DivX vids at Stage6.com


Another site find. If you have the divX plugin installed in your browser, then enjoy some high quality, full screen Japanese Idol vids at Stage6.com.

User Michikito has lined up some for you. But you could of course also do your own search on the subject 😉

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0 thoughts on “DivX vids at Stage6.com”

  1. I found this site just last week. Not only can you search by video, you can also search by channel. For example, these are results for “Asian” in the channel search:


    But, there are channels of interest that don’t necessarily respond to the “Asian” tag. You might want to try “Japanese” and “Chinese”, etc.

    The variety on this site is quite good. They have full length movies (some divided into several parts), current and classic. They also have adult videos, music videos, etc.

    Here’s is a channel that claims to feature Japanese commercial films:


    This channel is for intolerable J-music, made watchable, but not listenable, by the awesome Asian Sirens:


    And, of course, a channel devoted to Asian Erotica (hooray!):


    I really just started exploring, but so far I am impressed.

    Thanks, Mr. Hood and Michikito.

  2. Thanks for the links. I’m checking out Stage 6 and the first video that I see is this sexy ass video of Reon Kadena and I’m thinking wow Stage 6 is awesome. Then a minute later the site goes down and I am like WTF. Then a minute later the site comes back up and I’m happy again. I was getting tired of the lo-res clips, so Stage 6 is great.

    Also check out this cutie.

  3. And here is a classic clip. And one more for good measure. I love a girl with a little junk in the trunk. It’s great to see clips that are in a resolution that’s not ass crappy. I love the internets.

  4. More access to the greats Kana Tsugihara, China Fukunaga, and Reon Kadena in various stages of undress. Now this is what I call valuable information.

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