns?
Not from me; in fact she is kinda Grohing on me.
@longtack: I can tell you there were some groans here when I read your comment. 🙂
What’s so bad about her boobs? I thought the anti-implant brigade would like them.
Doc – they’re abit saggy. From what little is shown, the size may be just right, but lifting / tightening is in order.
Well yes, they are a bit saggy, but that’s what tends to happen when mother nature goes without a little help from the Doc. 🙂 Isn’t this what the anti implant brigade want? I have to say though, the angle of that opening shot does accentuate it a lot.
she doesn’t look the least bit Asian…
I was gonna say that. She’s very pretty, but doesn’t have an asian look to me. And I like filipinas but she doesn’t look like one. Still, a good post on the beauty.
And Merry Xmas everyone! 🙂
Doc, I’m usually not a fan of implants because I don’t think its an improvement on most girls, but when they’re saggy, I’ll be the first one to agree with your methods 🙂
I have to agree with the un-Asian looking comments as well. This seems to be quite common amongst the top models and celebrities in the Philippines – it seems that Filipinos themselves really want to look western.
Her look does kinda vary from photo to photo. She has a kinda of Philipina look to her in the bottom photo above, at least mixed, and all the rest she looks sorta white…maybe latina. Buttt how bout them boobs!
They’re probably gonna hit her knees before she’s 50; but until then………
lol Wings..cruel, so cruel! Unfortunately, you might be right.
And I wouldn’t really mind being her knees, either:-)
My sister was on TV and radio in the Philippines a little while back, she got tired of all the BS and came back to settle down. She and the female cast of her show were in an issue of FHM, with Bianca King on the cover… The posing (awkward/ uncomfortable) and lighting (odd and over exposed) done for her and her costars were appalling! One of her friends looked like she was taking a crap into a pool! (sigh) nepotism… what can you do, right?
very sexy but doesn’t loook like the typical asian siren here