This is Cristal Vang. Like Ariya Ly, she is also Hmong, but unlike Ariya, Cristal emailed us directly asking to be featured on Asian Sirens. That automatically makes her awesome, so be respectful. She is one of the Hmong Hotties, and she is addicted to green gummy bears.Stats:
Age: 22
Height: 5’3
Weight: 105
Ethnicity: Hmong
Hometown: Merced, California

Cristal Vang
Nitin Productions
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I just found out about her like 3 days ago. She’s a hottie. The only knock on her is the tat on the small of her back.
I think she should smile more. Her few photos with her smiling are her best, in my opinion (I did not post them all here), but she does not appear to do it very often. Also she is 22, so I am excited to see where she will be in 3 or 4 years.
ouahh i am in love 🙂
she is very pretty & sexy !
nice girl…
yes tat with her name = not very cool but here is the life of a young model lady
She definitely should smile more. Maybe she doesn’t like her smile or something like that, but I like her best when she is. Looks like she is rocking a snaggletooth. I find a little bit of snaggle on Asian women to be cute. Just not too much like some of the Japanese women that I used to see when I was there where it looked like they’ve been chewing on metal pipes when they were younger. Not so cute.
I’ll take it….
Wow! I can overlook the ‘stamp’ on her lower back. What a bod! My proverbial hat is off to her implant MD! A god among men!
I think I could make her smile – or die trying.
Definately a hottie, but not looking Hmongish at all.
Wow she looks really good.
I think her tatts are done much more tastefully than some recently featured, they really don’t bother me.
The tatt is sexy.. lovely breast.
She does look good. I don’t know what part of her I like best.
Cristal, if you read this, your body is banging in that last photo. Keep up the good work.
Most of these Hmong girls seem to have a kind of “nasty” look to them that I find quite unattractive. This girl seems to have quite a nice body though.
Her breasts are just so round and lovely. Fantastico times two.
Pretty, sexy girl. Nice little body. I like her facial expressions–and the tats are fine by me, too. Only complaint from me is the fake breasts, which unnaturally jut out into space. But she is still quite a hottie.
I LOVE the unnatural breasts that just jut out into space! But please Crystal show us something! Too hot a bod to do the implied nudity stuff. It’s been done to death! Good luck with the new site!
“NASTY” is good! UmUmGood!
Attention “tat-haters”: There are two,count ’em…TWO tats!!! (knarf got ’em)
The Hmong & Mongolian ladies have eyes with similar shape..very sexy IMHO.
I don’t have a problem with her tats as I can look passed them, I’m just saying she could have done without the one above her asscrack.
Very hot! I am not a fan of tatoos myself, but on that body, I don’t actually see them, too busy looking at the other stuff…
Cute enough…flawless boobies.Maybe I’ll send her some green gummi bears for the holidays.
She is sexy and smart enough to know how to promote her modelling skills. I like that in a woman.
And I love the last 2 photos, her body is fantastic. I’ll be watching what she does.
Good luck Cristal and keep them coming, the pics!
hot but not as innocent looking as i typically like
Nasty is good if you like nasty…
she looks more viet then hmong. but yes shes a HOTTIE..wonder what she looks like without the flashy makeup..PIC PLEASE haha!
Come on my fellow men! Stop complaining about i like this I don’t like that. We all have flaws! Tattoos … so called body arts have been with us for ages. Ms. Cristal tattoos are done tastefully and not overly done or REPULSIVE. Be appreciated that she actually was kind enough to share her beauty with us. Enough say… Thank you Asian Sirens for sharing all the wonderful photos of beautiful Asian women through the ages.
This site kick rear end! 🙂
Beautiful…that first pic knocked me off my feet.
Nice looking butt crack has been known to do that to you from time to time. Nothing to worry about though…just enjoy.
Actually this girl is really hot. She has that import model look, and pulls it off well.
I had to lol at her tat, not because I don’t like it, I do, I dont think all tramp stamps are bad, some can be really cute.
The funny part is that it is HER NAME, so I immediately thought “Is this so that guys can remember your name during doggy?” Haha.
I was also blown away by the first photo, and I would love to see more of this girl. Enjoyed the links as well, thanks!