Daily Postings for the Holidays (and an ID Request)


As Travis has built up quite a big backlog of posts over the past year, we’ve decided to switch to a daily posting schedule for the holidays, starting today. How long will it go for? I’m not sure at this stage, but I expect to return to posting every other day early in the new year, so enjoy it while it lasts!

So who is the super hot girl in the pic above? That’s what one of our readers wants to know, and so do I! She looks very familiar though, so I may be missing someone very obvious. Whatever the case, I’m sure one of our readers will let us know. 🙂

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0 thoughts on “Daily Postings for the Holidays (and an ID Request)”

  1. I don’t understand how she can not be judged a Mainlander solely on her makeup. Chinese women do use eyeshadow… and fake lashes too (although not the case here I’d say). But I do agree with Shuai Ge’s assessment, probably because of her (probably augmented, imported) impressive rack.
    JLH kroos?? U sure? lol

  2. IMO, these pictures have tumblr written all over them, so I’m thinking the best shot at IDing her will be from there.

  3. After the flood of all the daily posts solo1975, I think by next week, she will have slipped all of our notice. But I hope someone DOES ID her.

  4. But we won’t give up trying until we get to the ‘bottom’ of this mystery woman will we guys?

  5. Damn!!!! Hottest normal viet girl I have ever seen!!!!! Hopefully she puts herself out there so we can know her name!!!! haha

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