Crystal L Wacker

Interesting name if nothing else. I found a gallery of her and was a bit intrigued as she is not the type of usual seemingly malnourished Southeast/East Asian girls that I like. So I figured on that basis, maybe you guys might approve!Sacramento, CA
Age 18
Weight: 113
Measurements: 34B-24-34

Well, I approve of the age group I suppose; always wanting to help the [legal] younger generation learn important matters in life. Who knows? Maybe she could teach me things about what those wacky American teenagers are doing these days! 🙂

Full gallery.

*Hangs head in shame over tattoo; returns to surfing porn in silence*

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0 thoughts on “Crystal L Wacker”

  1. Not too shabby. All natural beauty it seems – hopefully won’t try to make it “better” with something alien to human body.

  2. Crystal is 18… so am I.
    Crystal has Grey Goose… so do I.
    Crystal is Asian… I think I’m dreaming.
    >>> L Wacker <<< haha lol classic.

  3. I’m sure Playboy will hate on their pic being displayed and not hidden after the jump. She’s also 19 now but who cares. Anyway, Crystal is cute, has a great smile, and a butt that could use a slapping, preferably by me. The only problem is that damn tattoo by her vaj. She would have been better off without it.

  4. Yeah she’s really hot. She’s been around awhile though. She must be 20 or 21 by now? Playboy as usual underutilized her. Surprise!

  5. Since when did Freeones have accurate info? They’re just grabbing info from the net. She is Caucasian and Asian and she does look more Caucasian than Asian, but to me the important thing is she’s cute and naked. And she would still look Caucasian if she didn’t wear the contacts and went with her natural hair color.

  6. As I recall, Crystal appeared on the Playboy Audition site a few years ago. It turned out that Wacker was her real name. A search under that name came up with photos of her as a contestant in the Miss California Pageant, representing Sacramento. A few weeks after the first group of photos went up, Playboy went in and changed her name to Crystal Carmel. A search under that name leads to several shoots and videos with Playboy, but then she didn’t resurface again. But a really great girl.

  7. TheGermy, thanks for posting that. Based on the pics, I had doubts she was Asian, at all. In a couple of the pics she looks like she COULD be part Asian, but in most of the pics, I don’t see it.

  8. She’s very pretty and has a gorgeous smile. I’m a big fan of “mixed” girls as they tend to have a very unique look. I find it odd that some here didn’t recognize her Asian look – I think she actually looks more Asian than caucasian in many of the pics (the eyes give it away).

    That said, I am a fan of the tattoo. Go body art go!

  9. Yeah gotta go with Sevendeuce on that one. Can’t believe you guys can’t spot the Asian in her. It’s screaming! Wouldn’t even ever consider her as Caucasian if it weren’t for the contacts that kinda throw you off….a little.

  10. Her eyes are color contacts, that isn’t “all natural”, and she is at most half asian if not a quarter. Yes, it shows in her eyes, and yes, seeing that those almond shaped eyes are the most attractive asian feature, she got a great mix.

    However, some of you asian lovers need to understand that asians dont have a MONOPOLY on almond shaped eyes, and sometimes white or especially hispanic women will have those kind of eyes despite not being part asian.

    She has a nice body, but needs to fill out her chest, just like miko sinz. All you small titty loving enhancement haters out there can whine all you want, but the fact is that a good boob job can massively help any woman with a little A cup like that who want to make a career out of taking off her clothes. The vast majority of men out there will take fake Cs and Ds over real As any day of the week.

    Once you start getting into the full B range, the benefits of enhancement start to get murky, and with natural Cs I think enhancement is a bad idea unless it is to correct sagging.

  11. More Asian than white and I like her T’s but I wouldn’t cry in my milkshake if she decided to enhance.

  12. She seems more white than asian indeed. But what the heck, as long as she is hot (she is) and a bit asian, I’ll appreciate her.

    lawfin is right, some south americans have also almond shaped eyes. Well, at least 5/6 right. 🙂

  13. With the exception of the shape of her eyes in some of the photos, what exactly are you guys looking at that is “screaming” asian?

    I think she has asian in her, but not a whole lot.

  14. Wylde are ya kidden me? She has cheek bone structure, eye shape, skin tone, and body type that all “scream” Asian. She’s as much Hispanic as I am…which is nada. I can’t believe this even being debated.

    And huge thank you to Zamscan for the sets and vids!

  15. Doc, based on a few of the pictures I would agree that she is quite possibly part Asian (but certainly not close to full Asian).

    Yes, I have seen Hispanics with eyes like that, and it is also possible that she could have some Native (American/Mexican/Central/South American) blood, or something. Actually, I think the features some of you are attributing to “Hispanic” or South American people is probably a result of the mixture with the Natives from the region.

    I think it is far from conclusive, that she is Asian.

  16. That’s funny, dazn…I’ve sometimes found myself getting turned on while watching the Discovery channel and seeing those documentaries with the naked native amazon women. They do have some similarities to filipinas and malaysian women.

  17. Arf you’d get turned on by a cool breeze and a wink from a resident at a retirement complex.

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