Christine Jang’s Most Popular Korean Lesson

Last year, Korean language teacher Christine Jang gained Internet notoriety after a particular part of one of her video lessons went viral, thanks to her delightfully unique pronunciation of the world’s most popular soft drink.

Due to their chagrin, those at the language study website that produced the video, have long since edited the infamous segment to omit Miss Jang’s erroneous vowel substitution (and claim copyright infringement whenever they catch the unedited clip posted somewhere, in order to get it yanked). However, you can enjoy it in its original, unedited form above. Those of you who feel the need to hear Miss Jang say what she says over and over for a full hour and would rather do that than seek professional help, you can do so here. Study hard.

EDIT: Due to this post’s original video being deleted by Break, it’s been replaced with a wonderfully-edited Youtube version of said video, which even more thoroughly emphasizes Miss Jang’s dedication as a teacher.

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