Chi Ling Lin: The Secret To a Long Life

Chi ling Lin

Huang Chunyi, is 94 years young and does not credit vegetables, meditation, Tai Chi or Metamucil with his health. He says it is because he cuts out photos of beautiful women and stores them in scrapbooks. China News reported this is a daily event. His collection contains favorites Cameron Diaz, Penolope Cruz and revered 173 CM/53 KG Taiwan model Chi ling Lin.This worthy hobby now totals about 100,000 pictures. The Taiwan resident says looking at photos of beautiful women every day is the secret to his longevity. He has been doing this for twenty years since he retired as a chef while in Japan. He says he hopes the scrapbooks, which help him maintain “sharp eyes and ears” (ears?), will become family heirlooms.

View more of Chi Ling at

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0 thoughts on “Chi Ling Lin: The Secret To a Long Life”

  1. I can understand the ears part. But first I was thinking that they were saying that Chin Ling Lin was 94.

    Anyway if you older large metal sisscors to cut paper it makes this wonderful sound! Not only the sissors but also the papaer!

  2. LOL! How do you say ‘drooling lecher’ in Taiwan’s language?

    Chi Ling Lin is nice. I’m sure if she showed up at the old gomer’s door he’d have a stroke and die.

  3. Ya, after the Cameron D comment I wondered about his keen eyesight, but…

    Thanks Dr. Lee…Would never have put up the same pic’ if I had seen it (not that this one is not worth several more peeks) when I did a search…

    I WILL get the hang of this…

  4. Yep, whenever you do a post, always check for what’s already here. Also, please do not do your titles in all caps – try to keep the look of your posts as consistent with everybody else’s as possible. Apart from that (as I said) nice post!

  5. Welcome Santini!! Interesting article that I quite enjoyed reading.

    So where do you live and how did you get hooked up with us here at Asian sirens? 🙂

  6. I am in the South of China a little berg of about 8 million called Guangzhou. I am about about 2 hours from Hong Kong or Macau.

    I am a Univerity Prof’ here, but SOME of my off-duty loves include writing and photography.

    I am accepting a professorship at a University in Macau for next year and looking forward to the unbelievable Macanese/Cantonese beauties there.

    I have been a fan of your site so long I just had to jump in…. thanks….

  7. But good to have you on the team Santini! Nice post.

    Ohw, one more thing, could you upload images to our server instead of deeplinking? You never know when the external site goes down 😉

  8. Sure, I can put the images up…I have them stored on my site, so unlikely they will go down unless I am hit by a bus or arrested by the censors in the PRC….hmmm…

    I use MAC and/or IBM with FF…No problems here….But, nothing works as it should on Mainland servers…Like Major Major in Catch 22: When I am out I am in and when I am in I’m out…Same principle for the Chinese Internet…

    Thanks all…

  9. Another tip Santini, according to Robin’s specs, the pictures should be exactly one of these pixel widths: 300 or 350 or 400 and at 72 DPI. If it’s a tall image, we tend to go with 300 or 350. On wide images, 400 is best.

    This is just for a consistant look.

    Did I get that right Robin?

  10. Robin’s certainly trained you well NorthMan. 😉

    FireFox shouldn’t be any problem on a Mac – I use a Mozilla-based browser myself.

  11. Lee…I was trained well because of all of the mistakes I made on my first few postings! (i.e., the “no dildos” rule!) But, I’ve always been one to learn from my mistakes. Well, usually. 🙂 hehe!

  12. For several hundred great photos of Lin Chiling modeling in Taiwan, you guys should check out this link:

    Two more galleries of her at parties for her in Taiwan here:

    Also, a great set of photos of the other top model in Taiwan who gives Chiling a run for her money, Lin Jiaqi (or Patina Lin), here:

    And plenty of nice shots of other pretty Taiwanese women in that photographer’s galleries if you take a look around.

  13. Ahinama: It was hard to navigate through those virtual proof sheets on the site. Nice shots, but I would love to see more variety.
    Thanks for the lead.

  14. Agreed, he puts too much up, but you can choose what you like. And I like the chance to see her and others in slightly more “natural” settings than what you get from scans of fashion shoots for magazines.

    Lin Jiaqi has a fan site here, which is in Chinese and desperately needs more pics, but there are some good ones on the “Latest News” page:

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