Debbie from down under, is one for all our Ozzie readers. Melbourne native Debbie is of Cambodian decent and has to be one of the hottest things to have come out of Australia that I’ve noticed in recently. I’m sure she’s get a second glance even among all the eye candy available in Sunnybank.
Together modelling with the every wonderful Xena Kai
Debbie’s Stats
Age: 26 years old
Height: 5′ 2″
Eithnicity: Cambodian/Portuguese
Debbie Sath @ Google +
Debbie Sath Official Site
Debbie Sath @ Facebook
Debbie Sath Interview
Debbie Sath @ Twittter
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wowww, where do i start?
gorgeous for sure, with a kinky/provocative kind of sultry “why don’t you?” look.
Shuai, thanks , but Australia is a big place. Where will i find her?
Well, sucez, I’m sure you can safely rule out Dubbo, Wagga Wagga, and kroos’ main street of Rockhampton for a start.
My guess is that she is in the US now. But that’s a big place too. The Merc sports car is LH drive. Palm trees look Californian.
More delicious eye candy though with a killer body.
I’m in Melbourne and I’ve never heard of her, but I walk past girls like this all the time
ummmm… of course she’s an attractive lady… but she seems too… “american” for my tastes. If that makes sense. I can’t really explain better.
I guess i just prefer the more typically traditional asian type….
Awesome body…Awesome face! I too though have been thinking the same thing about the American look. Maybe a little boring…yet still hot to look at.
I’m back…and still looking! Maybe not that boring after all.
“It all went South, when she opened her mouth!” (Nah,nah…in the blender video bubba!) Maybe the Doc can give her a vocal chord implant?? OUCH!
Great bod anyway. {:-)
You should have led with a different picture – I almost didn’t click through, almost dismissing this one out of hand. Glad I didn’t, because some of those follow-up shots are just fantastic. Certainly no shortage of different “looks” for this one.
E X C E L L E N T ! ! ! This is why we ‘spread liberty’ around the world…to see their beauties!
smoking body, pretty face…very nice
I have to agree with our other resident Aussie kroos – she just isn’t Asian enough for me, and I agree she has an overly ‘American’ feel (for want of a better word), even though she’s an Aussie. I also agree with Nighthawk – her speaking is a turn-off as well. On the other hand, her body is excellent: a bod this good would normally be enough to get me interested, but not in this case. I’m actually somewhat surprised at how little I like her myself.
I am absolutely shocked by some of the comments here. I would have thought she would have scored off the charts with almost everyone here.
I’ve been a fan of Debbie for a while now, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen a bad pic of her. For me, she’s about as perfect as a girl can get. She’s the perfect blend of beautiful/sexy/cute. I don’t know what else some of you want, but I give this girl a 10.
Very pretty eyes and mouth!
Beautiful face and implants. But concerned from a few of the pictures that she’s going to get thick and after getting married really get big.
Ohhh well…Mr.(or Ms) West Coast(of WHAT?). You have VISIONS of the future about the figure of the women here? Have another SNORT bugaloo, your style of commentary is not welcome.
Kinda’ looks like Kaylani Lei facially.Not much going on with the rear end.Baby got no backs.
She’s a pretty girl…but she helps her cause a lot if she would get in the gym & tighten up those arms & legs. As things sit-you can tell she’s just surfing on her still youthful metabolism.Oh…and get some voice lessons.Not sure I’d want her moaning in my ear.
@Westcoast: I had to edit your comment – this isn’t the first time you’ve personally attacked another commenter, and if you do it again, it will be the last time you comment here at all.
@Nighthawk: your comments are borderline as well. Please refrain from attacking other commenters, even if that person has done it themselves.
@wylde: as I said – given how great her body is – I’m surprised I don’t like her more myself. But there’s just something about her that puts me off.
Wow! I suddenly like Australia a whole lot more;) actually she really does look like a Cali girl more than an Aussie girl, though as much as I think she’s hot there are many So Cal girls/ models I like more. Still, very sexy girl. First pic was my favorite, less on the rest. I’m a little surprised I don’t like her more
And the beautiful young lady in the Aussie bikini next to her is Serena Fuentes, a Filipina.
Nice body.
Really stunning. Some of the photos didn’t seem to catch her at her best. In the Philippines they laugh when you call a woman “exotic”, it means negative things and of course they love the hybrid look more than the pureblood, but in every positive sense of the word Debbie is exotic. I love the balance of her petite lower body with the ample bosom. A lot of different looks here, very versatile. Tennis, anyone? I think I would go love-40 on that one.